
Comedy #109

Sinisterhood is the comedy podcast about all things sinister, covering true crime, cults, cryptids, unsolved mysteries, and strange phenomena.Join Dallas-based comedians and best friends Christie Wallace and Heather McKinney each Wednesday as they bring you weekly episodes with plenty of research, lots of laughs, and legal insight from Heather, a licensed attorney.Plus, catch all new odd but true tales submitted by listeners every Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Justinabean
    I cannot say enough good things about this podcast. I’ve been listening for years. I appreciate the empathetic approach, the amount of research done, and the references to the legal side of things. I also appreciate the laughs and sillies bc they’re definitely needed 💖 thank you, besties.
  • BurkotoG
    How did I just find you ladies?
    I’ve been listening to this pod non stop for a week now. I started with the freaky Fridays and cherry picked episodes until I got to the Kristen Smart episodes. This podcast has everything I love. The hosts are perfect, I love they the have legal and phyc. Background and give some insight into the cases. Thanks for the show ladies.
  • dashagreen
    The Killing of Ken Rex part 2
    I just wanted to say i was listening this morning, and when you said your daughter got two New Guinea pigs, and once I heard the names my mouth dropped!! Recently last month i got two new kittens, and their names are Luna and Pearl!!!!!
  • ACaylen
    New Favorite
    Only really reviewing to support this podcast after people decided to cry about the hosts political positions. Keep pissing off the snowflakessss
  • MoreBrandi
    You had me at Monster of Dildo Island
    Ok I’ve been following and listening for a while but after that episode you guys deserve all the patrons in the world. Especially the ones from Dildo Island. You guys are the only lady podcasters that are eighty’s babies and since I myself am an eighty’s baby and a ninety’s wild teenager I’m gonna just start giving you guys some money every month to make me laugh!! I love the sense of humor and the friendship you guys share. Thanks for making this crazy mom laugh at something else besides herself today
  • alisongtx
    Liberal garbage
    Had to listen to them go on about “ riding the blue wave” and voting liberal- even though the reason our country is in bad shape is DUE TO THE LIBERALS IN OFFICE. Come on ladies, use your brains and think for yourselves. Wanted to like them but don’t respect anyone who votes blue just because it’s not red.
  • Photogmagob
    Leave politics out of it
    Please leave politics out of your podcast. Hilarious that you clearly think the Biden admin hasn’t used government to go after their enemies and your soap boxing that Trump is going to be a tyrant. Projection.
  • Boxcarvp45
    Was one of my favorite podcast
    Wow to bring politics into your podcast praising Obama and Biden while dogging Trump. I was fixing to become a Patreon to your podcast but you changed my mind on that. You are obviously bias failing to mention the bogus warrants etc and claims against Trumps presidency. TRULLY DISAPPOINTED!!!!
  • Mgal13859@7262$1
    Top tier ladies
    Everything about their podcast is great! Their diverse and interesting topics, their well timed banter, the layout of their show! All of it! You can tell they really put their hearts into the production and creation of this pod. I have other “go to” podcasts that I also support and adore, but this one feels like they still CARE about their job instead of putting out content for the monetary value only, like a lot of others do. They are intelligent, well spoken, sensitive and also manage to be hilarious! Not to mention, I can’t get ENOUGH of their accents! (I’m a Montana gal and just love their southern swag!) 5-star pod and it’s obvious that they are 5-star human beings.
  • catchingthesehanns
    Spooky Sisters
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. They’re funny and informative. They pick super interesting topics and Heather gives a legal perspective I’ve never heard before. Super entertaining and very respectful of true crime topics. I highly recommend!!
  • TABurke0425
    If You Are Fascinated With True Crime Treat Yourself To Two REAL Women Keeping It Real
    A refreshing comedic podcast with two unpretentious and uplifting women, discussing my favorite topic - true crime! What I appreciate about this podcast is that these women are about empowering other women AND they do their homework about the cases they cover. I love the fact that Heather is an attorney, giving us legal perspective. This show is multifaceted giving listeners the opportunity to write in their own “Freaky Friday” stories about true crime, the supernatural and all things freakishly unexplainable. I am SO glad I found this podcast and have been binge-listening to it for a month! THANK YOU LADIES, as I am now a BIG fan! Keep on, keeping it freaky!
  • Amanda-Panda996
    My favorite podcast
    Love the variety of episodes they have. Heather and Christie are two of the funniest people ever. Their mix of comedy, true crime, and paranormal is amazing. They provide great information while making you laugh or cry. When they do true crime cases you can tell how much they care about the victims and those effected.
  • Backrooms rizzler
    Ohio gyAt rizz Ohio lookmaxing Alfa male sigma male giga chad
  • CamilleyC
    OMG I found my sinister soul sisters!!!
    This podcast is my spirit animal! You are both so great! I love the way you tell your stories and input from both of you! I cannot stop listening! I love the voices from Heather! Please don’t stop!!! I think it adds to the comedy part of the show and I love improv! EVERY single episode is researched thoroughly and I’ve learned so much! I would liken Your podcast to MFM. It’s that amazing, for all the murderinos out there reading this, and also different from them in a great way! I love your commentary! Y’all crack me up with your banter and once again, Heather, your impressions are spot on! Thank you for this podcast! I’ve told my friends to listen! Keep up the great work Ladies!
  • Eaglet81
    My absolute favorite podcast
    This show has it all: humor, friendship, research, pig facts, saucy dog puppets, other uses for In-and-Out bags. What more do you need?
  • Tamtoes
    This is my favorite podcast. The love and relationship between Heather and Christie is so great! I love the compassion for the victims and their families is so refreshing. Also, the respect for their listeners is very appreciated.
  • Rrudy1
    Getting Too Political
    Just a reminder that you have listeners on both sides of the political aisle. Would be great to be able to tune into a podcast for the stories and leave the politics out of it…if you want to chat about how much you hate America, start a political channel.
  • Kelly’s Bigfoot Playlist
    If I could get high on a sea wall with any podcasters…
    Elder millennial/ Gen X super smart and warmhearted ladies talk true crime and weird stuff and are going to help me become a better werewolf. If you enjoy the kind of podcasts where it feels like hanging out with friends, where their humor can be racy but never mean, you will probably fall in love with them like I did. I am constantly hearing about stories that I need to research and find out more about. They talk me down from joining a cult, make me question my own beliefs, open me up to whole new worlds and make stunning Jared Leto art.
  • AudzP
    So many ads
    Stories are good, but there’s an insane amount of ads. It seems as though there’s an ad between each listener story.
  • Eastlake Rob
    Don’t Bother
    The storytelling is banal at best, and the thumbnail artwork looks cobbled together by someone who has a very basic grasp of Photoshop.
  • Lpbailey
    The Millers
    Great episode. I’m wondering if we can put JP Miller in a cell next to Alec Murdaugh. Let them rot together mainly we need to erase their names from history so that everyone forgets about them. That would be the worst punishment for these men.
  • SassyNYC123
    So many ads!
    Great podcast, but way too many ads.
  • CamiHig2011
    New listener
    I’m a newer listener. I’m very picky about my podcasts, I’ll give shows an episode or 2 to impress me, if I’m not WOWed, I move right along. These ladies hooked me right away, they’re hilarious, compassionate, they have great voices and stories. I even become a member of their Patreon because I like them so much! Keep up the great work, ladies!
  • nvme7
    Favorite Podcast
    Of all the podcasts I consume, these gals are my favorite. They’re relatable, respectful, hilarious, intelligent and fun. It’s a nice balance of true crime, paranormal, topical, etc. their banter is balanced, they’re genuine, honest and their candor is refreshing. 10/10 recommend! 🫶🏼
  • imdesa
    Loving these ladies
    These two are hilarious and so incredibly informed on the topics they share. I love the voice re-enactments and their hot takes on the cases. Heather’s legal Knowledge really provides such a great example insight that other podcasts can’t offer.
  • Stay Sanitary
    To much banter
    get to the point no one cares about the nonsense 15min go by this episode & they still haven’t got to the topic turned it off & was shown that these podcasters can’t make one single good episode
  • netxnic
    This is a comfort show for me
    Love these ladies so much! The topics they cover are so interesting and I like that they don’t cover the same stuff that every true crime podcast does. They do have true crime episodes, but they also do deep dives into the paranormal, conspiracy theories, cults, aliens, and other freaky stuff. They are hilarious and have such a good dynamic and communication style with one another. Their banter is sometimes long but I enjoy it! Good podcast to listen to for stories of the macabre with a touch of humor.
  • witknee lee
    Wonderful, excellent can’t get enough!
    You gals rock my socks! You are the only podcast that I have become a Patreon of. Best decision of my life. You have gotten me threw so many ups and downs and as a Buddhist and fellow adhd brained female I relate to Heather so much. Now that I’m back in the states from living in Germany I need to attend some live shows and steams. Keep up the awesomeness! Love you both!! Now I need to sit down and write in for a freaky Friday!
  • MJS 1980
    Creepy and Hilarious!
    Do you enjoy a fully scripted recounting of paranormal or true crime stories? If so, you’re in the wrong place. But if you love a couple of hilarious ladies recounting spooky or crime tales, with frequent comical tangents usually dovetailing to movies or TV show references, you’ve found the podcast of your dreams. These funny gals share well researched stories and events with humor and side of legal education. Essentially, if you love true crime/spooky stories and humor, you’re in the right place!
  • Regina108
    Can’t stay on topic
    30 minutes in and I don’t even know what the episode is about. Only clicked on this because I didn’t see any other ones with the case I wanted to listen to. You don’t need to explain Dairy Queen for five minutes straight.
  • Lex850677
    My favorite podcast
    I LOVE this podcast. The hosts make me laugh, gasp and every facial expression in between during dog walks and every day life. Good times and bad. I’m so grateful for the pod and the outlook of these two ladies. PS love the Freaky Friday episodes!
  • Katyw82
    Most favorite
    I have been listening to this podcast for probably 4 years but it feels like just last year. They are my most absolute favorite. They are respectful to the victims. They take their time to research. I just love them.
  • SammyLToth
    Fun and Freaky!
    Both ladies bring the fun while talking about scary paranormal events and brevity when talking about tragic true crime stories!
  • luckily not you
    Love it
    This last freaky Friday made me cry. I’m a machinist and tearing up while operating the drill press was a new experience. Good thing I’m facing the wall! ❤️
  • unleash_the_breest
    Love These Ladies
    I have recommended this show to so many people. I love the comedic banter between these two ladies and find their dynamic to be really unique and easy listening. I love that they do highlight some paranormal stories and those are generally my favorite… but overall love the show!
  • Serious Dashua
    Great Podcast!
    Love listening to you two while I’m at work! Just listened to the latest Freaky Friday episode and I will say that I would definitely watch a HGTV show called “Scream or Scram” 😂
  • 'Jenkins'
    Generally OK
    I like the podcast, generally, but can we please stop trying to make “sus” happen? It sounds ridiculous and the constant use of it is getting old.
  • Kdstamp
    I love this show! I love their topics, banter and how Heather will explain why certain things may happen in regards to the law. Great show and recommend to everyone!
  • KJ'sLeroy
    Instant new fan!
    I first heard these lovely ladies when they did a collaboration episode on National Park After Dark and I immediately had to find their pod. I’ve started from the beginning and look forward to every episode. Thank you for all the hard work you put into these shows for us to enjoy.
  • BareWithJenny
    Love the topics and your voices. Listen while I weight lift 🥰
  • Lovesblue
    More hysterical than creepy!
    These two women are quick witted and have lots of personality and chemistry in their relationship. They can make any story funny, hysterically funny, even when the story has something tragic behind it. They are always advocates for the victims, do great research, try to get at the truth, educate the public about difficult topics, but in the most entertaining way that is comical without being offensive. That combination is a real talent and it works!
  • EmilyP-B
    So binge-able!
    This podcast genuinely makes me laugh out loud. Heather and Christie are a hoot and a half, and balance their comedy out with great research and well-organized thoughts. It’s one of the few podcasts I can binge and even re-listen to! If you need a new show to add to your life, this one’s it.
  • tarawen
    My absolute fav!!
    I’ve been a listener since 2020 and through out the years this is my favorite podcast. They are so respectful, informative, hilarious and eye opening! I LOVE their Patreon content, listeners are featured a lot and they really have created a great community! I’ve stopped listening to a lot of true crime pods I used to like but these two have stood the test of time and I listen to them everyday ❤️❤️❤️
  • monstapastrami
    My favorite podcast
    I love this podcast. Every week I learn something new and I have the best time learning it. Heather and Christie are smart, funny, and honestly after listening to every episode, I feel like they are my friends. This is one of the only podcasts that my husband will listen to with me, so that’s saying something!
  • bgrune131
    Beats MFM hands down
    Ever since my friend suggested I listen to Sinisterhood, I’ve been HOOKED! Christie & Heather are absolutely hilarious, but also cover serious stories with such grace. I can hard relate to both of them & I adore this them and this podcast. LISTEN NOW!! You won’t be disappointed!
  • RunWriteRepeat
    My favorite podcast!
    Heather and Christie have struck the perfect balance in their funny, smart, thoughtful, and occasionally raunchy podcast! I started listening for the true crime content but stayed because the hosts are a genuine joy. I especially appreciate their commitment to respecting victims and advocating for human rights.
  • SubHub
    I ❤️ Sinisterhood
    Take it from McGruff, the best true crime duo! Each case handled with such care and analytical prowess. Life goal is to make it to a life show. Love you ladies!!
  • ihategooglehome
    The only podcast I listen to
    I’ve listened to Sinisterhood for over five years now, and I’m still obsessed with Heather and Christie after all these years. Their style of storytelling is captivating and hilarious at times while still treating serious and sad cases of true crime with respect and dignity. I love how genuine and authentic they are with each other and how willing they are to just be themselves in every episode. That’s what will draw you in, feeling like you’ve got your best friends telling you a story because their friendship comes through so much. Love this podcast and Heather and Christie, it’s literally the only podcast I’ll listen to regularly and will recommend widely.
  • j. beans
    First time I’ve left a review for any podcast
    I feel it necessary to leave a review for these gals because I absolutely love their podcast. They are both very smart women, and yet so funny! If you end up not liking this podcast, it’s probably because you’re too stuffy.
  • thecardsaysmoop
    Sexxxii McGruff 🐺
    Tuning in from Austin y’all are so good natured and sweet Appreciate the additional context provided in Llorona episode:)
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