We Gotta Thing - A Swinger Podcast

Sexuality #68

We are a long-time married couple deepening our relationship through the swinging lifestyle . We intend for our podcast to resonate with those having similar life experience and values who are either in or potentially entering the lifestyle. Not a "how to" resource but more of a "what if" resource that generates authentic conversation between couples to help them find their place in the lifestyle. Care to join us?

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Recent Reviews
  • Funsince14
    Jumped the shark
    Since the Jones’ have made the lifestyle their full-time profession and brought in all of these therapists, they have sucked the joy out of this podcast. I miss the early episodes, where this was a hobby for them (which it is for most of their audience). They’ve jumped the shark. This podcast leaves me with more confusion and self-doubt. Bring back the joy.
  • aa bean
    Simply the best!
    I just love the chemistry between you two, such an excellent example of what love and life should look like. Love you podcast above all others. Thank you for what you’re doing to help educate and spread the word.
  • bishopdane
    Well done
    This is a wonderful podcast. Pretty much like most other listeners, I stumbled across it while looking for something new and fun to listen to. So far I’ve managed to work my way through about a third of the episodes and so far I’ve been superbly entertained and so has my wife. I love hearing their perspective. Great advice and awesome people. Even if we never (never say never) delve super into the lifestyle, the change in perspective on nearly every aspect of our daily lives has been amazing. It's refreshing to hear that we aren't the only ones that have the same fears, insecurities, and make the same mistakes. We’re all in the same boat at times and we’re all learning. Once a mind has been opened, it’s not going yo go back to where it was. Thank you both for sharing a small part of your lives with us. I say, ‘Well done!’ To the block head that says you turned this into a money making scheme, blow. Entertaining the populace isn’t cheap. Well done to the Jones’s for being able to recoup some of the expenses they incur with every episode made for us all to listen to.
  • MelandRJ
    Love the Format and Content
    I recently found this podcast through another one, and am so glad I did. While not currently in the lifestyle, it has been an active discussion so I have been listening to lots of podcasts and reading lots of material. I started at the beginning with this one, and can’t stop listening. It’s so clear how much you love and care for each other. And the information you provide seems real… not just for ratings. I’ve shared many episodes with my husband and it has helped so much with our open and honest conversations. Thank you for an excellent podcast!
  • LTL/
    Cult Like
    We listened for years and even joined their group and went to several of their events and met them several times. Over the years they have evolved into a strictly money making business - from an informative entertainment format. Which is fine - that’s their. We think it’s fine for newbies trying to find their lane. Our big problem is they come across as their own LS guidelines, rules, play style etc is the only correct way to do this. We have literally had other couples tell us “that’s not what the Jones’s say”. Got too creepy and cult like.
  • 69goat69
    Why bother if it’s negative they won’t post it
    Tried to leave a review but they would’nt post it. I wonder how many they haven’t let the world see. Get over yourselves.
  • TexasTino
    Lack Luster
    I binged this show with hopes it would get exciting. Mrs. Jones is energetic and keeps me engaged, when Mr. Jones starts to speak he brings down the energy making it difficult to keep my attention. His monotone voice doesn’t have any excitement whatsoever. The early episodes were very informative and had great experiences, now it’s all about events and how they hope it pays off.
  • Anonymous_Michigan
    They’ve gone down a weird path
    This used to be our favorite lifestyle podcast, but they’ve taken a really unfortunate path these past couple of years. Ever since they got outed, they became very sales-y, which is annoying but can’t blame them. But the way they handled their Desire takeover during the peak of the pandemic (and got everyone sick), plus the super Trumpy/anti-science vibes they’ve been giving out lately (like featuring that Canadian woman who talked about their “dang government shutting everything down” in the latest episode), have really turned us off from them.
  • drrroid
    Loving Couple
    It comes across how much you are real and love each other. I am getting into shape listening to so thanks so much for being the best part of my workouts.
  • Russg1008
    When doing our research about the lifestyle, SO many forums all pointed us to the knowledgeable and velvety smooth podcast of Mr and Mrs Jones! Thank you for your public service. M: We absolutely love your show! 26 episodes in and every single one leaves me eager for the next.
  • greatcpl
    Great show
    Thanks for sharing your very personal most recent journey! You are doing a tremendous service to men and women who love them!
  • SL 3456
    New to the podcast
    Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I’m currently binging your podcast and currently on episode 13! I have listen to a few different podcast regarding the lifestyle. I want to let you know I can hear the love and enjoyment in your voices when you do your podcast! I am enjoying your podcast and can’t wait to finish all the episodes!
  • MastSuAK
    Authentic and relatable
    We aren’t in the LS (yet 😉) but Mr. & Mrs. Jones have answered so many questions for us. This podcast really helped us see that the LS is a spectrum instead of “all or nothing.” Being empty nesters, this podcast truly resonates with us. Keep it up Mr. & Mrs. Jones!
  • Tmayeux
    A must listen
    Anyone at any stage of the journey should be able to find relatable information….along with the sexiest voice in podcasting
  • ManNYPD
    Extremely informative
    The sexy voice of Mrs Jones and the articulate Mr Jones are such a perfect combination to help the wife and I make our decisions into the LS. They’re funny, yet have answered so many of our questions by the 3rd episode. We’re hooked and we listen as much as we can. We’re now on episode 12 and can’t get enough of them. As of now, I feel Mr Jones’ mic should be turned up. He’s very soft spoken. Maybe he’s further from the mic than Mrs Jones. And honestly, if that’s the worst issue I have, I just raise the volume. Lol We can’t thank them enough and we hope one day to meet them and just personally thank them for the service they are doing for the community.
  • fireman6061
    Best Lifestyle Podcast
    Everybody considering entering the lifestyle should listen to Mr & Mrs Jones first. You could avoid a lot of negativity while enhancing your experience by knowing about rules & boundaries, how & why to set them up & how to manage them as you progress. I am now retired from the lifestyle, and I sure wish we had their philosophies and advice when we were active. It could have made a great experience much better!! Thank you very much for your great work!!
  • docsahn
    An amazing view of true communication and joy
    I have only listened to a handful of all the episodes so far and I am astounded. I found this by accident searching for marriage podcasts and have listened to others as well. The joneses have the most open and real discussions about each other and I have not seen or herd another podcast that shows the level of commitment, love, and acceptance between a husband and wife that they do. This is the first lifestyle podcast I have tried and it completely changed my view of “the lifestyle.” And their explanation on faith and their struggles and how they worked through them has helped me work through some stuff with myself and my wife. We are not I. The lifestyle and never considered it before. But after seeing how accepting and loving they are together it makes me want what they have. They are amazing. Even if you don’t agree with everything their love for each other and how they better their marriage is undeniable.
  • Cowboy and Muffin
    Best Lifestyle Podcast
    I’ve listened to 78 episodes and with just a handful more to go before I have to go to 1 a month. I don’t know if I can wait that long. Great topics! I’ve learned so much. Mrs Jones’s IS the sexiest voice in lifestyle podcasts. -@CowboyandMuffin
  • Watching is Participating
    Super savory, delicious quiche
    You’re go-to podcast for informative, tantalizing, and entertaining sexy fun. After devouring all 92 episodes, I’ll admit to my crush on Mr. and Mrs. Jones. They are the epitome of open, honest, alluring, and naughty. They have given me some snapshots I’ll relish and share. In the lifestyle or not. Intrigued or horrified. Worth a listen.
  • TallAndNerdy
    A must listen for anyone intrigued by The Lifestyle
    Mr and Mrs Jones are great communicators. With each other and with their audience. Whether you swing or not, you can learn a lot about relationships by listening to them.
  • markthisspot
    Arguably, the best lifestyle podcast
    Long time listener (started when episode 3 or 4 came out), first time reviewer. Let's just say if I was able, I'd buy the Joneses new cars of their choice. They've helped us so much over the years and continue to come up with new topics that tap into what's going on in the lifestyle. We love to listen together and pause frequently to discuss what they're talking about. If you're in the lifestyle or even just dipping your toes into it, this podcast needs be your thing!
  • Jacklizz
    Fantastic People
    I recently found this podcast and Mr and Ms. Jones are fantastic people! Down to earth and easy to listen too. I found their podcast well scripted, covering a lot of common issues in the lifestlye, well edited and put together. Cheers to many more!
  • rider625
    Mr and Mrs. Jones
    If you want to learn about the lifestyle- the good and bad, the ups and downs, and everything in between- Mr and Mrs Jones are the gold standard.
  • Wilber122
    Oh my, Mr & Mrs Jones!
    My partner and I have been listening for a little over a year and we adore this couple and their beautiful stories and insights. Can’t recommend them enough! ;) -Coast2CoastCpl
  • fandaico
    Very interesting
    Very interesting and stimulating. There is so much misinformation out there about non monogamous lifestyles and your podcast helps clarify so many things. Highly recommended for an easy, interesting listen.
  • ENMonogamist
    As exciting as oatmeal
    This podcast is exceptionally bland. It reminds of of oatmeal. I feel like I’m listening to churchy grandparents talk about their bedroom escapades, NPR style. Apparently that’s their thing.
  • Tdaniel199514
    New to the scene
    Mr. O and I, Mrs. O, have been married 26 years and are new to the lifestyle. Your podcast has truly helped us to navigate the do’s and do nots, and eased the anxiety of expectations! We are still stumbling around, lol, but having more fun doing it. And I have to say, I truly feel so much closer to Mr. O, when I didn’t even think that would be possible!!! Who knew?!! Oh, and P.S. I kissed a girl, AND I LIKED IT!!!! WHO KNEW THAT EITHER?!!! Lol, my hubby is a happy man
  • Krahmitus
    Love the podcast. My beautiful wife and I have been married 26 years now, and just started dipping our toes into the lifestyle and live it, can’t believe what we’ve been missing all these years. We have met the most incredible people, and your podcast has been a huge, helpful resource as our journey continues to evolve. Thank you.
  • Liz1jade
    Not just for swingers
    This is an excellent podcast. Even if you are not interested in the lifestyle (I am though 😁) this podcast has great intellectual discussions about sex and couple dynamics. They are real people talking frankly about relationships and sex. It has opened up many discussions with my spouse and has not just really turned our bodies on but also our minds. Bravo.
  • VRomano63033
    Nothing exciting here.
    Not interesting, thought provoking or exciting. Really dull! For being one of the “originals” it just doesn’t stand the test of time! A lot of hype with no substance.
  • SoCal1992
    Great podcast!
    We are only on episode 15 and can’t wait to get through them all. The shows are well put together and very informative/interesting! Big fan!
  • ihnhvhycvb
    Awesome content
    I’ve been listening to Mr. and Mrs. Jones since May and I’m just now finishing up their most recent episodes. After listening to hours and hours of these two I can confidently say they are knowledgeable on the lifestyle and give loads of great advice, tips, and tricks. Not to mention they are some of the sexiest voices on iTunes ;). If your hesitant, don’t be!!! Give these beautiful people a listen and keep an open mind.
  • anonymous in the wilderness
    Authenticity ... yes please, episode #17, thank you
    Wow, I am thrilled that it’s ‘ok’ to say I am part of this community. I struggled early on with tip toeing into the lifestyle and #17 resonated. We have taken our journey VERY slowly, and each time we are with like minded swingers, we are relieved and amazed at 2 things.... everyone we meet seem to be more in love than most vanilla couples AND we’re not weird.... we belong. Your words in the podcasts are appreciated. Thank you!
  • xan&shawn
    Love their show!
    My wife and I really enjoy the show. Lots of insight for couples interested in the lifestyle. Very relatable and informative.
  • Thaswhatshesaid
    Best Podcast on This Topic
    Only took listening to two episodes to convince my husband to book our trip to DP! Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Jones!! I’ve recommended this PC to several people who have been contacting us through Kasidie that need some Lifestyle 101 from you guys. I’m brand new to this stuff, but after having several chats and emails sent to me, I realize I’m much better prepared and informed on the do’s and don’t than some of these folks. Rules people!! Mr. Jones, bring the Mrs to our town! We live in paradise. We would live to thank you both!
  • k80909
    Used to be awesome!
    I liked this show much better when it was not a sales pitch/how to/infomercial type thing. I moved on once they shifted gears bc it wasn’t fun anymore. I do wish them the best and do appreciate their earlier material.
  • MarinaMMLove
    Be Authentic !!!!
    I love this episode that is so true and I have experience this in my life!!! Thanks for sharing ❤️
  • DoubleL1027
    Love Mr and Mrs Jones
    This is my favorite podcast about the lifestyle
  • supernovasean
    Never a dull moment!
  • Jenkins M
    The Real Deal
    This Couple = The Real Deal. Intelligent, enlightening, open and honest, relatable couple you’ll probably want to meet someday.
  • da_spirt81
    Great podcast
    These two were an inspiration for creating our own podcast. It is sexy, light hearted, funny and rally helpful to lifestylers.
  • gfeekdfnek
    From The Beginning
    I got turned on to Mr. and Mrs. Jones while listening to the Enlighted Pineapple podcats. My wife and I are newbies in the lifestyle and this podcast has really helped us find some new topics to discuss. You guys are absolutely amazing and your love for one another comes through in the show. Thank you so much for everything you have put out there. Started on episode 1, currently on episode 26 and I look forward to my work drives every day to listen to your podcast. Cheers!!!
  • Zjaecehp
    Love these guys
    Love hearing their perspective. Great advice and awesome people. It's nice to hear that we aren't the only ones that have the same fears, insecurities, and make the same mistakes.
  • dengotron
    This podcast got us into the lifestyle!
    Hearing mr and mrs jones’ perspective got me and my girlfriend interested in the community and was instrumental in is arranging our first experiences!
  • dirtywest
    Relationship 101 even if you’re not a swinger!
    This podcast is the real deal. Regardless if you are in “the Lifestyle” or have a traditional outlook on sex and marriage, Mr & Mrs Jones share lessons, stories and tips that can improve your relationship, open up your mind to new ways of communicating with your partner, and even improve your own perception of yourself. Plus, the sexy stories are a bonus. Mr & Mrs Jones are incredibly authentic and share their personal experiences and emotions with the listener. They vividly describe all of the positive experiences they’re having together as a committed couple - and even the bad times, too. Listening to them process tough emotions or “sexy snapshots” is the most gripping and fascinating podcast experience I’ve had in a long time. If you’re contemplating entering into the lifestyle with your partner, this is the podcast for you. In any case, my advice is to start from Episode 1 and listen to them as they grow into the Lifestyle gurus they are today. It’s incredible stuff.
  • Mwalkel
    Becoming an informercial
    Sadly this once amazing podcast has become one long informercial for the Joneses seminars and community. I get that this is part of their income now, but the content has gone downhill and the selling has become ridiculous.
  • Adrianna1985
    So informative
    As a new couple in the lifestyle listening to this podcast has been such a huge help. The personalities have very smooth voices and are so easy to listen to. I love hearing the stories of their experiences and look forward to continuing to listen to their journey.
  • John Grabowski
    Every couple should listen to this!
    Honest, funny, and soooo sexy. Mr & Mrs Jones thoughtfully and intelligently relate their adventures in the Lifestyle, but so many of their stories and conversations could pertain in some ways to any relationship. I’m late to the party and only 10 episodes in so far, but have already learned so much.
  • DandB359
    Just Had To Stop
    We don’t like to be negative but shouldn’t honesty prevail? What good is a review format if it doesn’t gather opinions from all. This show is revered across the lifestyle community and that puts us in the minority of those that find these two annoying and a bit contrived. We tried for a long time to get it but, sadly, cannot. We just had to stop listening as there are so many other enjoyable shows to spend precious time on. The Mr. especially comes off as trying too hard to be perfect and seems to be a know-it-all as the Mrs. follows along with a smile. He also seems to be over-compensating for something possibly. The mystery of how this couples’ delivery developed, overshadows the content of the show unfortunately. They are probably very nice and maybe even very hot but,— very hard to listen to. Being one of the ground breaking podcasts in this genre likely garners them a pardon however.
  • Lovelyneighbors
    Refreshing, genuine, and sexy
    Mr.& Mrs. Jones are a real breath of fresh air. I am not in the Lifestyle, but it has been a topic of discussion in my relationship. I but stumbled upon “We Gotta Thing” while researching the facts from the fantasy. By sharing their own journey, the Joneses’ demonstrate introspection and supportive couples’ communication skills that are beautiful, touching, hilarious, intellectually and spiritually stimulating; While being down right funny, sexy and entertaining. They offer serious information for those intrigued by the Lifestyle, while not taking themselves too seriously. The fact they are a successfully long term married couple who discovered this passion in their later years, can serve as an inspiration to other loving long term couples. that it is never too late to rejuvenate, and healthily grow, and rediscover your passion for each other.... whether or not your own journey takes you into the Lifestyle.
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