The Monica Crowley Podcast

Politics #120

The Monica Crowley Podcast is a whipsmart, fast-paced, sassy blend of politics, culture, history and humor, all brought to you with the sunny optimism of Ronald Reagan's "Happy Warrior" spirit.  Monica Crowley has - uniquely- served two American Presidents: Richard Nixon in his last years as Foreign Policy Assistant, and Donald Trump as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. A high-profile TV and radio personality, she’s a New York Times bestselling author, popular columnist, and savvy, funny host who delivers one-of-a-kind insights and interviews. The Monica Crowley Podcast is true appointment listening.

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Recent Reviews
    The MONICA CROWLEY PODCAST IS EXCELLENT!!! Her guests share important information relevant to the day and to our future. Thank you Ms. Crowley for keeping me educated and updated. I appreciate you.
  • Mariamne0175
    Where’s the truth?
    I find it strange that Monica is defending both Nixon and Kissinger in her latest podcast when we know ( None Dare to Call it a Conspiracy and The Naked Communist by Cleo Skousen) that Nixon and Kissinger were agents of the deep state. What’s going on here? Nixon wanted to open our market to China and often changed policies after meetings with the Rothschilds in New York.
  • gfrlfy64
    Love this!!
    It is about time someone refer to the OBiden administration and global elites as Communists!!! Thank You Monica!!!!
  • makin $$&
    Blue eyed beauty
    If you can get past her beautiful jewels, you will see how smart and talented this lady is. Monica Crowley a true American.
  • groovy squirrel
    All hail the grovelling sycophant!
    And her crown of seditious pandering!!
  • Tartsee
    Love it!
    Monica provides excellent, much needed information and insight and presents it in a way that keeps you listening. Very enjoyable podcast.
  • Pamela7644
    Re: Marco Rubio
    Excellent show. So informative. Ready for Thursday and scotus decisions.
  • SLoomis78
    Pick Me
    Pure white trash podcast
  • Bookclub member Gentry
    A Genuine Patriot
    After I have listened to a Monica Crowley podcast, I feel more enlightened and informed. I especially like how she will ask her guests for solutions. I am an INDEPENDENT THINKER who appreciates in depth and honest reporting on topics are ignored by major media outlets. TY Monica, keep up the exceptional effort. You are greatly appreciated. CGJ Clark
    Nice voice.
    Confused antiquated inaccurate world view.
  • mexicanteacher
    Other than DJT, Monica is my hero!!!!!
  • Crazyhorse263
    Long Island Boy
    Monica! I’ve been following you and MK for years! I never knew you had a podcast! I love it!!! It’s about time! I love you! Are you single???? 😎 Mark from Long Island 🇺🇸
  • Carlos PB
    Another Master Piece Podcast.
    This time Monica and Leo “2.0” Terrell blow it out of the park with sound reasoning and ease. Bravo Monica! Bravo Leo!
  • Janice Fahy
    Something’s wrong with her voice
    An odd and broadly dishonest warble. Difficult podcast to listen to with lots of production issues, hard to hear. Strange woman with tinny voice. Maybe she was in an accident.
  • Woodchuck413
    I’m impressed
    I found you on X last night told you I would give you a listen. My only regret is I found you so late. Your first show of 2024 was awesome. Your in my favorites and I’ll listen regularly. Thank you for a wonderful podcast. Foolmoon413.
  • >:-(!
    Re: Nixon thoughts
    Please share anything about Nixon’s E.O. that took the US off of the gold(metals) standard & Bannon’s idea about undoing that via E.O.!
  • Insearchof#
    Guard your credibility…
    Monica, I certainly agree that most of the charges against Trump are specious, BUT, when you repeatedly say that Trump did nothing wrong you lose your credibility. Trump does appear to have violated certain laws in the Mar-a-Largo case. Asking aides to get rid of videos (as alleged) in the face of a subpoena is obstruction. Let’s be honest; Trump is often his own worst enemy.
  • DetroitDog
    Saving our kids and our nation
    I enjoyed your conversation with the Chicks on the Right but must ask, how can a conversation about saving our kids not include an encouragement to parents to take their kids to church on Sundays? If we are serious about saving America and our children we must return to Christ, train and pray for our kids then get engaged in saving our nation!
  • Zr2corvettes
    A true champion of freedom and liberty love the shows
  • Jesus_Christ_is_1
    Agree with views but too much self promoting
    My worldview is exactly the same as Monica’s but I have to take these podcasts in small doses due to her constant self-promoting and patting herself on the back. A little humility would go a long way.
  • fordjonp
    I listened to your interview with Nancy Mace. I believe we are in dire straits because instead of banning Darwin’s evolutionary theory in the Monkey Scopes Trial , we banned Creationism. From that error we are now completely compromised on where authority comes from. We can justify killing a life based on what? My feelings or the inerrant Word of the Almighty. The Creator who sanctions and sanctifies Life In His Heart and Likeness Period. Take the issue of Innocent Life up with Him. Let science be damned!
  • Helodoc412
    Brett Baier. Really??!? Bye bye Monica
    Fox is bought and paid for and I looks like you are too. Gfy.
  • lexstmp
    Monica is a favorite of mine
    Monica has a wonderful podcast. She discusses important issues and being in the financial sector, I enjoy hearing Monica’s opinion. Five Stars!
  • Cashe Flow
    I won’t be listening to the PDB! That host is a fraud, and a tottee for the iC!
  • humboldtnorm
    Oliver Stone
    Your “podcast” is a joke
  • Cheddboard
    My hero
    Monica your one of the best your sweet smart and beautiful I love your shows , you educate me and my family so much . You truly are a warrior. As a first generation American my mom loves this country. She was a warrior and loving Rush so much and compared him to as her son we love you but mom is with rush and her two daughters in heaven god bless you Keep going strong and stay strong
  • Bill F29
    Too much profanity
  • WJL2020
    She is a Patriot!
    Wow, actual truth about the condition of our Nation, and real hope for conservatives to strive towards saving America! Thank you Monica!
  • Fix my hulu app
    Tin foil hat needed.
    GQP mouthpiece
  • matthaya
    A bit much
    If you want to get bummed out about the world, listen to this show. Depressing.
  • statedept1515
    She’s a doofus
    Alarmist and unlikely to provide necessary context because it disqualifies whatever she is usually railing about. Avoid.
  • Toyota-Camry
    Princess Monica👰‍♀️👑
    “”OH MY GOSH””” Been A Follower Of Princess Monica👰‍♀️👑 Since She Was On Fox Business
  • raeast
    I feel vindicated!!!
    I am 76 years old. I have never had the flu. I am unvaccinated. A friend in the medical field told me about the facts in your Feb 3 podcast a long time ago. I was shunned by all my “friends” because I am unvaccinated. But I knew it was right not to get vaccinated. Now my “friends” are sorry they took the jab!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!
  • Dirtydanman
    45 is God
    When she says that the coronavirus was developed to get rid of black people, I think she makes a good point. A lot going on in Wuhan and the republicans and Chinese have to agree on something.
  • Kellyatthelake
    Great Interview with Dr Andrew Huff
    Wow! That was eye-opening and kinda scary at the same time. I pray for his safety and for an thankful for his courage to leave the deep state and write his book.
  • RPPSr.
    Smart Cookie
    Monica is extremely bright and has a world view that aligns with the American family first values. She calls out the bad guys on the left and the right. I value her commentary.
  • Small Time Dude
    Support forJulie Kelly
    Monica, I’m trying to find a way to take action as a voter. How about, if we contacted our governor, and asked how many of our state residents were confined in this illicit prison confinement, their names, and what you have done about it?
  • Texas GranMa
    What to do….
    I appreciate your finger pointing out the things that are wrong, but specific ways to fix the problems would be most appreciated. Fingers crossed for help 🤞
  • ScottHG
    Far right garbage.
    Conspiracy theories, nonsense, and ads for gold schemes and supplements. She is Alex Jones in a wig.
  • Teris treasures
    I Thank God For Your Podcast ❣️
    Monica where do I begin!? 🥰 I discovered you a few weeks ago. I am now A Fan❣️ Thank you for delivering the political current events as only You can do. Also Thank You for your unique insight to President Nixon. You truly opened my eyes to things I never understood before. God Bless & Be Well Dear Lady
  • SunShineGirl21
    Worth making time for this podcast
    Great information: focused, knowledgeable, well- presented!
  • YourBoyTussin
    Monica Crowley is a liar
    When Ron Desantis sent 2 planes filled with illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard Monica reports that MV residents were “whining” and wanting nothing more than to get the people off the island. That couldn’t be more untrue. Residents welcomed them with open arms, food, and offering up their own homes as shelter. Monica Crowley made up her own “news” and should be ashamed of herself. She has yet to apologize and admit that she lied.
  • Sgr Rock
    Monica Crowley Podcast 9/7/22
    Excellent interview. I am a 66-years old, and have been retired from the military for over 25-years. I truly enjoy your podcast, you are spot on. I especially enjoy how you and your guests are able to highlight the problems the country and the world is going through, and how we must work together to resolve these problems. I was raised on a farm in California, and at a young age understood that we are each responsible for solving our problems and government is not the solution. Keep up the great job and keep turning out excellent content. Donald Wilson MSGT, USAF (Ret.)
  • Florida Chief
    Love it!!
    I love Monica’s detailed reports and opinions on today’s most important issues. I listen as often as time allows.
  • NexusXX
    I have really enjoyed Monica's podcast. I support her politics and passion. Give her a try.
  • Forever Patriot
    … your podcast!!! (I am down on one knee:) Will you marry me, Monica???
  • yourfavoriterichie
    0 Stars Isn’t and Option 🫣🤢😫
    Anyone notice how she worked for two of the most infamous and damaging presidents this country has had? She is, rather than providing impartial information, giving unfair statements to listeners. I can tell exactly what audience this podcast was made for, and since I am not a red neck insane racist far right Republican, I don’t believe that audience includes me.
  • AZ Horse Gal
    Devin Nunes
    I always enjoy your conversations with excellent guests like Devin Nunes! 🇺🇸 America First!
  • Bradthink
    Your relentless passion, perspective, and unvarnished commentary are timely and impactful!
  • LA Liberty
    To Monica from La Liberty
    Carry On Patriots!❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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