Sex With Emily


Dr. Emily Morse shares her expertise on sex, relationships and everything in between! Submit your questions to Emily at For more sexy fun, visit and our online store Order her new book today: SMART SEX: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your Pleasure.

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Recent Reviews
  • sflot
    Occupational therapist
    Hi Emily! As an occupational therapist, we are specialists in women’s Health. Sexual intimacy, self care, consent, awareness prenatal and post natal are within our scope. Pelvic floor health isn’t just physical therapists and was actually ours and Pts took it on. Please expose OT within your podcast to give listeners like myself education. We can do and cover so much and help so many places and awareness Love the show
  • slowworking
    5 stars
    From one Michigander to another. Thanks for the advice and the topic that you talk about. Still trying to have my wife sit down and go over our yes/no/maybe list. Keep up the amazing job Emily.
  • Sexwithmichael
    Very educational
    I have and continue to use advice and lessons learned on Sex with Emily! Has helped my GF and I talk more openly about our sex lives.
  • Lykaon78
    The self promotion is tiring
    I liked the show, the content was interesting and handled a sensitive topic maturely. But increasingly the episodes are overrun with self promotion and ads. Dr. Emily even went as far as to edit episodes to add in promos for her live shows (you can tell the audio engineering didn’t match).
  • Inthedesert2
    Kinda basic, she assumes what men like. She def needs some long term experience.
  • Missalaineouss
    Great show!!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a couple months now. I really appreciate how Emily creates such a safe and nurturing environment to discuss anything sexual. The content is always encouraging and practical. I can honestly say it’s improved my sexual mental health, and sexual creativity. My partner enjoys the show as well. Thank you for what you do, Dr. Emily!
  • Anna dubs
    Way too heteronormative
    Only takes the heteronormative point of view which leaves out lots of different types of people and couples.
  • Sharonezzell
    Love this show
    Great show! Wish Emily had been around in my 20s. Love sharing episodes with my spouse. Sex at 50+ is better than ever!
  • Amber Rick
    I like some of the opinions provided on this show. The facts and logic frustrate me incredibly. The episode about ejaculation education presents an argument not based on facts. 100% of unwanted pregnancies are not caused by irresponsible ejaculation. Women should not out source birth control. We bear the biggest physical cost of pregnancy, which should motivate us to do what’s within our control to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
  • USU Baller, 1
    Game changer
    This Podcast has taken my communication with my Wife to another level!
  • sifu412
    So much informative information like makes sense.
  • Andante'
    The Podcast "Sex With Emily" 😀
    Emily, It’s obvious that you totally prepare for every one of your shows. Whatever the topic is etc… You Must Have Some Daily Missions To Make Each Show Entertaining Memorable and More Inviting. How you professionally manage/conduct, and communicate/listen to everyone is impeccable. It’s Obvious that you put in Continuous Effort in what you do. A Beautifully Designed and Informative Podcast and Book. You keep getting better too. So cool, smart and sexy. Yes. I said it. Sexy. ***** 5 Stars ***** 🔥😀 🔥😀🔥😀🔥😀 — —>Just love you and the show < — — 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 ♥️♥️♥️ THANK YOU AGAIN. D D H D D H
  • 76deelynn
    Emily is an awesome sex educator! I’m 47 and have never consider myself to be a vanilla in the bedroom. I have learned so many new things about myself and my partner! Cannabis in the bedroom is something everyone should try, sex is amazing with it. She had also shared how great a penis pump is for my partner and she knew exactly what she was talking about! Pick a show that applies to you and your sexual life, no matter if it is with yourself or a partner. I think it will leave you wanting to discover more.
  • AK0008
    Love the show but the whole gut episode was full of oversimplification and generalizations on the new studies of gut and links to other parts of the body. Please have a real scientist (gastroenterologist) to discuss this important topic. I wouldn’t care so much but the “facts” about SSRIs and “everyone has a leaky gut “ based on one study- it’s not up to your standards, Emily. Also do some basic research on the work that’s been done taking supplements for probiotics- it’s pretty inconclusive but a big money making unregulated industry that pushes the message hard. I know how educated you are, and you know I’m right, right? This was TikTok Instagram stuff- not your show
  • WIskies
    Do this with your partner!
    This podcast has played a part in saving our marriage. I truly appreciate the open and honest conversations fostered here, free of judgement and focused on constructing a healthy sexual relationship first with yourself; which sets you up for better sex with your partner(s). After 20 years of marriage, we’re having the best sex of our lives!
  • Cindy price320
    Learning so much
    I literally tell everyone I know about this podcast because everyone thinks no one else has the issues you do until you listen to Emily and realize a lot of people are like you
  • Geoplanter
    Penis owners and volva owners?? How about just saying men and women?? A little too “woke” for my tastes. Good content, but it just seems like a platform for selling lube, massage oil, vibrators, etc.
  • mccharle
    I love this podcast
  • Annaresende
    Very needed!
    This show is so needed! It feels good to know that so many people are going through the same struggles in regards to their sexuality. Especially as a woman we need to have more safe spaces like this where we can share and learn from each other! Highly recommended!
  • Drwrnld89
    You just have to listen to get it!
    I love this show so much! For one, there’s actually not a lot of shows out there that talk about, and respect, sexuality for the full gender spectrum. But it’s more than that, it’s more than just sex and fun things to do with the topic, it’s about the mental health behind it and really life in general. I swear every episode opens my mind in a new way! I just love Emily, she’s so relaxed and open and talks about things without judgement. I SWEAR you will love her too!
  • Queen of the Canyon
    A pleasure to listen to this show
    Hey Emily, I discovered your show last year and I enjoy it immensely. It is always interesting and informative and, often, highly entertaining. The thing that impresses me the most is the way you respond to your listeners with such kindness and empathy. You are infinitely patient and completely non-judgmental. Thank you for demonstrating the power that is created by combining intelligence and experience with receptivity, warmth and simple human kindness. Wishing you much continued success!
  • switchbackswimmer
    52 and Loving Learning More
    I made it this far in life not knowing what I didn’t know, feeling a certain way about my sexual self, not having a resource for gaining the knowledge and confidence to explore all the above. Dr Emily’s conversations and topics are so real, so freeing, affirming, and validating. She knows this topic and is confidently speaking truth about this topic and helping bring about a cultural shift from the taboo dark corners of our minds and hearts to the light that it deserves. Thanks Doc.
  • LY-TX
    Wide Variety, Great Accessibility
    Even topics I’m not interested in, I still listen to those shows cause Emily is that great. Excellent for anyone looking to have a growth mindset when it comes to sex and increase their pleasure.
  • Nikks456
    No dumb questions!
    I absolutely love this show for its accessibility, compassion, and honesty. I relate with their mission of helping everyone feel comfortable enough to talk about sex without feeling the shame that most of us were taught to associate with it. Only 2 notes for Dr. Emily: would love to see more guests come on the show and have a more relaxed, fun vibe to the episodes. Also as others have stated, would love more LGBTQ+ friendly content which would have been helpful to me when coming out. But overall, great, informative show.
  • MickeyMack
    Love it!
    Loyal listener. Dr. Emily teaches me to prioritize my pleasure and to liberate the conversation around sex. Would love more queer, lesbian and trans specific episodes, as the fact that the show is fairly hetero-centric is my only complaint. Thank you, Dr. Emily!
  • beanFin
    I’m into everything health and knowledge
    Not enough folks talk about the greatest thing humans can experience.
  • Shananorama
    Great podcast
    Emily is a great host. Lots of variety of sex advice, Q&A, and very open to all relationship types. Just found the podcast recently but trying to go back to check out a ton of missed episodes
  • Ellieboy19
    Phenomenal Resource
    As someone who is also a certified sex therapist, this has to be in my top three favorite podcasts for sexual health. I recommend it to all of my clients, as well as clinicians who are looking for more resources and education.
  • compact8
    Been listening to Emily for years. Enjoy every episode.
    Wish there were more than 2 a week.
  • Jcurndidnfmxk
    Interesting topics, but….
    I could only tolerate listening to her slurred speech for a couple episodes and listened to an episode or 2 that were not slurred, so I’m done taking that chance. And realized in those episodes she really just loves to plug her sex toys. Annnnd, the whole “doctor” thing seems super sus.
  • remiztical
    Love the content, however
    I love Dr Emily and the content she gives on all things relationships and sex, however, a lot of the time I think I’m listening to the same podcast over and over again because there are so many ads, is there an ad free paid version because I find myself bored with all of the ads inserted and giving up on listening. Thanks
  • ashkh4
    Hard no
    The fact that she refers to men as “penis owners” and discusses children’s sexuality, made this podcast a hard no for me. Where is the podcast for adults who understand simple science?
  • Texas from Texas
    She a pedo
    Banish her to the shadow realm
  • Buffaloguy
    Not worth the time
    I don’t know what degree of an this person has but she basically kisses the rear end of every guest whether they are right or wrong.
  • linzcooper
    Great podcasts for couples!
    She covers way more than couples when it comes to sex, but from the perspective of a married woman coming for advice about how to keep the marriage alive, I so appreciate all of the tips and tricks and straight up knowledge that she drops on us! All while keeping it fun! I’m here for it. Would recommend.
  • dd12$$
    I love this podcast, I have learned so many valuable lessons!!! My sex life is very good and the podcast helps me me with ideas and knowledge!!!
  • Todd the Electrician.
    Been a fan of Emilys for 10 years!
    I think Dr. Emily has such a cute voice. She gets really excited to talk to people when she interviews them. That is because she is so passionate about her work. Dr. Emily has taught me many things over the years. Each episode seems to go by so fast. I like how open she is about her own life also. I really enjoyed her show when it was on Sirius Radio. I was sad when that ended. However, we still have her Podcast! I am looking forward to reading Dr. Emily’s new book! I am going to order it soon. Please keep up the good work! I really enjoy the call ins, and advice. Thanks, Todd
  • Aggy Marie
  • Kate-Flora
    Thank you Dr Emily
    I appreciate the fact that you’ve continuously shown up for 15 years and educated your listeners about sex. I’ve learned much about sex education from you and much about my body too (and I’m still learning). I hope you don’t stop soon
  • Leedster23
    I tried.
    I tried to listen to this podcast. 1. Emily has the most annoying voice ever. 2. Emily interrupts everyone and talks over everyone. Just stop and actively listen and let people finish what they are saying! 3. The podcast is poorly conducted. Episodes where callers can’t hear them and they go back and forth saying “can you hear me” or “call us back”. I’m done. If you’re an expert Emily and you want to help people….give people the chance to talk too.
  • 0593walker
    Grossed out by her segment highlighting stories of 8 & 9 year olds masturbating
    I understand talking about discovering one’s body at a young age, but the portion of ‘Sexy Stories: Pegging & Partnered Orgasms’ where so goes into graphic detail about literal children (again, 8 & 9 years old) masturbating came off as pedophillic. I’m going to be finding a different sex podcast now.
  • jaligal
    The Sex Ed we all wish we’d had as a teen (or young adult, or whenever)
    I love so much about this show. I love how matter of fact Dr. Emily is about absolutely everything having to do with sex and relationships, her focus on authenticity and communication and feeling safe, and her willingness to share freely and openly about her own experiences and feelings and insecurities. This should be required listening for everyone, regardless of what they think they already know about sex and their own desires.
  • Wings4Women
    First time - Virgin Listener
    Hubby & I listened to your interview with Dru P & it was so informative, encouraging & and 👀 eye opening! I’m a full on subscriber now! Thanks for sharing your expertise.
  • DDPirate
    Just annoying
    It would hand been helpful for the host to listen to the expert.
  • Ali Schu
    Thank you so much for all you do
    I loved learning more about you. I’ve been a long time listener; and even had my boyfriend pre-order your book! Ali S.
  • not umoressed
    Not impressed
    The entire episode was a plug for her book.
  • RachSuzS
    Life Changing Podcast! I’m hooked!
    Listening to the Sex with Emily podcast has been life changing. I was in a relationship for 7 years with very vanilla sex. Recently divorced and ready to enjoy my next chapter, a friend sent me this podcast. I listened to few episodes and was immediately hooked. I wanted more for myself and my sexual pleasure but I never learned how to figure out what I like, how to ask for it and how to enjoy pleasing my male partners. This podcast has opened my eyes to a whole new world. I am so much more comfortable with myself and my sexual experiences. Previously I thought talking about sex or asking for what you want was taboo. Boy was I wrong. I have learned so much and I love this sexual wellness journey. Thanks Emily for keeping it real, helping others and sharing the best tips and products to improve our sex lives!
  • Rlgamble07
    Interesting Topics
    But I find Dr. Emily to be extremely annoying. I feel like she talks over people when they are asking questions.
  • gk riyad
    It is good . I think my friends should see it
  • Hmcfrdnc
    Bad advertisements
    I couldn’t get over the ads for filler and appearance altering things. For a podcast that is sex and body positive, these ads had the opposite effect and I stopped listening
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