The Sporkful

Arts #33

We obsess about food to learn more about people. The Sporkful isn't for foodies, it's for eaters. Hosted by Dan Pashman, who's also the inventor of the new pasta shape cascatelli. James Beard and Webby Award winner for Best Food Podcast. A Stitcher Production.

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Recent Reviews
  • MGKL96
    Too many reheats!
    It's undoubtedly a lot of work to produce the show, which I lije. But there hace been way too many reheats lately, which makes the podcast seem stale.
  • PDlikespodcasts
    Always entertaining
    Always a nice listen. Love Dan.
  • icancook
    Onions don’t lie
    The episode re recipes lying about caramalizing onions is glib and wrong. The cited guest can’t cook. Yes, caramalizing onions for onion soup takes a long time. BUT… it is easy to caramalize onions quickly in oil at a high heat. I don’t know why the guest had such a hard time. Yellow or red onions get brown in oil at high heat get brown and sweet in under ten minutes. You just need to keep stirring so they don’t burn. It isn’t the deep flavor of slow cooked onions but it is caramelized. The recipes cited do not lie. Note, for example the recent Birman video re making Amartrciano for lunch. He fried diced onions in bacon fat. They browned in about five minutes.
  • AAA_Hater
    Commercials on commercials
    I have listened to this pod for 8+ years. It makes me sad that the episodes have so much less actual material now. This has more commercials than any other podcast I listen to. And many repeat episodes. I just listened to the 2025 Food Resolutions, an episode I usually really enjoy, but it’s just a long ad, a few short minutes of new material, then another repeat episode. Ughhhhhhh.
  • Demi1982AvidListener
    Love this show
    Nice perfect mix
  • Pod Wheeler
    Reheats and commercials
    If you like listening to old episodes(called reheats) and commercials, this is for you.
  • Callmekp27
    One of my faves
    One of my very favorite podcasts. Love the deep dive into a wide variety of topics and I always feel like I learned something.
  • GoodGood Soul
    Too many commercials and they are way too loud.
    I used to love listening to the show. But I'm so sick and tired of all the commercials. More so this week than ever before. I'm tired of one or two or three or sets of even six commercials in a row just to listen to the simple great little podcast. The commercials are also way way too loud and I can't stand it anymore so I'm out!
  • Matt Rodbard
    Great show
    Dan and company are always digging deep, I appreciate the work they do.
  • soupfangirl
    Not for corporate sponsorships or genocide
    This podcast is just ok but it loses 1.5 stars for too many advertisements and another 1.5 stars for glorifying genocidal ethnostates
  • Queenodnile
    Love This Show
    Dan is like someone I know and love having conversations with. I have learned so much about others’ cultural culinary experiences. I play this podcast in the background while doing boring chores and working or when I need to hear something mostly positive and uplifting.
  • AyumiM98
    Show has good stories but
    I can’t stand the host’s goddamn laugh. Literally takes up half the show and each time it’s explosive and ridiculous. Had to unfollow just for that reason alone. Sorry!
  • Aieee!
    It’s ok
    Nice show but lately they have ramped up the amount of advertisements so there are ~10 minutes of ads in every episode. It’s become hard to listen to. Also Dan is annoying.
  • Amybeth1126
    One of the most fun episodes!
    The episode with Ted "Confessions of a Ballpark Food Vendor"made me laugh out loud all by myself- so much wit! And valid questioning of the nuts to popcorn ratio in Cracker Jack (REALLY? For a million years the song has said Cracker Jacks- we've ALL said Cracker Jacks, get over it)... Thank you, Dan and Ted for the much needed laugh!
  • The Joke Master 😜
    I can just skip the commercials
    Original gefilte fish was invented in order to prevent people from being mechal’el Shabbos by doing the issur of בורר, instead, before Shabbos They would take out the insides and bones and grind them up, stuff it back in and then boil it. Eventually someone came up with the idea to not stuff it back in and instead roll it into chunks like matzo balls and boil them instead. “Gefilt” is Yiddish for stuffed, hence “Gefilte fish” or stuffed fish. (PS) I’m not joking #Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky Rules!
  • 987654321erin
    Great Format
    I really enjoy how this podcast is edited and formatted for the listeners. Many podcasts just conduct an interview and only edit out long pauses or ‘ums’ before publishing. But this format puts up the response of the guest and Dan Pashman will edit-in his own analysis and summary later. I guess it’s like reading a research/analysis article rather than a typical back-and-forth interview. I feel as though I’m getting more out of the interview and don’t get bored with filler phrases.
  • eonc12345
    Cookbook promotion overload
    Long-time listener, but the podcast has become a platform for cookbook sales.
  • Speedymoose
    Love the Sporkful!
    Dan is funny, thoughtful, perceptive and great to listen to. I look forward to listening every week!
  • Queenjulia2
    No ton of fun
    I know money is important but this podcast is so ridden with commercials I have just lost interest.
  • conceened
    Commercials are Intolerable
    I get it, there need to be some commercials, but I had to stop listening, the number is intolerable, I like the show but this is too much, I had to stop listening.
  • Aly Murobou
    Great series!
    Very interesting deep dive into the cookbook creation. Dan maybe next time don’t interview your family, they seem to like to drag you down.
  • ccaabb22
    More Sohla and Ham please!
    Title says it all. They are the best!
  • mishalee1234
    I need more Sohla and Ham!!!
    Sohla and Ham, I love history and food, and the way you have mixed the two, with dashes of humor is genius! I love you two!
  • Letter Crafty
    Such a delightful podcast!
    I’ve loved hearing the journey to the Anything’s Pastable cookbook, especially Dan’s kids hilarious answers and how much they make him laugh. A real delight!
  • sanookbkk
    Dan is delightful
    I look forward to each new episode. Dan obvious love of what he’s do is infectious. His laughter is a delight. Every episode I learn new and interesting things about food and food related things. Thank you Dan and everyone at The Sporkful.
  • lordyellow
    Big Fan of Sohla and Ham’s
    Once I heard Sohla and Ham had a podcast I went and binged them all in two days. Greatly informative and well done. I hope they get another season and a YouTube channel.
  • Sarajules95
    Deep Dish, it’s amazing!!
    I’ve always loved the sporkful, and really love the new Deep Dish series!! I’ve been paying close attention for each new episode, I love the interplay of history and culture in food mixed with their personalities! They are so insightful and entertaining.
  • SoCal Food Fan
    Deep Dish - Big Love!
    Please more of Sohla and Ham - so much fun and so informative! Love it.
  • Sirius Dax
    Love Deep Dish
    Want more. Sola and Ham are very entertaining and informative. Love love love
  • mmmb314
    Sohla and Ham Great!
    Love Deep Dish!! Keep em comin’!
  • sobilo
    Deep Dish
    Real and relatable.
  • PrettiNPynk
    LOVE Deep Dish
    I have loved Sola and Ham for a while, so listening to this show was an obvious choice. They did NOT disappoint. I can’t wait to make this show a part of my regular podcast rotation. ♥️
  • Rosie185936
    Annoying ads
    The ads for deep dish are so bad. I have never skipped forward so fast. No one needs to hear about this show seven times in one podcast. I’m going to not listen to this just because of the ad.
  • Something Clever 54321
    Sohla and Ham!! Great addition to the feed
    I’ve been a loyal listener to The Sporkful for years now, but I’ve been so pleased with the addition of two new voices to the feed. The Deep Dish show on this feed is hosted by the dynamic wife and husband duo of Sohla and Ham El-Waylly. They are so funny and talented as is showcased on YouTube (History channel, NYT Cooking, and the formerly great—though ultimately thoroughly exploitative—BA test kitchen channel). I’ve listened to the first two episodes and it’s great hear these two in a new format. Fans will love their familiar banter while being impressed with the story telling chops. I hope this becomes a regular addition to the Sprokful family.
  • Spiderwoman25
    Used to really enjoy
    Something changed. I used to really enjoy the content and guests. Dan was engaging and entertaining. We listened intently and were curious as Dan navigated his way to create his own pasta shape. Then… in a movie script where the plot falls apart….so did Sporkful. We kept hoping the episodes would get back to a focus rather than banter that goes nowhere. My husband and I really did enjoy listening but gave up after too many wasted episodes. Too bad.
  • Bethee1023
    Ultimate hack Dan!!!
    Use an egg slicer to slice your mushrooms! Your welcome.
  • coolkidperson😎
    awesome podcast!!!
    highly recommend this podcast, the host’s kids are so funny!
  • mspassell
    4656776 stars!!!!
    The Sporkful covers everything about food that other food podcasts aren't covering.
  • Oh,please
    Heh hah heh
    Nice content, but The host has a chortle that is probably unconscious,but can be really annoying. Listen back to some shows,and be more aware of making good radio. This seems to be an issue on a lot of podcasts..
  • makfood
    A favorite in my library!
    The Appalachian Trail episode was great! I look forward to every episode! Well done! This podcast is informative, creative and fun! The recent vintage scotch episode was both incredibly produced with the closing song but also very touching! Also a big fan of cascatelli!
  • davidsonrachel6
    So fun!
    Interesting, funny, and often heartfelt and poignant with some complex discussions
  • HungryForResults, MS RD CSSD
    Took a turn…
    I love the interesting content about food… I think the host does a great job at telling food’s stories… however, I’m sick of how many episodes put down ‘white Europeans’. I’m sure many people of all colors and backgrounds don’t have a clue about the authentic ways of Korean cooking, but Dan singles out white people? You’re trying too hard to be woke.
  • ade92
    Best food podcast
    This is by far the best food podcast out there. Dan’s commitment to putting the spotlight on diverse chefs and other folks in the food industry and breaking down stereotypes about foodies being pretentious is unmatched. Thank you, Dan!
  • lynnolympia
    Jumping the Shark
    Unfortunately Sporkful has. Wish it weren’t so but this shoe now sound more like AM radio, the advertising out paces the content in both air minutes and volume it seems. Not sure if it’s a production value or a pursuit of income, but I no longer want to hear the shilling.
    Host is a jerk and it’s boring tbh. Some episodes are good ig but it’s being carried by the guests..
  • Jargonwise
    Cincinnati born and raised
    I grew up in Cincinnati and remember my grandmother taking us to The Gormet Room and Pigall’s restaurants. As an young adult, I remember going to The Maisonette with my husband. Amazing food at all three places.
  • Bittah
    Overalll 5 starts - great show, but…
    The last episode, 1 star. It was a very compelling subject that was almost impossible to listen to due to his guest. I almost turned it off multiple times. In my opinion, he does not have a voice for radio.
  • sjdhsjsxjjs
    Dan is
    a saint, a hero, a scholar. We don’t deserve him. 🙇‍♀️
  • miss cgh
    I heard an episode featured on another pod and HAD to check it out. I love the variety of topics, and Adam is a great host! I’m hooked.
  • A-to-the-J
    Creative, insightful, entertaining, and very well produced! Will definitely continue listening for a very long time 🤘🏼
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