No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen

News #219Politics #78

No Lie covers the most important and breaking political stories of the week, hosted by progressive commentator Brian Tyler Cohen. He sits down with major players in the world of politics, bringing you right into the heart of the action. No bad faith talking points, no disinformation, and no lies.

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Recent Reviews
  • DrDK2
    Brian Was Off on Healthcare
    I normally am very impressed by Brian’s insight into various topics. But I was very disappointed in his 9/15/24 show with Mark Cuban. First, not all drugs are created equal. Doctors know that generics of some meds are not equivalent to brand names. Cheapest is not always best. But the bigger issue is healthcare as a commodity. When healthcare is reduced to nothing more than a “cost center” run by private Equity Firms, we lose what matters in healthcare delivery. I work with children and youth with mental health challenges and neurodevelopmental differences. These visits take lots of time to really understand the needs of the child and family and provide the supports they need. I don’t make much money for healthcare firms just measuring their bottom line. But patients tell me that I change their lives. This episode was a big disappointment and simply boosted that framework of healthcare reduced to costs and profit margins. I expect better from BTC.
  • pdw1961
    Great Interview
    Love the interview with Mark Cuban!
  • Nor Cal Farm Girl
    Huge fan who hates downplaying harassment by billionaires
    I am a huge fan of this show. I eagerly await each new episode and the awesome, intelligent, concise content in each one. Having said that I was disturbed by the way Mark Cuban downplayed the online harassment of Taylor Swift by Elon Musk. When one of the world most powerful men straight up sexual harasses a woman online is not a small thing. Elon Musk ABSOLUTELY has sway over millions of people and saying that it’s no big deal when someone with that kind of power and reach harasses another person on-line is no big deal, that’s bad reporting. It is a big deal. It was really disturbing to hear Mark Ruben laugh that off. It’s not funny it’s disgusting. As a long time listener and huge supporter, and a woman, I would have really appreciated if the host, that’s you Brian, had said something about that. It’s not a small, harmless thing. Words do hold power. It matters when people are harassed. Do better.
  • IoB.
    Great interview shark tank.
    And cost plus drugs. Thank you.
  • Lucy2001
    One the most reliable sources
    Brian has become a stand out in a pretty strong field. I think he’s spot on about corporate media-CNN is totally unhinged & I can’t watch MSNBC anymore or read NYT, WaPo or Politico. I’ve found enough alternative sources that I don’t miss them. Every misstep by them drives more people to alternative sources.
  • K.Gallant
    Picks Up What Others Drop
    He pays attention. When msm let’s concerning actions and statements slide by without even mentioning them, Brian shines a light. He can take complicated issues and boil them down to easily comprehended points. He’s also a great interviewer who gets key players to come on and discuss vital issues. Great show.
  • A podcast addict
    Polished. Professional. Privocative. Perfect.
    Anyone giving Brian less than 5 stars is not listening. He is a remarkable presenter, delivering a brilliant, concise, understandable analysis of the issues facing our country. I love living in the USA. I love clear eyes optimistic people who have solutions and propagate equality and freedoms for all people. It’s hard working people like Brian who will make our country greater. (It’s already great.) I can’t believe the work he must put in each day to inform his listeners. Amazing. I have preordered his book and intend to gift many copies to friends and family. Keep it up Brian. We love you.
  • ToddOrBillyS
    He gets the best guests…
    And quickly and incisively gets the point!
  • julienewengland
    This weekends show perfect
    I havent heard anyone else say it so clearly or so perfectly. Thank you btc.
  • V ID
    No Lie lies
    Everybody knows that major news sources can’t be trusted for a take that is not slanted. That may have never really been the case historically, but the age of internet/social media etc. has put that problem on steroids. Whether left or right, whatever your source is, they strawman the other side of the argument and feed you a line of propaganda about the side they’re trying to push. I tried this podcast for awhile mostly because of the title. It didn’t take very long to figure out how disingenuous this guy is. The one positive I took from it is that he interviewed a few people who I could tell were gently trying to prod him to open his mind. Maybe I’ll try some of their podcasts.
  • bluevoter
    Hate this pundit
    Negative negative negative And misses the pointy
  • PodcasterArglyeCT
    Funny name for your podcast… since you lied on X.
  • Wood Rat
    Punditry at it’s best
    BTC manages to frame thoughts in ways that cause you to say “Yes, that’s obvious! Why didn’t I see that until now.” He is exercise for the brain.
  • Zed_55
    Excellent podcast.
    interesting interviews and honest analysis . A very pleasant and enjoyable listening experience. I always learn something new from each show. A perfect podcast name: NO LIE.
  • WilsonOC
    Used to like this
    When someone interviews another person and all they do is talk over them, why even interview? That’s what this has become. I don’t appreciate the layout or build of this any longer as he just seems angry all the time. It’s a pass for me
  • JT7474
    Excellent Journalist!
    He consistently explains things well. He does great interviews. Plus I like that I can play the podcast or see his youtubes. Sometimes Im too busy to mess with watching the youtube version. But I can listen via podcast! Just wanted BTC to know that this might explain lower numbers on youtube views. Thank you for your news!
  • Tommy 1243
    The facts
    I love how when RFK Jr told Brian to show him the studies and the data about the vaccines but he didn’t have any… weird. Funny and that RFK Jr knows where all his studies. Because he has read them and knows where he is getting information. Just shows how bad people are brainwashed.
  • Jessica Ohanian
    A good weekly listen
    A good weekly roundup for all things politics, I just wish he spoke longer! His interviews are insightful and well-thought out.
  • Hawley/Danforth
    Brian I am proud of you. I don’t know how you can talk to that man. I rolled my eyes so many times I now have a headache🤯 almost skipped the episode. Thanks for all you do!
  • Cynthia St James
    RFK Jr Interview
    Great job fact checking JFK Jr. He showed himself to be very confused about the vax studies he speaks about. He doesn’t understand how to interpret data in general. No way would I vote for him.
  • Nnaanyo
    RFK jr
    I CAN’T stand listening to this imbecile RFK jr.
  • BOOM1904 cali
    Brian Tyler Cohen is a failed D list actor. In 2014 when his last movie absolutely flopped, he realized that he needed to find a way to make money. What better way to make money than to add to the division that is going on in this country? His views on politics are so angled and toxic. Sometimes I wonder if this is satire or a joke. I advise anyone who is reading this to go on his Instagram page and see how angled and edited the clips that he shares are so you know exactly what I’m talking about. No, I am not a Donald Trump supporter nor am I a Biden supporter. Both of those guys are adding to the division that is happening in this country. If Brian Tyler Cohen really did care about this country the way he says he does he would try and have everyone uniteas a country not segregate themselves from the other side. Also, I did a quick background check. It only cost me 46 bucks. I found out that Brian Tyler Cohen is making $36,000 a month. I wonder if he’s paying his fair taxes.
  • KathyMix
    Informed & Insightful
    Great podcast, Brian Tyler Cohen is a smart guy, and has excellent guests on the show
  • guy with not diploma
    This show is all about making you believe life is better under democrats. Just like republicans, the democrats seek to raise the cost of living to increase Wall Street profits and to lower the standard of living. Brian Tyler is a typical liberal that no matter how bad it gets in America, he will always scream But TRUMP. Oh and make sure you say democracy 10 times during the show.
  • lahdurn
    Only one criticism
    Just wish it was a bit longer, but like how you say out loud what many of us are thinking.
  • ssneed01
    Most Informative
    I love this podcast. Brian provides so much good information and motivates us to stay involved. Keep up the good work. I’m a big fan. FYI! I just preordered your book on
  • Cake movie
    Educated and researched political perspectives. Undeniably real and informative.
  • midwestBlue
    it is too bad this pod is not more dry and serious as it would be better if it was.
  • Mysteries & True Crime!
    Must listen!!!
    Just discovered BTC on YouTube and so glad to find he has a podcast! He is very knowledgeable, well spoken and entertaining! Gives me hope that we can save our democracy! Vote for Freedom!
  • Ryan Groff
    So great!
    Brian’s podcast is incredibly inspiring and informative, I look forward to every new episode!
  • SniffelBug
    Right on!!
    Always telling the true - thank you!
  • NewsJunky101
    Well Informed. Always Impactful.
    I listen every week and learn something each time. Brian does incredible work keeping us informed of everything going on in the political world. I personally look forward to the podcast every week. Thank you for all the time and effort put into this cast, it’s greatly appreciated 🙏💚💚
  • Ellens8
    Concise and impactful
    Great points made. Clear and concise. No filler. Appreciate the perspective very much!
  • old school .........
    One of the best no lie.
  • Persianpimp
    Good podcast, but lacks balance.
    While Brian is a great podcaster with lots of great information and interviews, He is clearly biased against the Republicans. Democrats maybe better than the republicans, but that doesn’t mean they should get a pass. I think this podcast needs to be more balanced and also address the Democrats issues (and this is coming from me, a liberal). That being said though, it’s a great podcast to listen too.
  • Ryry12000
    Propaganda for MAGA
    Just listened. Guest, good friend, babbling about the border referring to “Democrat run cities”. Obvious MAGA chud using Frank Luntz and Rush Limbaugh language (Democrat as adjective instead of Democratic). This show is a lame Trojan horse. Avoid.
  • shannon.scott
    Mr. Murphy is confused about Nikki Haley running in 2028. If Trump gets back into the White House - he will never leave.
  • JLC5270
    Coumo is the worst.
    I turned off after brilliant Raskin. Look what Stein Russia lover did with Hillary. The dark money and foreign players in our politics has to be stopped before third parties can survive. Our politics can’t survive when millionaires self fund and government officials are corrupt. Great show about unionization of our country. Mike Murphy has seen his better days. He’s not connected to GenZ.
  • LB-AZ-623
    Credible Truth teller
    BTC brings the truth you won’t hear on most mainstream media! Especially the right wing media!
  • Small Stakes
    Not five stars
    Brian gets some very good guests. His show is pretty good but not my favorite. Stop telling me to give it a five star rating at the end of every show. That is so skeezy.
  • Naymik
    Get past the voice
    I have to admit that when I first heard Tyler's podcast, I thought he was a high school kid. Not so. He doesn't exceptional job, and his ability to invite powerful members of the government shows that he is credible and professional. I am hooked.
  • gray paw
    Perfect name NO LIE
    We need facts fast. Here it is. This webinar keeps your attention with great analysis.
  • RCreel
    Too many commercials
    Like a commercial every 5 to 7 minutes that’s worse than broadcast TV that’s &$#%.
  • Really two sweet
    Good information
    I didn’t know that he had a podcast but I do now.
  • SusieQMcF
    Informative podcast. Thank you!
  • MrPicasso
    Excellent interviewer!
    Bryan is an excellent interviewer with great questions and engaging personality. You can really witness his talents and skills in the interview with Nancy Pelosi. He lets her shine and allows her to do most of the talking.
  • 123456789 aka Jennifer
    Interview w/ Nancy
    Wow!! Brian what a great interview w/ the powerhouse Nancy P!! I loved the interview & love your podcast !! Please keep up the great work! You have an amazing talent! Victoria from NJ
  • BGDem
    The Wisconsin Event
    The live episode from Wisconsin is so inspiring! Thank you for helping us understand the challenges ahead. And thanks to Ben Wickler for his amazing speech near the end of the show! Let’s all get involved. One year to win!
  • Cherbear63
    Very Informative..
    Enjoyed the podcast, things were explained without making a person feel dumb. I really like this podcast , keep up the good work
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