Sarah and Vinnie Full Show

by Audacy
Comedy #210

The Entire Sarah and Vinnie Morning Show Broadcast

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Recent Reviews
  • nan1284
    S and V
    Ugh . This show just hasn’t been the same within the 5 years . Way too repetitive . Hope Audacy can bounce back but it might be too late . Just can’t with Vinnie . Also, getting rid of people on their show is making it really unlistenable . I’ve noticed Audacy hasn’t promoted their show at all . S and V barely post on Instagram . I’ve listened lately to 99.7 now and 94.9 wild . Way more interesting .
  • rc_lite
    To all the complainers
    These reviews are crazy. If you don’t like them anymore then stop listening. It’s pretty simple. Everyone thinks they know how to run a radio show should give it a try to see how you do. Not sure why it’s so hard to understand they are forbidden to talk about certain things when people leave. They don’t owe you an explanation. Has the show changed, yep. Do I miss Bryn and Alex, yep. But they are doing the best that they can and I still appreciate them. As Vinnie would say, get on down the road if your that upset about change.
  • khorescht
    At this point S&V should do it like BigBayMornings…one hour is good enough 😉
  • abishambi
    Show has changed
    Miss brynn on the show. He added a great dynamic.
  • annoyedfit
    Where’s the producer?
    The show was epic for years but sadly the last 10 or so it’s been a slow decline no interns, uzi is terminated, now Brynn is gone and Alex can’t talk on air. I may be jumping ship finally after the disappearance of Brynn with NO word…nothing. The dynamic is totally off. Super bummer but maybe it’s time for the show to end.
  • There from the beginning
    The changes of Alex not being allowed to speak and the disappearance of Bryn and VHale has been very confusing. S&V must have been ordered by corporate management to keep their mouths shut. They must be going out of their minds with frustration! I texted in last week to ask about Bryan’s whereabouts and the response was “we don’t know”. I hope S&V can gather the team back and find a way to start a podcast that is financially feasible for each of them. I never liked the music on Alice anyway. In the meantime, I will remain a loyal listener. Love you guys!! Hang in there!
  • awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    Jumped the shark
    I’ve been a listener for over 10 years. They’ve had some great moments. But they way they toe the corporate line when people leave is infuriating. They don’t owe the listeners anything but they do owe their coworkers more than just pretending like nothing has happened and they never existed. They are also woefully out of touch - from not knowing why there’s a giant protest (Palestine) to thinking student loans have no interest, to Vinnie thinking people can afford to live in the Bay Area if both people in a couple just get jobs - it’s getting harder to enjoy the show. Their bit about bringing up something they can’t remember the name of and spending 5 min yelling wrong answers at each other is so annoying. I used to wish they’d just start a podcast together so it could be more like the Secret Show, but now I don’t know if I would even be interested in that. So sad.
  • gfhyki
    Tin-ney sound since moving
    Ever since moving to the new office, I am hearing S & V very tin-ey at times (don’t know how else to describe it, like a tin can??) I never heard it before and have been a forever listener. I have given a bunch of time thinking you guys were getting all the bugs out but it’s still going on. Just wondering……am I the only one noticing this?
  • Miz1978
    A series of commercials with a bit of show mixed in. A listener since S&V first started, sad to see what the show is now.
  • holdietz
    They always give their best
    I’ve listened for years and years, and everyone on the show tries to sort to the positive, to be light hearted and to share their personal experiences in a way that’s uplifting, while still so authentic. This is my main podcast, the only one I listen to religiously, the one I learned to download podcasts for. To S and V and all of the sidekicks from all of the years, ihygl and don’t let the turkeys get you down.
  • rosered13
    Long time fan
    I’ve been listening since the late 90’s and I don’t see myself not listening. But… I don’t like this edited version of the show. It’s short show highlights and not the full show uploaded like it used to be.
  • Drcf
    Stop yelling wake up!
    I love the content of the show and have been listening since the beginning. But this is a podcast. People listen to podcasts at all hours. I listen when I'm awake in the middle of the night with insomnia. Please please stop yelling "wake up" over and over. It's making it so that I can't listen anymore. And honestly, I don't like you yelling that at me even when I do have to get up at 6:30am. No one likes to be yelled at.
    Long time listener
    As a long time listener from the beginning, I truly love S&V and I appreciate the ability to keep up with the show when I can’t listen live. But I don’t understand the editing and release of the podcast. Two other local morning shows (BBM and M&C) consolidate all of the morning show into one segment which is released daily. The 3 separate segments put out for each hour of S&V, 6-7, 7-8, 8-9 plus all the little additional segments make for a very frenetic listen. Ugh. Brings down the rating from a 5 to a 3.
  • deafpaya
    Confused too
    Agree with Neband D (hope that’s right). The editing has made the show annoying. The is a 5. The editing drops it down to a 2.
  • CCbeanser
    Don’t edit out segment teases
    Why does Alex edit out the “What’s coming up in the news?” and “What’s coming up in the trash?” teases? Not only does it make for really choppy edits, but podcasts listeners want to hear the whole show too!
  • acshea818
    Back to back same ads is the only annoyance
    Love everything about this show and listen ever day. My only complaint is the back to back same comercial. I get the need for advertising but it’s literally a double play back to back of the same words and it’s annoying.
  • gogetthis
    Marquee stars of the BAY AREA
    I’ve been a loyal morning listener since 2003. From Andrew “Icky” to Hooman Khalili Sabet to Uzette Salazar- this show has seen many challenges (but what station hasn’t) in the last 25yrs. With the addition of ultra producer Bryn in 2012, Nicole in 2019 (now with Disney) and Alex in 2020-it makes the show run like a smooth machine. My favorite part of the show the has always been the Lost 30-a bit quieter fireside chat that just evolves into anything and sometimes involves special surprises for longtime listeners. I choked up when Vince announced that he was going to be a dad. I shed a tear when Uzette left the show after being there for decades. If your seeking to listen to a corporatized station-this is not that. They don’t try to be fake, each personality compliments each other in the best way. There is a special sauce here. That’s why Sarah & Vinnie have been on the air since 1997-and will most likely retire as such, which is very rare on the waves. While they won’t get “stars” they occasionally have great comedians on and local musicians being themselves! Additionally they also have a secret show podcast 5 days/week live @ 10:03am and they all drop each Friday. If you want to laugh during a boring job or want just a truly fun podcast to listen to-this is the one! AGR Santa Rosa “707”
  • Den6833
    Waste of time
    Long time listener. I can’t take the hypochondriac anymore. The show has gone down hill since they changed producers. I’m unsubscribing.
  • Stace6868
    Love the highlights
    First off I’ve been listening for like 20 years !! I’m a very loyal listener. I used to listen to the podcasts religiously but now I am in an intense school program and don’t have time for that .. so for all the haters I’m on the opposite side ! I appreciate that I can still get my S&V fix without taking up too much of my time ! ❤️ So please for me trying to enter into the health care field in a super intense program don’t take away the highlights :)
  • Jan from L.A.
    No highlights please!
    Love the show but the highlights are super annoying. Absolutely no need to post them.
  • nicollelilian
    Just exactly what the dr ordered.
    I’ve been listening to the show for 11 years. Listening to podcasts for many. The one show I come back to constantly. We have ebs and flows in life. Periods of great joy, comedy, celebration, all kinds of fun. And we have periods of stress and sorrow and need for mindless escape. It us insanely unique that this show fits the bill for all scenarios. The humor, lightness, and yet woke-ness (intelligence of its hosts) of this podcast makes it a constant. I’m so grateful for it and I’m grateful for the podcast version of it since I don’t commute anymore :). Rock on my friends. Sarah and Vinnie, you make every day a little bit more tolerable! :) Xoxo
  • FishFam66
    Sarah & Vinnie Show
    The people who write in only to criticize. Not true fans I’ve been listening since the start I’m grateful for this show and the part each person plays. Love it so much Lighten up on Alex he is a nice guy and doesn’t need your hateful attitude !
  • Bbyka
    Huge flaws but loyal listener
    Like other reviewers the show highlights are such a waste of time when you’re already listening to the podcast. Get rid of them! My biggest issue is Alex. He’s probably a nice guy but horrible addition to the show. Can’t believe Sarah is the only woman left. There is absolutely zero diversity! On top of that there are tons of typos in the episode descriptions, horrible edits/transitions to breaks and weird audio that overlaps the show sometimes like a news report. The bosses need to punt!!!
  • wfgjk,l
    Stop with the highlights
    Just why? What’s the purpose, selling more ad time?
  • jklawrenz
    Love S&V buttt
    But the show highlights are dumb and I always have to skip over them. Also can not wait for the political ads to be over. But I do still love Sarah and Vinnie just think improvements could be made for the none local/podcast listeners
  • FruFrubutt
    Stop posting “highlights” at the end of the podcast
    It’s so ridiculous. If we are listening to the podcast than we don’t need the highlights. We just listened to it! It’s super annoying!! I’ve been listening to Sarah and vinnie since October 1997!! I obviously enjoy there show. But for this I will do 1 star in hopes this will help remove those last two SAF inclusions
  • ahdorabell
    Stop with the highlights
    Stop posting the highlights!! We’re here to listen to the full episodes, the highlights are redundant and infuriating.
  • tinajoym
    Dedicated listener
    Like the new longer segments, but the highlights are unnecessary except for V’s and Vinnie’s Trivia game. Lost 30 is my fave! Sometimes the sound levels seem different for each person. Bryn is often barely audible.
  • ArchLess
    None sense
    Which adds such levity to My morning- so happy to have you in my ears 🥳
  • Antura
    I’m about to fall off the show
    The straw that is breaking the camels back is adding show highlights sandwiched with more ads. This is on top of the here skis and repetitive ads you have on the podcast. I would be happy to pay a subscription so I don’t have to hear the disruptive ads poorly placed in the show.
  • SFBayAreaNative
    Sound so muffled on Friday
    Not clear. Can’t hear Vinnie
  • Hghyrscrujcs
    Enough with the show highlights
    I don’t understand why you’ve started posting show highlights. We’ve already heard them during the actual show. And the one minute show wrap up is also a weird choice to upload as an individual episode. Still love S & V, of course!
  • Patty1427
    It’s actually lost
    Seems like we have actually lost the Lost 30. That was my favorite part. I haven’t listened since. Bring it back and I’ll go back to listening every day. This new podcast layout it very odd. Haven’t been listening lately.
  • kiri70
    Where are the podcasts for Monday and Tuesday of this week?
  • Lisamre73
    3 thumbs down
    I hate this new format. It’s such a mess! Please bring back the old format
  • Wasabi95117
    Content is great, but new show segmenting is lousy
    The Sarah and Vinnie show is great and the content is 5-stars. How the show has recently been chopped up and presented as a podcast makes it almost unlistenable (1-star). No longer can I hit play and listen to the entire show. Now if it the segment is a rehash or sounds like it, I just delete it and move on. As a regular S&V podcast listener for the past 10+ years, I would have never done that. If you need the commercial time, please listen to how “Smartless” podcast promotes advertisers.
  • Long-time fan #1
    Lost 30?
    Where is the Lost 30? Miss it!!
  • love.but.annoyed
    Confusing uploads
    Really confusing uploads recently. I’m not getting the lost 30 in my library and there are random, super short uploads (2-4 mins) that are redundant..
  • Cre8tive 1
    What’s up with the new format?
    Missing Lost 30, segments are broken up differently, some short some long… Don’t like it. Two decade plus listener, still love the show!
  • Yontie
    A long time favorite
    Thank you Sarah and vinnie for years of entertainment. An easy podcast to pick up and enjoy every day.
  • jenlowell
    Old news
    Why doesn’t the shows load up daily. This app does not update podcasts daily
  • Como69
    End of show
    Why isn’t the end/final hr downloading…missing the trivia !
  • corey nelson
    Just like listening to them on the Radio
    Love that they podcast the show. Makes it so much easier to listen when I can outside the radio live hours.
  • Whyborg1
    “Crush Gary”
    Can we just have Hulk Baby crush the smithereens out of Gary & be done with it already?!’
  • MTutca
    Has gone full swing leftist. Loved this show for many years
    Hey Gary!
    We care about Sarah, Vinny, Coco and Brynn…..but loathe “Gary” commercials.
  • mel former SF
    S and V
    I love them! I’m so happy they brought back secret shows.
  • nhilgesen
    Lost 30
    My favorite part of the show. Love you guys. Your job is more important than you know!
  • Turtle's Itunes
    Soooooooo fun!!!
    I’ve been listening since I was in high school. I’m so happy I can keep in touch with my favorite morning crew at anytime.
  • B Man096
    Only goes back 2weeks n iPhone podcast
    I am about 3 months behind. Radio .com does in fact have the August 2020 episodes but the iPhone app only goes back to October 26 and today is November 11th!!! Please fix this because apparently it is not something I can change in any settings. I would really like to listen to 3 months worth of shows and advertisements 😉. Note: My favorite radio show and podcast since the 90’s.
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