The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine

Philosophy #230

A Universalist book, The Age of Reason advocates for the existence of natural religion and challenges the structure of all organized religion. First written and distributed as pamphlets, the book was later published into two parts. Paine puts forward his personal beliefs, debating reason and revelation, while analyzing the Bible and the influence organized religion has on society. Exploring topics including natural religion, criticism of corrupt religious institutions, and distinction between rationality and blind faith in the supernatural, the book presents a guide for the conscious and free spiritual thinkers.Following the style and influence of the Enlightenment ideals of logic and reason, the first part of the book focuses on the Paine’s personal creeds about God and the established religion which he believes is manipulated by organized religious institutions. He further goes on to exemplify his critical view of established religion by illustrating the inconsistencies in the Christian Bible, while examining both miracle and prophecy. He questions the legitimacy of the Bible as an accurate account of Christian beliefs and classifies it to be a word of man and not of God. Paine uses the book to outline his analytical objections to theism and as a means to support his belief in deism.Distinctive for its clear and straightforward linguistic style, Paine’s political language was aimed to bring politics to a mass audience, not just the educated population. Incorporating rhetorical questions and repetition throughout the piece, Paine encourages the audience to independently complete the views and arguments he presents rather than impose his creeds upon them. The Age of Reason supports the idea that in order to discover the true grandeur of God, one should worship individually and without dictation from society. A compelling, meticulous and notable critique, Paine’s work is marked as a theological eye-opener and an insight into deism, whilst also regarded as a pervasive influence even in present secular society.

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Recent Reviews
  • Pat Fan Jan
    Not From Beginning
    I own this book, and for reasons unknown, the narrator has chosen not to start at the very beginning. Paine had a great deal to say from the very beginning, a disappointment the reader chose not to start there, but rather halfway into the second chapter. I hope you like a monotone voice; I struggled keeping interest.
  • Just1Minute
    America Hero
    Thank you for creating this illuminating podcast of the often sited work by Thomas Paine, world and US citizen. It is a great public service. This production is clearly articulated and at a tone and pace conducive to absorbing the meaning. There are 3 parts missing at this time from my iPhone view. I hope they will be reinstalled. The gist of the work is captured, and a trip to the public library (thank you Ben Franklin) for the remainder is no hardship.
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