Political Gabfest

News #74Politics #27

Voted “Favorite Political Podcast” by Apple Podcasts listeners. Stephen Colbert says "Everybody should listen to the Slate Political Gabfest." The Gabfest, featuring Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz, is the kind of informal and irreverent discussion Washington journalists have after hours over drinks.Want more Political Gabfest? Subscribe to Slate Plus to unlock weekly bonus episodes. Plus, you’ll access ad-free listening across all your favorite Slate podcasts. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts by clicking “Try Free” at the top of our show page. Or, visit slate.com/gabfestplus to get access wherever you listen.

Recent Episodes
  • Who Is Responsible For Political Violence?
    Sep 19, 2024 – 01:04:58
  • Donald Trump Takes The Bait
    Sep 12, 2024 – 01:08:18
  • Why Isn’t Harris Doing Better?
    Sep 5, 2024 – 01:01:30
  • Will Harris and Trump Actually Debate?
    Aug 29, 2024 – 01:08:59
  • The Democrats ‘Do Something’ Convention
    Aug 22, 2024 – 01:04:26
  • Gabfest Reads: Where Does the American Jewish Experience Go from Here?
    Aug 17, 2024 – 59:13
  • Are We Really Still Talking About Crowd Size?
    Aug 15, 2024 – 01:01:33
  • These Walz Could Talk
    Aug 8, 2024 – 53:00
  • These [Republicans] Are Weird
    Aug 1, 2024 – 01:05:02
  • The Coronation of Kamala Harris
    Jul 25, 2024 – 01:00:54
  • Gabfest Reads: Understanding the World Through Notebooks
    Jul 20, 2024 – 41:33
  • “Fight, Fight, Fight”
    Jul 18, 2024 – 49:44
  • Even George Clooney Has Abandoned Biden
    Jul 11, 2024 – 01:01:46
  • Trump Is So Immune
    Jul 4, 2024 – 01:05:41
  • Biden’s Catastrophic Debate
    Jun 28, 2024 – 28:52
  • A Law Trapped In Amber
    Jun 27, 2024 – 58:46
  • Presidential Debate Preview
    Jun 20, 2024 – 01:01:30
  • Gabfest Reads: When a Sex Robot Catches Feelings
    Jun 15, 2024 – 21:14
  • Biden’s Risky Asylum Policy
    Jun 13, 2024 – 58:06
  • Will Trump’s Conviction Help Biden?
    Jun 6, 2024 – 57:38
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: The Meaning Behind All This Navel Gazing
    Jun 1, 2024 – 38:02
  • Donald Trump is Convicted! Plus, Who is Winning The Senate?
    May 30, 2024 – 01:15:33
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: Time Travel Via an Assortment of Journal Entries
    May 25, 2024 – 29:55
  • Justice Alito's Upside Down Flag
    May 23, 2024 – 01:02:34
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: Moving in New York Twenty Years After September 11th.
    May 18, 2024 – 43:49
  • Gabfest Reads: Why Americans Care About Animals
    May 18, 2024 – 33:21
  • How Bad Was The Poll For Biden?
    May 16, 2024 – 01:00:27
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: The Sneaky Pitfalls of the To-Do List
    May 11, 2024 – 38:43
  • Trump Wore Pajamas
    May 9, 2024 – 01:07:47
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: Remembering Early 1990s New York
    May 4, 2024 – 44:52
  • Should Student Protesters Be Arrested?
    May 2, 2024 – 56:36
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: The Power of Four Numbers
    Apr 27, 2024 – 33:30
  • Election Fraud Pure and Simple
    Apr 25, 2024 – 01:08:44
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: Remembering George and Defending the Morning
    Apr 21, 2024 – 27:00
  • Gabfest Reads: Can America Survive Its Relationships with Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin?
    Apr 20, 2024 – 41:59
  • Could You Be A Trump Juror?
    Apr 18, 2024 – 01:02:31
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: Sending our Son to College
    Apr 13, 2024 – 28:34
  • Arizona Territory’s 1864 Abortion Law
    Apr 11, 2024 – 58:50
  • John Dickerson’s Navel Gazing: An Exploration of Inklings
    Apr 6, 2024 – 28:32
  • Florida Bans Abortion Again
    Apr 4, 2024 – 01:04:06
  • John Dickerson Introduces: Navel Gazing
    Apr 3, 2024 – 01:49
  • Gabfest Live In Washington, D.C.!
    Mar 28, 2024 – 01:11:15
  • When Is Government Speech Coercion?
    Mar 21, 2024 – 58:17
  • Gabfest Reads: How Tana French Uses Genre Tropes to Tell Great Human Stories
    Mar 16, 2024 – 28:24
  • Did Hur Exonerate Biden?
    Mar 14, 2024 – 57:14
  • The Dismal Biden Polls
    Mar 7, 2024 – 01:01:01
  • Could They Actually Leap Over Biden And Dunk Him?
    Feb 29, 2024 – 58:20
  • Can Putin Be Stopped?
    Feb 22, 2024 – 01:02:10
  • Gabfest Reads: Race, Money and Fictional Life at the University of Arkansas
    Feb 17, 2024 – 22:51
  • Well-Meaning, Elderly Man With A Poor Memory
    Feb 15, 2024 – 52:12
Recent Reviews
  • nickname mot taken
    As usual represents the clueless Americans
  • jcalcomedy
    Behind the times?
    I got the overall sense that this group is discussing a political race from the 1980s or 90s. They each seem to know one aspect of politics really well, but they’re way out of their depth otherwise. They deliver their old-fashioned takes with the naive confidence of a college freshman taking their first Poli-Sci class. It’s off-putting. I may give it a try another time, but the episode I listened to was a waste of time.
  • The Ebony Avenger
    Periodically Thought-Provoking. Periodically Biased and Uneven.
    I have listened to the Political Gabfest for quite some time. I've enjoyed the show on the whole. As a long-time listener, I am accustomed to the hosts and their biases. David Plotz takes on contrarian stands occasionally. His ridiculous championing of Michael Bloomberg as a credible presidential candidate is a perfect example. A billionaire capitalist with some liberal-leaning social policy positions was the wrong person for the moment. It was mildly humorous watching Bloomberg try to run as a Democrat and easily get destroyed by Elizabeth Warren during a Democratic debate in 2019. The quick collapse of that candidacy afterward couldn't have been more proof of how wrong David was. The tragedy that is Gaza has become a new example of the same problem. The attack on October 7, 2023, was a vicious and brutal assault on innocent Israelis. The senseless death and destruction inflicted on the Palestinian people since that date have been equally vicious and brutal. It has highlighted the apartheid-like system that Palestinians in Israel live under. It should be easier to discuss the topic. Emily made it impossible to take her seriously when she labeled legitimate criticism of Josh Shapiro’s position on Israel as anti-Semitic. His unwavering support of Israel's conduct was a legitimate topic of discussion. We don't have to look any further back than to the Obama and George W. Bush administrations to find examples of Vice Presidents who had a significant influence on policy. What Shapiro thought about Middle Eastern foreign policy was a credible subject for conversation. It could have been done without prejudice becoming a factor. John has attempted to stay above the fray on most difficult subjects. He has wanted to appear as impartial as possible. John has tried to keep a credible distance between his opinions and discussing political policy. If John couldn't, he would simply go silent. Nonetheless, he is a Christian and a moralist. As such, John has been challenged by Donald Trump’s immoral and corrupting force in our politics. This has caused his veil of neutrality to slip from time to time. I don't mind it. We all have biases that cloud our judgment. Let's be honest about them.
  • schlenky1
    LOL 😂
    Is it just me or how ironic that a podcast that has Ads for ZIP RECRUITER is asking listeners to apply for a specific job instead of using ZIP??? LOve this podcast anyway! Huh? Please tell me why u r doing a show on Jewish Families ( am one) btw!!! When the largest political convention of the 20th century wrapped up last night!!!?????? R U still political gabfest or I’m talking about whatever I want fest??? I’m out!
  • makeupmyname
    Hosts, please stop saying “like,” “sort of,” “kind of” with every sentence! Just say your thought without feeling a need to soft-peddle it. Listen to more experienced newscasters for guidance on various delivery issues, to lose a high-pitched (ow!) sing-songy voice, etc.
  • khrissbliss
    out of touch
    i wanted to enjoy this show & gave it try again. but c'mon: stop trying to make elections about pollicy happen. the 2024 campaign is about a ticket with two joyous middleclass folks, one gives car tips, one who does a youtube cooking channel so they're BOTH GOOD WITH THEIR HANDS, & both going viral; the other ticket is about two Ivy League weirdo poseurs representing the weirdo GOP clown car. ANYBODY CAN SEE THIS CAMPAIGN THEME WITH THE SOUND OFF. drop the DC cocktail chatter about white papers
  • Christina1832
    I generally have liked this show, hence the three stars. However, the careful side-stepping of conversations regarding Gaza is maddening. In a recent conversation, there was discussion of Gov. Shapiro’s pro-Israel stance, but then one of the hosts labeled any objection to him as a VP choice as anti-Semitic. Being skeptical of someone who is vocally pro-Israel is not the same as being anti-Semitic and equating the two things is disingenuous.
  • Patty2347
    Love the show
    Long time listener and I love this show
  • M49erfan
    So tired of David Plotz
    This guy ties himself into logical knots in order to provide a hot take that will boost Trump. I can’t stand him anymore. He doesn’t believe a word he says because he’s too smart for that but he believes we’re all dumb enough to take his devils advocacy seriously. I really like Emily and John and I used to like David but it’s too much now. Can’t do it anymore. You’re why we’re losing faith in mainstream journalism.
  • MercyInNormal
    LOVE this show!
    I’ve been a listener for well over ten years, and I just love this show. The hosts have amazing rapport, and every week they cover important political matters. The discussions are thoughtful and thought-provoking. I feel a little bit smarter every time I listen! Plus, they’re clearly having a lot of fun together, and the guests are always great! I could go on …
  • Fred Bermuda
    Whose idea is it that Ruth Marcus will elevate a conversation about anything political. Snide and snark seem contagious when the Scourge of Potty Mouths everywhere is on the panel. Emily and John have done better but not lately. Sad. It used to be a better, less predictable podcast.
  • Edwardsmarcom
    Used to be good
    Wow. I just tried to listen to the 7/25/2024 show and you’d never know the excitement in the air from these three whiners. I stopped listening a couple years ago because I’m sick of David Plotz’ obnoxious “devil’s advocate” self pleasure, but I thought they might have a fun take on Biden passing the torch. NOPE. Low energy whining and boring, dry commentary. Talk about a buzzkill. Maybe I’ll try again in a few years.
  • Krabgrl
    New Slate Plus “Bonus Episodes” Idiocy
    Whoever decided to remove the bonus content for Slate Plus subscribers from the main program episode and create a separate shorty “BONUS” episode should be fired. I already subscribe to the Slate Plus feed for specific shows. I shouldn’t have to select 2 separate episodes to get the same content I used to get in one Slate Plus episode. This new format is definitely a inexplicable step backwards. Do you really think your paying Slate Plus subscribers are stupid enough to believe they’re now getting more paywalled content with this repackaging? Please go back to the old episode format and quit junking up my feed!
  • SoulLove77
    Awareness of Non Courage
    Zero integrity with being honest about the media But it’s important to be aware of the values of fear and false narrative that you guys are reporting about yourselves and your media friends.
  • rhexvyb
    Why I’m unfollowing and you should too
    Gabfest is blatantly avoiding the topic of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. I’ve listened to this show for years but it’s time to drop it bc they’ve lost all credibility for ignoring the greatest evil of our time
  • COPodcastListener
    Not what I was looking for
    I wanted a left-leaning podcast that is willing to steel-man arguments from the right and then address and respond. Other than John, this podcast hasn’t proved capable of understanding and responding to any good faith arguments from the right.
  • DrDK2
    Too Naive About Presidential Immunity
    The discussion about Presidential Immunity forgets an important fact in Roberts’ opinion. Since Roberts said they can’t introduce any evidence that depends on testimony from anyone in Administration, how can you prosecute ANYONE around the President for illegal acts. This opinion gives immunity to the entire Trump cabal.
  • angrylf
    Predictable, obvious and frustrating
    This is like a SNL skit about left leaning political pundits having a podcast except it isn’t amusing.
  • Ryen Russillo Groupie
    False Advertisement
    I love this show!! Don’t miss an episode and even loved their episode published on May 30th that was labeled “Trump Convicted”. But then you didn’t talk about it at all… total click and listen bait. Don’t false advertise just to get a listen. You are better than that and you don’t need to do that. Please don’t do that again. A still loyal listener.
  • meteorising
    Emily’s vocal fry
    I want to listen to your entire conversations but Emily’s stylish speech ranging from high pitch to vocal fry in every sentence hurts my ears.
  • FWalkerH
    Late to the (podcast) Party; but lovin’ it!
    It’s been a few years since I stumbled on to the PG; but now I feel like one of the listener family. (Note that for quite a while—till I finally researched beyond the audio feed—John Dickerson was the only voice I could put a face to; but now—like family members chatting round the kitchen table—I see/hear you all!) In any case, I too applaud you for your chemistry, your impressive intellects, your ability to communicate, your collective Wit (& the more ascerbic, the better), plus some interesting guests & road trip shows. I’m also a fan of Cocktail Chatter & am a Slate Plus member. As someone who—as a constant companion for a disabled spouse—must stay close to home for most of my daily hours, I really look forward to my weekly Gabfest fix. THX & Keep gabbing! —Frank H., Petoskey, Michigan
  • blt667
    why has navel gazing hijacked this podcast?
  • VioletMeadows
    No navel gazing please
    This navel gazing- slow, pointlessness- plays when I try to play other episodes. I can’t get away from it! I was trying the paid subscription out but won’t be keeping it.
  • Fuji apple
    Really enjoy your podcast, which allows me to disassociate while completing my morning rowing workout, while listening to intelligent conversations. I like this group, who don’t always agree, but who are always civil. Please disregard the naysayers in these comments, and consider doing a podcast twice a week. One comment regards the podcast rules (apparently). I became a subscriber and wanted to review older podcasts, but found out I was only allowed access to the subscriber section for about a year back. Is this a penalty for subscribing late?
  • Auron Renouille
    What on Earth is this “navel gazing” nonsense?
    The podcast is called “political gabfest;” the episodes called “navel gazing” are appropriately named - self-important rumination that has nothing to do with politics, law, or news, and are only appropriate when quietly muttered to oneself in front of a bathroom mirror. These audio essays - and “essay” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here - are inexplicable. I at first hoped that it was some sort of a soft launch of a new podcast and would go away after an episode or so but evidently it’s not going away. Please, for all that is holy, separate out the two podcasts - I fast forward the instant that I realize that it’s one of those bizarre screeds. I’ll gladly revise my review once they’re gone. The original podcast was great. This new stuff is truly ~bizarre~ and I can’t figure out why my subscription to a politics and law podcast was turned into a subscription to ~this~.
  • Zombiesun99
    Please stop putting naval gazing in the feed
    I will subscribe to slate plus if I can not have that show show up in my feed. Thanks.
  • Rober66
    Screaming voices
    Increasingly violent campus protests?? You must mean the increasingly violent response to student protests. I have spent time at the encampments and they are full of knowledge-seekers and idealistic student’s who actually believe what we teach and seek to create a better world. At Brown a recent rally ended with “learn with us, live with us, live with us.” There are so many valid perspectives on this topic. Has the gabfest expressed any concern for Gazans?
  • Vitbifr432
    Love John, hate 'gazing'
    I have to say that John's contributions to Gabfest are terrific: thoughtful, informed, and often poetic in their way. The current offering may be all that as well, but no. No. Not under the title of Gabfest. Just no.
  • Icanbuild
    Election Fraud Plain and Simple
    To think “this” Supreme Court is taking their time in making decisions for future presidents is pure folly; plain and simple!
  • Jaisaunders
    So one sided
    This show is just another prime example of fools with trump deranged syndrome. Pathetic. You fools go ahead keep supporting the regime and watch our country continue to crumble. Lame show don’t waste your time.
  • Bleecker44
    While I always enjoy hearing various points of view this show is more about a group of smart folks who agree with each other. Very little room for any meaningful significant difference of opinion. David and Emily are almost 100% in agreement. John adds a fantastic intellectual view that opens the doors to other POVs but only goes so far.
  • pwestes
    Navel gazing with John Dickerson
    Very good program. John Dickerson never disappoints. 🌼
  • Norwich42
    "Navel gazing" is lovely, generous writing. Look forward to more
  • doogald
    Why the extras?
    I’ve been listening from the beginning and this would be 5 stars if it wasn’t for the extra stuff in the feed - gabfest reads, and now navel gazing. If I want to subscribe to those shows, I’ll subscribe to those shows. Don’t put that stuff in the main feed (except for maybe the first episode- that would be fine.) I keep having to delete the stuff I don’t care to hear.
  • Queenie Von Sugarpants
    Politics, but not exhausting
    Political Gabfest is my favorite political podcast because it's pretty much the only one I've regularly consumed that doesn't either whip me into a rage or sink me into existential despair. No, I don't always agree with the hosts, and they can be tone-deaf when it comes to class and money. But I like their varied temperaments and areas of expertise, I always enjoy the guests, and I can catch up on stories I missed without suffocating on outrage or snark or cynicism, or feeling like I'm being manipulated. Besides politics, there's often a gratifying bit of frivolity or wonder or joy, or just an apt turn of phrase that really hits the spot. I look forward to it each week.
  • B the Guy
    Great podcast
    Interesting and fun
  • kla212
    2/3rds great
    Congratulations on listening to a Palestinian voice only six months after the genocide began.
  • historyty7
    Teachers and COVID
    Your assertion that the “date doesn’t show” that teachers were at elevated risk quickly ignores the fact that teachers are older than students, and many have medical conditions that would have placed them at higher risk. Many live with adults with health conditions that would be at risk if teachers brought home COVID. Young students with healthy immune systems skew the data to make it seem like the fears were overblown. Instead of just saying that teachers failed and need to “own it” please express the limitations of your own limited analysis. As a teacher I can say from my first hand and ongoing experience that you have no idea what happened. I feel you owe and apology and a correction.
    GREAT pod
    I tell everyone I know to listen to this pod. I love the chemistry between David, Emily and John. I learn so much every week…from each of them but particularly from Emily because I know nothing about the justice system. Thursdays are the highlight of my week. HIGHLY recommend.
  • MyraCara
    Very good for keeping informed about politics
    The hosts have comprehensive knowledge about politics in the U.S. are good explainers.
  • VSLNew
    Wait for it to drop every Thursday
  • Crystalash
    Regurgitating, not real journalism
    Offers not much insights beyond commentaries on whatever has been circulated in the mass media. Even the occasional quibbles fall within the narrow framework of the consensus.
  • ChristinaLBW
    Never Miss This
    I have been listening every week for years
  • MeggoAH
    Disappointed Listener
    I’ve listened to this podcast for around 7 years. I used to find the analysis interesting and relied on it heavily as the pandemic unfolded. Now I see that these three (Emily by far the least, but still) are all much closer to the center than I realized. They’re elitist and out of touch. Their coverage of Gaza and Israel has left me confused about their moral compasses.
  • Montana lib
    I’m done with mainstream pundits who seem to have almost no knowledge of what’s really going on with the right wing. I hear almost nothing on this show about most of the conspiracies, the religious extremism and the powerful think tanks who are not the fringe but are rather directing the GOP and the trump campaign. Stop ignoring what is vile, stupid and terrifying just to be “balanced.”
  • Jman11215
    I’m not sure what’s happening…
    Longtime listener, I have always enjoyed the podcast. No issues with John or Emily but David Plots has become elitist, spoiled and kind of whiney. Democracy is at stake and he’s not bringing anything necessary, interesting or of value to the show. Sorry.
  • hm122221
    Reliably outstanding
    Started listening in the summer of 2016 and haven’t missed an episode! Three brilliant minds. I am constantly in awe of listening to David describe the things he takes interest in—makes me interested too!
  • Co elk do
    Two years ago I, too, used to enjoy listening to the conversation here by the 3 hosts. But in the last year, I have found better podcasts by more authoritative voices when it comes to constitutional law and even politics. David Plotz seems out of his depth here. Emily Bazalon does not have the same chops to discuss constitutional law that others have. John Dickerson has the best /most interesting perspective on issues and the one I enjoy listening to.
  • TLaball
    Destroy the Ivy League
    When David Leonheart said that Americans care about who attends elite universities, I almost dropped my phone. Eat the rich, right? Every conversation on this show about the university system somehow starts with the premise that the continuation or protection of the Ivy system is paramount to the continuation or protection of America. It’s the shocking idea that because so many politicos or CEOs or judges come from that system that it must mean something good is happening. There is never a real conversation about how that system perpetuates the class distinctions in this country or how all of those powerful people coming from a handful of institutions might be bad for us. And the idea that sometimes they’ll let in a poor Black kid is the disguise of diversity and only seeks to hide the truth: the Ivy system is foundational to upholding Americas class system that depends on a mass of poor to maintain the wealthy few. David Leonheart is wrong; Americans don’t care who goes to Harvard. Americans are poor, overworked, tired, and would rather use Harvard for kindling to warm themselves through this long, cold winter. Can these very bright people get off twitter, stop naval gazing and see the privileged bubble they inhabit? Doubtful.
  • JukinJen
    No longer very interesting
    I’ve loved this for years but recently have been disappointed and bored by the episodes. They are repetitive (polls are unreliable!) and they seem so worried about offending campus Progressive types that they never really explore topics. I hope that they become more courageous and varied in their opinions again.
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