Recent Episodes
Mormonism Failed Me as A Woman - Dana Raine | Ep. 1999
Mar 6, 2025 – 03:34:02 -
Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke - Mormons React | Ep. 1998
Mar 3, 2025 – 06:09:58 -
Sued Mormon Church to Get My Tithing Back - James Huntsman Story | Ep. 1997
Feb 26, 2025 – 03:14:07 -
Joseph Smith Monogamy Affirmer - Michelle Stone | Ep. 1996
Feb 25, 2025 – 05:49:00 -
Mormon Church Changes Children Polygamy Lesson After Online Criticisms | Ep. 1995
Feb 20, 2025 – 02:18:12 -
The LDS Church History Transparency Quiz - Please Complete and Share | Ep. 1994
Feb 19, 2025 – 01:41:30 -
Lost My Pentecostal Faith Studying Mormonism - Anna Schreyer and the Assemblies of God | Ep. 1993
Feb 17, 2025 – 05:07:54 -
Did Joseph Smith Have Sex With His Plural Wives? | LDS Discussions 62 | Ep. 1992
Feb 14, 2025 – 03:19:25 -
Mormon Church Facing New Sex Abuse & Trafficking Lawsuits | Ep. 1991
Feb 11, 2025 – 02:54:26 -
Faithful Historian Deceives Mormons - Keith Erekson | Ep. 1990 | LDS Discussions Ep. 61
Feb 7, 2025 – 03:36:59 -
My Mormon Truth Crisis as an Attorney - Justin Sweeney | Ep. 1989
Feb 3, 2025 – 03:01:59 -
Huntsman Mormon Tithing Fraud Case Tossed Out | Ep. 1988
Feb 1, 2025 – 02:32:34 -
West Point Mormon Questions Church & Military Service - Austin Wheeler | Ep. 1987
Jan 27, 2025 – 03:57:44 -
Mormon and Neurodivergent (Autism and ADHD) - Paul Martinez | Ep. 1986
Jan 24, 2025 – 03:00:17 -
BYU Professor Brings CES Letter To Life | Ep. 1985
Jan 21, 2025 – 02:36:23 -
Therapist Combats Mormon Sexual Shame - Erika Nordfelt | Ep. 1984
Jan 17, 2025 – 03:25:05 -
American Primeval and the Mountain Meadows Massacre - Mormon Historians React | Ep. 1983
Jan 14, 2025 – 02:00:59 -
Shari Franke's "The House of My Mother" - Mormons React to Ruby Franke’s Daughter | Ep. 1982
Jan 10, 2025 – 04:42:14 -
Devout Mormon Couple Leaves Church - Clare and Jackson Adams | Ep. 1981
Jan 8, 2025 – 03:30:15 -
BYU Cracks Down on Liberal Professors | Ep. 1980
Jan 6, 2025 – 02:37:21 -
Unveiling Mormon Myths w/ Sandra Tanner | Ep. 1979
Jan 2, 2025 – 02:18:16 -
Unraveling the Threads of Mormon History w/ Sandra Tanner | Ep. 1978
Jan 1, 2025 – 02:10:31 -
A Mormon Military Story w/ Army Ranger Ross “Marty” Martin | Ep. 1977
Dec 30, 2024 – 05:56:26 -
Mormon Historian Admits Joseph Smith First Vision Problems Raised in CES Letter - Dr. Steven Harper | Ep. 1976
Dec 20, 2024 – 03:57:01 -
Reporter Exposes Mormon Abuse Cover-Ups in Denmark | Ep. 1975
Dec 16, 2024 – 02:04:48 -
Mormon Church Now Teaching Polygamy to Children: Is it Grooming? | Ep. 1974
Dec 16, 2024 – 02:02:15 -
Is Mormon Feminism Dead? with Katie Ludlow Rich and Heather Sundahl | Ep. 1973
Dec 15, 2024 – 03:10:18 -
Is Religion Dying in the U.S.? – Goodbye Religion by Ryan T. Cragun and Jesse M. Smith | Ep. 1972
Dec 12, 2024 – 02:12:30 -
Top Scholar Explains How the Book of Mormon Was Created - The Mosiah Priority w/ Brent Metcalfe | Ep. 1971
Dec 11, 2024 – 03:07:36 -
Church Backtracks on Deceptive Change to Book of Mormon Introduction | Ep. 1970
Dec 9, 2024 – 02:43:28 -
BYU Football Profanity Tirade - Tyler Batty's Leaked Halftime Speech Controversy | Ep. 1969
Dec 6, 2024 – 01:48:58 -
Mormon Stories Past and Future - 2024 Edition | Ep. 1968
Dec 4, 2024 – 01:48:26 -
Dating as a Mormon Young Woman | Ep. 1967
Dec 2, 2024 – 03:36:48 -
My “Wicked” Mormon Journey - Abbie Clark | Ep. 1966
Nov 25, 2024 – 03:24:15 -
The Lasting Legacy of the LDS Priesthood Ban | Ep. 1965
Nov 21, 2024 – 03:20:19 -
Mormon Bishop Melts Down - Jared and Camille Johnson | Ep. 1964
Nov 18, 2024 – 05:08:35 -
Mormon Prophets' Push to Erase Racist Past | Ep. 1963
Nov 15, 2024 – 03:03:30 -
Meet The Creators Behind HERETIC | Ep. 1962
Nov 13, 2024 – 01:02:53 -
Mormon Mom Identity Explosion - Fran Grover | Ep. 1961
Nov 11, 2024 – 02:38:51 -
Mormon Church Targets Liberal BYU Professors | Ep. 1960
Nov 7, 2024 – 03:52:48 -
My Mormon Adoption Miracle? - Andrew Fish | Ep. 1959
Nov 4, 2024 – 03:19:17 -
The End of the Priesthood and Temple Ban Came with a Catch | Ep. 1958
Oct 31, 2024 – 02:29:51 -
Mormon Stake President and Temple Architect Finds HER True Self | Ep. 1957
Oct 28, 2024 – 03:19:59 -
Mormon Prophet Slams Apostles for Fabricating Miracle Story | Ep. 1956
Oct 24, 2024 – 02:45:55 -
My Faith Shattered While My Daughter Was on a Mormon Mission - Jen and Rian Anderson | Ep. 1955
Oct 21, 2024 – 04:58:46 -
Revelation or Secret Meeting? How the Mormon Priesthood and Temple Bans Ended | Ep. 1954
Oct 17, 2024 – 03:35:44 -
Sisters Convert, Then Leave Mormonism After Missions - Sydney and Lexi | Ep. 1953
Oct 14, 2024 – 02:58:43 -
Skin of Blackness and Mormon Apologetics | LDS Discussions 58 | Ep. 1952
Oct 11, 2024 – 01:46:18 -
Striving for a Healthy Mormon Divorce - Meg Campbell | Ep. 1951
Oct 8, 2024 – 03:27:43 -
Top Mormon Apologist Admits CES Letter is Right About Joseph Smith Polygamy - Brian Hales | Ep. 1950
Oct 4, 2024 – 03:57:53
Recent Reviews
Mary-LondonGreat discussions about our daily religious livesVery good explanations with documents to back up what is stated. I always learn something important about myself too.
chubby bakerBlasphemyMatthew and Luke did not like what Mark wrote, so they thought they could improve upon it, and write their own work that would be better than what Mark wrote? Are you kidding me? This is incredibly blasphemous. Awful theology.
Nickname7820Love this show butWish John would interrupt his guest a little less… makes it hard to listen to
Peg oBishop DanJust finished watching your podcast with Dan and Amanda. I was active Mormon for forty years and now have almost 40 years Mormon adjacent. (Large family still active) I appreciate the process of coming to terms with beliefs that no longer work. However Dan is as Mormon patriarchy made as any i have seen . I hope he continues to grow and develops some humility and can leave the justifications of his behavior and need to mansplain. Good luck to them both.
4-H ClubTrust but verifyI’m not Mormon but I have Mormon ancestry on both sides (my G G G father settled in Phoenix as a Mormon and left church) Your series helps me understand my upbringing and culture. Your series helps me to identify when I am being gaslit by people, politics and media. Trust but verify.
Fairness and TruthExcellentThank you John for this superb podcast. I hope you continue on and shine your powerful light on so much that has never been exposed. Truly remarkable the work you are accomplishing and the courage and strength you, your family, your team, and your guests are demonstrating
medicshelly223Highly recommend, especially if you want to understand the Mormon cult/religion.Never Mormon here, but I have l armed so much about this cult/religion from this podcast. As a never Mormon, I just view this as a CULT. It blows my mind that Mormon”s are of the belief that they are the ONE AND ONLY “chosen” belief system. The members don’t even have the choice of food, drinks., clothing, marriage, number of children to have, the list of things that people in this system do NOT have PERSONAL CHOICE. PITIFUL, AND SAD…. Especially that he members are so blind to the amount of CONTROL that the so called leaders have over their own individual, personal lives.
UtahPodcastGuruStay AngryThey thrive on keeping people angry and constantly asking for money, rather than helping them heal and move forward. Peace isn’t profitable for them—they don’t want it for you. Yet they turn around and attack Anthony Sweat, someone who has worked tirelessly to help others? They mock those who are doing genuine good. Supporting these people with your money only fuels their cycle of hate.
Openg8tMade me feel sadJust listened to one of John’s “top 3” episodes. Made me feel sad for the poor man interviewed. He must have been truly ignorant. My wife and I have been questioning a lot of things. We discuss them and agree to disagree frequently. Some things I have felt I have learned enough to be comfortable with while others still bother me. After 25 years of formal education, the one thing I am certain is that the more I learn the more I realize how little we all know. I wish John was less polarized and more concerned about just discussing topic from multiple angles, it would make for a much more interesting podcast. But I guess it’s like the media, people don’t want to learn/understand, they just want to have “their truth” reinforced.
Ike the FiddlerThank YouI was brainwashed as a kid. This helps me deconstruct even through it gets emotional. So thankful for this great work. I’m so much more convinced that the LDS church is false than I was that it was true, even at the height of my activity in the church.
JsndjcjsndkSandra TannerI love Sandra Tanner, her historical information is priceless and she’s so pleasant to listen to!
hermit1DeceptiveThis is not coming from what you might consider ‘Mormons’. This is content from those who are enemies to the ‘Mormon’ church. I love the idea of supporting those who want to transition away from the church but this material shares info in a way that leads people away who may not have wanted to. Rebrand to be more sincere.
Blockay-TWarning! Beware of empathyThis podcast may cause listener to contract an acute case of empathy. This is often fatal to prejudice
ShineTheLight1So GratefulMy faith translation started four years ago and I don’t know where I would be without Mormon Stories. The amount of information, validation, and reassurance I found in this podcast cannot be understated. John Dunkin and the entire MS team does an incredible service with this podcast and I give it my highest praise!
Blushhhing nowA polite cult but a cult nonethelessI am regularly amazed at how deeply brainwashed even the former Mormons are. That said, I urge these same people to check out what true Christianity is about. Come as you are - you are enough . There is freedom and joy and truth behind Jesus Christ as Savior. Mormons , in their warped minds, believe they are fundamentally superior so naturally they alone have access to “ additional” truths ( ie, Book of Mormon). Mormons, you have been deceived and Satan is having a field day . Be brave
High Uinta Mountain LightningInformed Consent is the mission statement.If you’re going to devote your time, heart, mind and money to anything, take the time to look at it from multiple perspectives. This show is an essential part of that process if you are considering (or have already decided) to choose the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, arguably the most popular branch of several churches that follow the teachings of Joseph Smith.
Spencer ShooterSpencer shooterExcellent podcast
Truth-Speaker in trainingDeceptive and Anti-ReligiousStop deceiving people into think you tell the truth! To anyone listening or about to, here is what you need to know about Anti-Religion: Anti-Religious podcasts are designed to destroy a theory of Belief, or attack its moral or ethical framework. Usually they use half-truths to deceive, or Untruths to deceive. Half-truths deceive by getting you to think they’re telling you the truth when the statement is only partially true. Untruths are falsehoods meant to deceive because it’s untrue. Religious in and of itself, psychologically, is designed to teach people virtues that promote good behavior and socialization; so to tear apart a person’s theory of belief(ethical framework) or a person’s faith, which a is hope and trust in something that isn’t seen but is true, but saying that prioritizing the highest Possible Good is evil, reveals the true evil acting on the people saying it.
zedtbupmNot just for MormonsI am a never-Mo but former Seventh day Adventist. I have listened to nesrly 1900 of these episodes (found this close to the beginning) and have observed John and Bill Reel and RFM grow and change and educate us all about humanity and how religion can affect us-for good and bad. It aided my deconstruction although I had already begun.. They are not against anything except swindling people. Informed consent is stressed as their motto. Good on all of you that have sacrificed other careers to serve society while leaving a documented detailed record for future generations. Important work all around. Journalism at its best.
GroveorangeHuman Stories that just happen to be “Mormon”Found Mormon Stories through the 3 episode interview with Tyler Glenn from Neon Trees. John Dehlin is a such a compassionate interviewer and the level of trust he establishes so easily on these very vulnerable topics with these very brave interviewees is truly admirable. Have gone on to listen to many more episodes and interviews. Above all he’s telling human stories that just happen to be Mormon.
FeministInUtahWonderful podcastThought provoking, life saving, important information to help anyone deconstructing a high demand religion, particularly Mormonism.
JerdpaulThis is trashJust listened to an ep where the guest calls a black man an “uncle tom” and a “token” simply because he DARED to run for office as a Republican. Oh I’m sorry, do you OWN black men? Are they supposed to be under YOUR control?!?!?? I guess one got away. You are vile human beings. Please seek help for your mental illness. fYI - I’m not Morman and never have been
IndoorKatLove it!Never change the long form! Also loving getting more Gerardo lately. Always look forward to hearing his perspective and thoughts and am so glad he has this platform. Just speak a little louder into the mic, Gerardo! Your deeper voice makes it a little harder to hear compared to your peers and we want to hear your thoughts! Keep it up, team!
satahbeeMormonism, religion generally and deconstruction.I used to be a high performing christian who now lives in Utah. There are many parallels to my own deconstruction and exit from religion found in these podcasts. The two religions sound very different but deconstruction and the feeedom found outside of theology has strong similarities. I think it’s the first podcast Ive found that handles a decline in faith and leaving a faith with thoughtful and supportive hosts. It can be triggering so you need to be in a good space. The occasional ‘amens’ catch me off guard and make me a bit nauseous. But otherwise it’s very sensitive.
Cute kids momQuestion posturingWhen I listen to this podcast I hear the host posture his questions so that if you answer them you either sound like a victim or a complete idiot/fool. I listened to the stick of Joseph episode and the Richard bushman interviews all the way through and that is what I’ve found in those (probably more likely for the non- returning interviewees than his made up theory). I usually have to just turn other episodes off due to the posturing of his questions. In the stick of Joseph episode I hear him speak/describe himself as an anti-Christ not “the anti-Christ” just someone who doesn’t believe in a need for an atonement, basically no reason for Jesus’s suffering. As a person who has lived in the south for a majority of my life (transplanted from California from convert parents) I see nothing new or enlightening about most of his arguments. Most of his sentiments are anti-religion but mostly anti his birth religion. I’ve seen “God Makers” with my dad when I was 18. Yeah a bunch of half beliefs and music added to make the beliefs sound “culty” temple rituals made to look demonic (yes I know that the temple ceremony has changed a lot) and as a result of this movie I’ve had several people dehumanize me and insult me in so many ways from slamming doors in my face to threatening to burn teabags in my locker. I’m always amazed by peoples reactions after I tell them I’m a Mormon or a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But you won’t hear my Interview on here. Is it the kind of interview he would give? I do believe informed consent is best, but when do you teach your child about penetration? There is so much other information available if you don’t want it straight off the church website there is,, but I would definitely not recommend this show to others. I do give the show two stars though because he sometimes has guests that are really interesting. Just as an aside, I thought it was interesting that in the stick of Joseph interview, Joseph Smith is such a fraud but can also be compared to renowned author Theadore Gisele (but this was stated in a negative light by the host) go figure. At least if you liked and grew up on Theadore Gisele’s books you may like the Book of Mormon according to the host. Or maybe the host is suggesting national literary awards get named after Joseph Smith. Y’all have fun now.
Clarekc15Thought provoking for all people of faithUpdated after listening to around 100 episodes – I still believe this is a solid podcast, and truth be told I run to listen to newly dropped episodes. However, there are some small but disturbingly problematic issues. The hosts consistently promote pornography, and other social ills (drugs/alcohol/ swinging/promescuity) that harm women and are deeply misogynistic. It seems that if the LDS church is against something, they are automatically for it, even if it flies in the face of their own profession of feminism and universal values. I cannot square this with their alleged support of women. While not every episode covers these topics, they are frequent enough to be deeply troubling. I still listen, but with serious skepticism that these hosts are as morally upright as they profess to be and definitely take what they say, with a large grain of salt. (Original review) I am technically a never-Mormon, though my best friend growing up was LDS and I spent 3 teen years entrenched with their family and ward, so I feel comfortable in the Mormon culture. I found this pod through John’s appearance on A Little Bit Culty and am fascinated by it. It’s very thought provoking even for this Catholic never-Mormon. There have been a some especially touching and beautiful stories and it is a rich tapestry of human experience. The guests are strong and so brave to be this vulnerable.
RaJeTuNever an episode I haven’t enjoyedThank you for all of y’all’s hard work with every single episode. The defending millennials (stick of Joseph) triggered me a little bit with what the guys were saying and defending. But that’s the beautiful part of this podcast. Very well rounded & INFORMED consent that every one deserves. Again, thank you!
NateJonesWonderful podcastDr. John Dehlin is wonderful at helping people understand the roots, branches and fruits of Mormonism
nbmerrillSandraI love listening to Sandra. And the laughter about the ridiculous “stories” told about the scriptures and church origin.
Kate FitzsimonsReally fascinatingExtremely interesting to me as a never-Mormon who is a therapist. John seems to be a good-hearted and caring host, but he does tend to talk over female guests - in one memorable case, his wife when she was supposed to be running the panel of Relief Society Presidents.
Golf22grgSlanted with some enlightening contentReally have to wade through the seething hatred JD has to find valuable content. When not bashing, some episodes provide great insights and perspective. I’ve started countless episodes only to change channels when the distain becomes too much. Just like many subreddits, this can be very misleading and probably causes more harm than good. Sad because it’s hard to find a place when you have questions about the LDS faith that isn’t slanted hard core one way or the other.
savscostonso importantas a never Mormon who knows more about the Mormon church than probably most Mormons do- this podcast is extremely compelling and so important for the world to hear. PS John you HAVE to get Johnny Harris on the pod!!!!!!
Incredible and easyLove love loveLove everything about it. Dignity, inclusion, humanity at its finest. Thankyou Thankyou for all you do. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
208YogiWhen your only source of info is the church….Negative reviews expected a correlation-committee approved rhetoric. However, yesterday’s “anti Mormon” literature is todays official LDS “Gospel Topics Essay.” Make no mistake; this is a great podcast documenting various Mormon stories. Because it has Mormon in the name you already know it’s not church approved 😜
corandmonEye openingThe episodes can be long for a podcast for me but they are helping me in my deconstruction of my belief in the Mormon church. Thank you
JokiopoiThey only cover “part of the story”I was enjoying this podcast, but the last episode on “Ballerina” was revealing as the whole “panel” didn’t seem to realize that the “curse of woman” is actually in Genesis. As a Catholic, even know that! Ugh - so either they really don’t know much history, or this podcast is truly anti- all religion?
hazelbnrProgressive?Hello Former Mormon Chuech Members, There is no Progressixe wing of the Dem Party. It is owned by corporate donors and the elite. Don’t join another cult that does not have your interests. No, the Republican Party is no better. Good Luck!
vbgirl23456DisappointedCan’t listen to Julia. She triggers me talks too fast
Matt 228This is disappointingIf you really want to know if what you hear is true, go to somewhere peaceful and pray with an open heart. And you will find answers.
FosbidThe Research Behind the FeelingsI grew up in a dedicated LDS family but it never rang true for me. As a kid, I thought I could be the next Joseph Smith as the spirit told me “none of this is true” but then my Mia Maid teacher reminded me I was a helpmate and not to be worried about things that were for men. I thought I had dealt with most of my childhood-church trauma and started listening as I wanted to hear how others dealt with it and although this started as a voyeuristic practice, I’m now getting the well-researched facts behind the feelings and my true healing is just beginning. I wish John was my therapist!
brad173737Texting sounds during show is so distractingLove love love this pod but the texting sounds throughout the episodes are so distracting. Just a little bit of hopeful helpful feedback :)
Jj jelledReminder-Please remind your “fill-ins” as well as guests to turn off their notifications on their phones. During the Hayley/Courtney episode “, is was so distracting to hear the notifications thoughout the entire episode. Otherwise, great episode.
Dave Wright ChicagoIf Mormonism were not true, it could be ignored“Although the religions of men are often tolerant of each other, they cannot abide the presence of living prophets and the truths of salvation. Their bitterness and opposition toward Mormonism are an essential witness of its truthfulness. Validity draws the fire… “If Mormonism were not true, it could be ignored. The fact that Satan and his cohorts cannot leave it alone is an evidence of its truthfulness. There is no neutrality where the truths of salvation are concerned.” McConkie
Lovin'thisgame21121Prideful & PrejudiceAn obviously bitter former member of the church who is trying to diminish members’ faith and make them as miserable as he is without the truth and spirit that the gospel brings.
MiffMuffThoughtful and RealThis show is a soothing balm for those who are left with the aftermath of leaving the church.
mst3kaddictKrakauerGreat podcast, I really love how passionate and well-informed the hosts are. I’m curious how many of the “never-Morman” fans found their way here because of Krakauer’s book.
meggyjanTrue Mormon stories!I am obsessed and have been for years. I love the evolution of the show, and am amazed every time I learn something new! I think “how many more things can there be” and then there’s a waterfall of information dumped on me. Thank you so much for all of your incredible work and to all of you fabulous cohosts throughout the years as well ❤️
VelvetmeReligious studies and fascinating contentGrab a glass of something. Wow these shows are just mesmerizing
KW31210Savior to my mental healthAs a fully believing and engaged member of the LDS faith I came upon some really disturbing information while studying the life of Joseph Smith. From there it was like a bull in the china shop of my life. Panic attacks, anxiety, and depression were the result of finding out that the church I loved so dearly, and everything I believed to be true about my life and the afterlife was all a sham. I found the deepest comfort when I stumbled upon Mormon Stories while looking for some sort of guidance to get me out of a hole of despair. I felt a glimmer of hope. Between getting into therapy, binging this podcast, and the support of a loving spouse, I am finally happy again. This time, happy in a “true to myself” kind of way. A happiness I didn’t know existed. I am grateful for this platform where people can come on and share their experiences, both positive and negative, with hosts who are genuinely caring and committed to conveying truth. Thank you from one of the many you have helped navigate an extremely hard situation.
Exiled LDSSLC HOUSEWIVES….Mormon Stories reaching for the bottom of the barrel.
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