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qewrtiyytiiooghhyreddTimpf is AwesomeOne of the only ones that combine experience, statistics and gameplay to provide us with insights. Keep it up Jason. This is my 3rd season consistently listening to your takes.
Mhgreen3000Jason is the GOAT!Best bball analyst in the game today!
MikeMach44Knows BASKETBALL!!!Bravo.
J_AlfaPure EntertainmentMost thorough and un biased basketball talk show out there. Does a great job of presenting compassionate yet brutally honest opinions regardless of how controversial they might be, resulting in a show that is pure joy to listen to!
SuggestionFromAFanGreat podcast but subscribes you to other spam podcastsLove the show. Especially the NBA playoff series breakdowns. I’d give 5 stars if it wasn’t for this: the constant spam “you might like this” episodes of other random podcast that are getting bundled and sent to me. I recently unsubscribed Colin Cowherds podcast cause I was so fed up with all the other spam shows that kept being sent constantly under his show. Please fight back on this practice. It’s so annoying. When I subscribe to your show. I only want to subscribe to your show. I will unsub if this continues but will continue to follow you elsewhere.
YevutaOn my Mt. RushmoreJason combines knowledge and passion about basketball with an ability to teach as he entertains. His pod is a go to for me.
Alex HStop the feed spamLove this show. Jason is at the top of the game when it comes to NBA content. But there is one fatal flaw. I HATE the stickied “bonus” episode they cram into the feed. It’s some unrelated podcast they’re trying to push. I often leave my podcasts playing in the background, and because this spam episode is part of the Hoops Tonight feed, some random podcast comes on I have no interest in. This has to be against Apple’s guidelines. Please stop this user anti pattern. You’re going to lose listeners, including me.
Trish4767Terrific Show but queue gets bombed with unwanted downloads from other podcasters.Hoops Tonight is one of my favorite shows. Unfortunately the producers of this show have found a way to avoid my Apple Podcasts settings that prevents “Suggestions”, and my listening queue for Hoops Tonight continues to be filled with “You Might Also Like” shows from other podcasters in the Colin Cowherd group. None of these alternative shows have anything to do with sports and are extremely irritating. Removing these extraneous shows by marking them as “played “ just seems to make the problem worse. I have finally given up trying to get rid of them, and am now reluctantly unsubscribing from a show I love. I will periodically search for Hoops Tonight and manually download Jason’s awesome podcasts, but I can’t put up with the irritation of having my queue filled up with unwanted irrelevant shows from other podcasters.
bryanbeckerGreat contentBasketball content is top notch. 2 stars because I had to skip ahead 7 MINUTES before the show even started. An insane amount of adds.
Nomo SebastianMy favoriteBy far my favorite NBA podcast.
Jammin542Great basketball analysisIn a world of annoying pundits with opinions trying to get clicks, form sports, to politics, to influencers on all platforms; logical analysis of anything is music to my ears. This podcast along with the old JJ pod( pre lakers head coach), were my saving grace, as both good nba analysis, but also just great over all entertainment. Wish more ppl used facts and logic to present arguments and analysis instead of spouting wild opinions. Thanks for all the work Jason.
WashellahGood show but too many adsJason is good and has potential to be a leader in this space. That said, there’s way too many ads, especially to start the show. The ads are woven in such a sloppy way that I want to rush to my phone to skip ahead. I recommend dialing the ads back and remove them from the start of the show.
Dre Day OwenMust listen for Laker fansJason has super high BB IQ, is able to break down the game like a teacher, and is a big LBJ fan. He is a fave for me bc I prefer hoops pods hosted by actual hoopers rather than casuals. Jason also takes listener mailbag questions and makes them part of the show at times. I wish he could have Rob Pelinka’s job, personally.
Jer3035The BestI find Jason’s knowledge of basketball and his ability to describe the way it’s played and the players to be second to none. I love this show!
Kuang234I love this podcast!This is one of the stop sports podcasts out there! I don’t know how the Herd discovered Jason, but his insights into the nba are layered and original. He doesn’t just talk about the sport at a superficial level but explains details behind the scene that leave you walking away smarter than before you listened.
RitmonegroHoops TonightJason analyses the modern NBA game better than anyone in the sports media space. He’s excellent. Dr Alan Beckles
Fox :) 7Too much ad spaceA great great show. Only downfall is the amount of time ads take up. Really kills having to listen through excessive minutes of ads or just skipping by them multiple times through short episode.
Acepimp21New video reviewLove the show!! Is thier a way you can separate the video session from the podcast? It’s not the easiest to follow for those of us who can’t watch and listen only. Thanks
kystraitNo better insight, period!Jason, such a fantastic show. Love the analytics that back your takes. Your informative and such a joy to listen to - keep crushing!
zmace07Good but could be better with a small shiftJason clearly has great knowledge of basketball and the NBA - not questioning that. Also I know this show’s focus shifted from Lakers focus to more league wide, so I make this critique with that in mind. This podcast’s content revolves around 5-6 teams generally, all of which are big markets regardless of their standing. Isn’t that what the major networks already do? Just feel like with Jason’s knowledge and insight this podcast could differentiate itself if it didn’t focus largely on the Lakers, Celtics, Warriors etc. There are some incredibly exciting “small market” teams too!
Mubaraq OpoolaMy best podcastI delved into basketball in 2021 and I’ve been on the journey with you since then. You’ve been doing a great job.
Two gluonWill make you understand basketball a different wayBeen a loyal listener for a year or so. Big names like Lowe and Simmons are fun but tend to be more speculative. When I want to know actual basketball tactics and gameplay rationale, I come to Timpf. He doesn’t have guests often and that’s not really the format. If you’re looking for special interviews, this is not the place to go.
AgarwaenVery helpfulNever really cared about basketball and didn’t understand what I was looking at until this podcast. Made the game understandable and now I enjoy watching it. Love the pod, keep it up.
johnny12344567Smartest AnalystNobody breaks basketball down better than Jason. He is the smartest and most objective analyst out there. Hands-down.
hoptoo5Non-casuals, this is for youJason gives the best NBA analyses on the market, and it’s not even close.
T.L.AceThe best basketball podcastJason consistently delivers intelligent analysis on everything interesting happening in the basketball world.
musik souldudeBasketball SavantThe best basketball pod on the market
BurningguitarSheesh with the ads!Solid 4-star pod, though I’ll still take Uncle Alc on YouTube for Warriors analysis. However, the first four minutes of a 20-minute episode is all ads with more ad text spoken by the host and ending with more? Are you charging 20 cents each or something?
LuciferKnowsGood Pod, but has way too many ads in the AudiOverall a good pod, but get less ads in your work. Just get advertisers who will pay more to cover the difference in having less ads in your shows
ColJJGodGreat PodI really like this show. It’s obvious Jason knows what he’s talking about. He can do both X and Os analysis and big picture/roster analysis. One of the tells of uninformed hosts is relying on vague talking points for evidence. Jason can get deep into the specific nitty gritty of what is happening on the floor. Not much on CBA-type analysis but that’s perfectly fine. This went from (I think) State of the Lakers to Lakers Tonight to Hoops Tonight. However, this is pretty much morphed into a LeBron show, which is great for me because I’m a diehard Bron Stan lol. Two things I think need work. Having such a long intro and commercials for a 30-40 minute show is a lot. We’re talking Bill Simmons level stuff. But we can fast forward. Not too much of an issue. The other is the slightly condescending tone. Some “As I told you guys” “I said this the whole time” “I knew this would happen”. It’s a little patronizing, but I can live with it. Overall, it’s good stuff for big market/big name player fans. And the analysis (to me) on the vast majority of topics is very good.
WalksworldNew subscriberI love bomani….I love le batard…. And now I have you to balance it all…thank you
L Ron HustlerFree KyrieWe know who we are
Packers37Awesome showLove the analysis, great breakdown on the specifics of what works and why it works in the NBA. Keep it up!
LakersGirl24Forever“State of the Lakers” Was Better with RajI use to really enjoy this podcast when Raj was on it. Jason makes some wild point when it comes to Steph Curry & Kevin Durant. I hate that this podcast went from Lakers to overall NBA pod. I wish they didnt pull State of the Lakers for this unfortunate podcast.
NeotidusNew Coach No Podcast?You have a Lakers show but don’t talk about their new coach that just got hired? And talk Celtics instead? What in the world you doing here?
LMichaelDGreat show!I stumbled upon this in my Colin Cowherd podcast feed. To be honest, not being a Lakers fan and with the podcast named Lakers Tonight I really had no interest. But once I started listening during the NBA 2022 playoffs I became hooked. Justin has a voice and manner that is extremely easy to listen to and while a lot of his X’s and O’s breakdowns sometimes go over my head, he communicates them in such an easily digestible manner I learn a lot despite myself! Just a fantastic podcast. I have not gone to you tube to watch his show but definitely will. I am now a fan. Keep up the great work, Justin and team (Carson is really good too).
Bartolo ColonMavs-GS G6 postgame showLoved tonight’s show, Jason. You absolutely nailed the point made about Kerr’s choice to hedge and recover with Steph and Poole after their man screened for Luka. Early in the series, I was so confused by that choice because it gave the Mavs a split second for Luka to find the shooter who had just screened, and with his passing ability, I thought it was odd. As far as I’d seen, teams trapping Luka (or in this case essentially faking like you are trapping) had never worked against the Mavs. But Kerr dared DFS, Reggie, Kleber, etc. to beat them. And it really worked.
Keep prixGood show but…Congrats on the support from The Volume and new sponsors! You and the people behind the scenes hard work is paying off. I like you analysis and you do t hold anything back when criticizing the Lakers good and bad. One piece of constructed criticism, I have noticed lately you start talking more about other teams. I get it not much to talk this year’s squad with this disaster of a season but it’s beginning to sound more like an overall NBA podcasts. I started listening to you for Lakers analysis and insight and lately when you start going into other teams I just go into other podcasts.
rriqueroprExcellent ShowCongrats Jason for your show. Really enjoyable. Very accurate and sound analysis with a perfect balance of technical and entertainment ingredients. I follow Lakers and Lebron career and listen to other shows but this the best. Thank u
Mesquite tree forrestLove it !Great show love that it comes on right after the game !
LukaladyWorth the timeGreat show. Easy listen.
M kluneGreat listenI’m hooked. Any Lakers diehard needs to get on this train
Ray 😎So negativeIm not the biggest Westbrook fan, but this never ending complaint on Westbrook every game, win or lose, good game or bad, can be very tiring. That’s on Jason, not Raj. Most people want to listen to an optimistic podcast.
WDWStephbest lakers podcastFINALLY a lakers podcast that has real analysis and realistic takes. everyone else is too afraid to be honest but these guys know their stuff
NYDueceWhy host a pod?Listened to this to hear their takes on Deandre potentially signing with LA. While I disagree with them that’s not what I had a problem with. The one squeaky voice host called Nic Claxton Speedy Claxton. He then said Deandre wasn’t good on Wizards. He never played for the wizards. If you don’t know your NBA knowledge then do not host a podcast. You sound way too young to have mental mistakes. I’ll give two stars instead of one because the other host seems fine.
EL Chuleta De San FerHorriblePodcast is hot garbage . This guy wants to be mike Trudell so bad .
CaBoone37Highly Recommend!As a former player, Jason has the ability to see the game from a player’s vantage point. Through that lens he brings his understanding of basketball culture and the subtle nuances of the game. What sets him apart is his ability to combine that player’s perspective with his capacity to analyze statistics, film, and the trajectory of the NBA in a way that is digestible for the casual fans and fanatics alike. I’ve been a long time twitter follower and his breakdowns seem refreshingly objective in comparison to the usual clickbait takes I often see and hear. You can tell he is someone who not only watches basketball like a maniac, but is someone who does his due diligence in research before providing us with an opinion or breakdown. Over the years it’s been fun watching the evolution of Jason’s basketball analyses, but more importantly for me, it’s been informative. I don’t always have time to study the NBA like I want, but I know that every time I listen or read something Jason has put out, there is the research to back it. I’m very much looking forward to this series!
osid24Great Hoops TalkIf you love the game of basketball and enjoy talking hoop then this is the podcast for you. Combine that with being a huge Laker fan then this is show is great. And if you're a Bron fan then this show is even greater!! With that being said, Jason brings his knowledge from playing the game and combines that with relative stats and analysis from watching games. He bring great insight to the show and has made watching basketball for me that much more enjoyable. Would love to collaborate with you one day!
Double A 47Reverse engineeringWell the title of this might be confusing but I feel lucky: let me explain. I follow Jason on Twitter but wasn’t even aware he had released a podcast. Apparently it’s fairly new. Anyway, I effectively started with Episode 3 as that’s what came down the good ol’ TL. His top 10 list revised and revealed was not just good, it was great; and mostly, IMO, on principal. The order is great don’t get me wrong. I’m sure you (the listener) as well I will disagree on some of the names and their ultimate place in Jason’s top 10. But what I love about this delivery is that it’s just that: Jason’s top 10. Perfectly executed! He says he obsessed and I believe it. It’s the kind of thing you DO obsess about! I, for one, enjoy that perspective for basketball analysis in that it feels a little farther removed from your typical “man cave” discussions. It is genuine, it comes from a place of real love for the game (clearly), and it’s well thought out. Too often are these type of discussions ruined by unjustifiable biases or other logical fallacies brought into the discourse due to fanaticism. So with that being said, I appreciate this list and I really enjoyed the reasoning. And now to the title: It’s time I work my way backwards through this great content! As the late great Nate Dogg said, “Hope ya ready for the next episode!” I think I am, Nate. I think I am.
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