The Daily Office Podcast


Pray Morning and Evening Prayer according to the Anglican Church in North America's 2019 Book of Common Prayer.No fuss, no frills. Just you, the Scriptures, and the prayers of the church.This podcast uses the 1-year Daily Office lectionary and the 60-day Psalter. Support this podcast:

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Recent Reviews
  • SophiaKaris
    Request for earlier upload
    It’s wonderful tool for daily devotion. Only one problem, the prayers are uploaded according to NA time, which is behind for me. It would be great Andrew if you could consider uploading the episodes (half) a day earlier to that people everywhere in the world would be able to use this prayer guide in time. Much thanks.
  • Flfrey
    A Great Podcast
    We use it regularly as part of our morning office.
  • Bishop Donison
    Brilliant for Walking
    Fr Andrew, well done! Great podcast that I am now using for my early morning walks. Great voice, easy to listen to; faithful biblical pronunciations; ans strong liturgical sense, as I feel I’m being led in a church service. This is a gift to the Church. (Bp Paul Donison)
  • Boscobel WI
    Thank you so much for reading the daily office. In the past, I have tried and failed to find a way to adopt it as a way of prayer. This opportunity of listening to it being read in a very forthright manner, is just the ticket. Thank you so much.
  • TXLawyerReview
    This podcast has been an excellent way of keeping up with my prayer discipline. Thank you, Andrew, for your ministry!
  • ScottGH
    Wonderful Gift to the Church
    Thank you for this valuable gift of the Daily Office in such a well produced audio version.
  • Mæħ
    Thanks from ADHD
    I’m am not Anglican (PCA by way of Southen Baptist) but find great value in this*. As someone who struggles with ADHD, simply trying to set aside time to pray - or choose and consistently follow a reading plan - is so overwhelming I often avoid it. I’ve tried print copies of the BCP but there are often several options for what passage or prayer to read at different times which in the end is also overwhelming so I avoid that as well. This straightforward presentation of prayers and scripture is a beautiful way to eliminate decision paralysis and simply listen, while not adding additional distractions. I have been listening on and off for a while and highly recommend it. *The only thing I have found that I didn't already theologically agree with is inclusion of readings from book of the Maccabees. However, even the Anglican Church doesn’t consider these scripture per se (at least not the ACNA) and - having never read these books - I found the history a fascinating insight into the pre-Christian Judaism that Jesus grew up in.
  • FLY NAVY!!
    Amazing resource. I’m thankful to God for this podcast!
  • rightonnow
    Slow Down
    Love this as a daily meditation but the host needs to slow down. Feels like he’s rushing through it.
  • littleTown4353
    Helpful for Rookie & Pro Anglicans Alike!
    As someone who is just now intentionally exploring Anglicanism, this podcast has been a great resource as I continue to develop my discipline with the Daily Office! I’m sure this podcast would benefit all Anglicans, especially in those moments of solitude when you need to hear a voice other than your own.
  • Doxatheos
    Outstanding Resource!
    The Daily Office Podcast is stellar, following the ACNA 2019 BCP. Andrew’s clear voice and articulation are great (by the way, the app allows you to speed up or slow down the pace). This audio version of the Daily Office follows the traditional canticle rotation. Would it be possible to have an audio version that follows the Office using the daily canticle rotation (see
  • RAPrice
    Straightforward & easy to follow
    No frills: modern English Bible translation and prayers, all spoken, in a clear voice, nothing chanted. However, I do wish this included some chanting in keeping with the clear dictation of the rest of the speaking.
  • Travlociraptor
    This podcast has helped with prioritizing prayer. Praise God
  • Kitty.Hunn
    The daily office changed my life
    I’ve been a Christian my whole life, but never knew much about the Anglican tradition. I started doing the Daily Office after my husband suggested we consider the Anglican Church. I was so surprised by the difference it made! I’ve done daily devotionals throughout my life, but these prayers have made a bigger impact on me than any of those. Shifting the focus from self improvement/reflection to the simple daily worship of God helped me let go of so much from my past that was keeping me down in the muck. I now feel free of it, I feel closer to God and a lightness in my soul for the first time in decades. I love reading the daily office, but I tend to listen to it most week days. Thank you for providing this no frills podcast!
  • Leslie#55
    Thank you!
    Fr. Mike Schmitz suggested to those listening to his podcast, Catechism in a Year, either read and/or listen to the Liturgy of the Hour. I have been listening for the past few days and am very grateful to have followed his suggestion! I feel that Liturgy of the Hour will help me build a stronger relationship with the Holy Trinity! God Bless and thank you again!
  • Rover7072
    Why skipping??
    Enjoying the daily office. Curious, on June 10th, reading Joshua 8, we skipped over vs 24-29 and wondering why?
  • KJ_Stepp
    Thank you
    Thank you for this ministry. Early mornings or a late drive home, the Daily Office podcast keeps the Word and prayers in my daily routine. This is a resource I have shared and will continue to share with many.
  • S.D. Smith
    Excellent. So Helpful!
    I love this podcast. The simplicity is a gift. Very useful and good. Thank you!
  • Danjoz
    Midday Prayer!?
    Make it happen!
  • Klp3004
    Thank you!
    This has been so helpful to me as I am new to following the prayer book. I also really like following along on the website you have linked. I appreciate your efforts! Edit: I would like to add that since I started listening I have looked around and found nothing of this quality, Thanks again!!
  • Dan Miller 1985
    Grateful for this podcast. Exactly what I was looking for!
  • Myster a
    No fuss, no frills
    Immense gratitude to Andrew and your team for this faithful work. Your offering is a regular part of my commute and daily rhythm. I have long sought a simple podcast to aid in my daily prayer practice, and so thankful to have finally found yours. Keep up the good work!
  • SoCal IE Teacher
    Great Daily Prayer
    As a recent listener to the Daily Podcast, I have enjoyed it. It is a great daily reminder to interact with the Word and with God through prayer. My only complaint would be that sometimes the words are spoken too fast during the prayersfor those who do not have them memorized as of yet.
  • MDBaker50
    My wife and I use this nearly everyday. Andrew has a great voice and is easy to follow, for the most part. He has changed the his voice cadence in the Benedictus this past week and just does not flow as well. Would love to see this redone so that it flows more smoothly.
  • Lunatic Of Combichrist's Creation
    Very helpful
    Thankful to Andrew for doing this, very helpful. He is a great reader for this, clear, and even tone and pace. Impressive how the plain reading of Scripture dominates the Daily Office.
  • 01chrisb
    A Very Useful Tool
    This daily podcast is extremely well done and very helpful in my devotions. I’m grateful to those who put their efforts into creating it.
  • lostsheepknitting
    Straightforward way to begin and end the day
    I’m Lutheran but share a liturgical expression to my faith in Jesus in common with the Anglican Church of North America. Thanks for making scripture accessible and using today’s tech. If you would be open to it, please read the scripture reference before the verses. I follow along only by listening, and more than once I have to pause your podcast and then search the YouVersion Bible app for the verse I just heard. Was that in Proverbs? Which Gospel?? “Proverbs chapter 24, Be not envious of evil men…” Spotify includes a beta version of the audio script to follow along with and the scripture references would really help!
  • Dtdude1992
    Love this!
    When rushed in the morning or too tired to read in the evening, this podcast has been a great way to draw near to God.
  • JanGivBel
    Great support for neurodivergent folks!
    My ADHD makes it challenging to consistently take on spiritual disciplines. This podcast is helping me access the rhythms of prayer and scripture reading in a way that works with what my mind needs.
  • Cjc1433
    Much needed!
    I love having access to this for early morning prayer and practice. I’m not an early bird, so it’s difficult to get my brain going . This makes it so much easier. Thank you!
  • JRR97
    Wonderful tool for daily devotional life
    Just found this podcast and appreciate the helpful guidance of hearing the Daily Office while I also read the text on my phone. A link to the Daily Office readings are included in the show notes. This is so convenient, and a great blessing!
  • migueltejas
    Practicing the Way of Jesus - the Anglican Way
    A great tool - simple - “no frills, no fuss” - truly, thank you for supplying the people of God with this tool.
  • Jjj185272hdhht
    A vital tool for Discipleship and formation
    The Daily Office Podcast is a wonderful discipleship tool that guides listeners through morning and evening prayer according to the 2019 Book of Common Prayer (Anglican Church in North America). Thank you Andrew for this vital ministry!! I love that I am able to pray the office on the go from anywhere in the world.
  • Some guy boo
    Makes Daily Office accessible
    This podcast makes it so easy to use the Daily Office to take in God’s word and pray. As a bonus, I can do this while washing the dishes and so forth. Excellent audio engineering, too, with a good voice and seamless transitions.
  • Daniel C Soukup
    No Frills
    What you see is what you get. There’s a brief intro and outro, but it’s basically just the Daily Office according to the ACNA 2019 BCP. The reader has a good voice, good cadence, and is clearly familiar with the text he’s reading.
  • ozakiamanda
    So appreciate this podcast!
    Thank you so much for making this show. Your pacing is great, and audio is perfect. I so appreciate being able to listen to this every morning. I was searching for a podcast for the ACNA 2019 BCP, your ministry is greatly appreciated.
  • PaulTOmaha,NE
    Thanks be to God
    Finally found the 2019 daily office podcast! What a great find. Keep up the faithful and good work.
  • CottonRibbons
    Do it distracted
    As a busy homemaking, homeschooling mom with a part-time job, my goal for this year concerning devo time was to “do it distracted”. This podcast allows me to enjoy the daily office while making the kids breakfast, doing dinner dishes, driving the hubby to work, etc! No more using “I don’t have time” as an excuse - instead, I can make the most of “hands are busy, mind is free” time. Thank you so much for this podcast! It’s an answer to prayer!
  • you crossed the line
    Blessings Abound
    Thank you for providing this wonderful morning and evening reading. It is such a blessing to me when I am too weak to hold or eyes too weak to see. You read to me my daily readings filling my spirit with God’s Word. Bess you triple fold. Thank you.
  • smileymy07
    This was exactly what I was looking for! Please keep it going and never change a thing.
  • The Chuckling Commuter
    So helpful.
    I greatly appreciate the Daily Office Podcast. There are some days where I find it difficult find time for the office, so joining with the liturgy — even digitally — is far more edifying than whatever else I could come up with.
  • 1SilvaHaven
    I wish he would read the daily office a little slower to allow time for thought and to make it easier to read in unison.
  • April user
    Thank you!
    My husband left town for a week and so I was left to do the Daily Office on my own. We typically pray the office together. I have become so accustomed to praying and reading Scripture in community (the two of us) that I was at a loss as to get started on my own. And then I remembered this podcast. What joy it has brought me; I will continue to pray with you until he returns. Thank you and many blessings!
  • Debbie11041104
    Wonderful podcast
    Thanks for a great morning and evening reading. Your voice is easy to listen to and not distracting so we can focus on the words and thoughts.
  • Jeremy+
    A Truly Faithful Podcast
    Thank you for your time, diligence and steadfast offering of the Daily Office. Not only is the quality of production excellent, but the clarity of presentation of the 2019 text and reading of the Scriptures are perfect. Your steadfast discipline to pray the Office (laborare est orare), enables those of us–the Church catholic–who struggle with time and place, to pray and believe rightly (lex orandi lex credendi). God bless your ministry!
  • trying her best
    A Gift
    This show is such a gift to me as a busy mother of young children. I LOVE how simple it is; the “no fuss no frills” aspect makes it very easy to follow along, not get distracted, and join in prayer. I’ve also passed it along to my mother in law who loves it, and listens to it daily :) Thank you for this ministry!!
  • Ron in wonder
    The Daily Office Podcast
    I am writing to recommend the Daily Office Podcast hosted by Andrew Russell. In the morning, I find it a wonderful way to begin the day in prayer. I also find it instructive to listen and be reminded of scripture in which I delight or may have forgotten. In the evening, my wife joins me and we both enjoy listening and praying together before retiring for the night. I recommend this to all Christians as well as to those who want to explore a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • REK2394
    Wow this was incredible
    I am new to the ACNA and a fellow parishioner told me about this. I don’t understand how to do Morning and Evening Prayers but I am so grateful that this exists so there is someone to do it with me every day. As a single person, I am also grateful to not have to pray alone. Seems that the prayer book is structured for corporate worship. It’s hard to do that solo, but this podcast means I don’t have to. Thank you so much!!
  • chake blakery
    Great way to order my day
    I am very thankful for this podcast and the updated ACNA prayer book usage. It’s not the 1662 BCP, but still decent. One improvement could be made to drop the evening episodes earlier like at noon. I listen to this on my commute to and from work. Typically the evening prayer isn’t posted for my commute home. I usually just listen to the previous day. I still greatly appreciate it. Thanks for putting the time in for this.
  • Katierosegkpf
    Such a Gift
    This podcast is such a gift. It has been so helpful for learning to pray the daily offices and establishing a routine with them. Highly recommend this for people who, despite their best efforts, always have a tighter morning or evening schedule than they’d like. Great for commuters.
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