The Empowered Wife Podcast


Whether your marriage is on the brink of divorce or you want more playfulness and passion, The Empowered Wife Podcast with New York Times Bestselling Author Laura Doyle will help you have the best possible relationship.Thousands of listeners credit The Empowered Wife Podcast for saving their marriages. Guests share deeply personal stories of recovering from affairs, addiction, and abandonment by using the 6 Intimacy Skills™.Listeners rave about the relatable methods Laura shares. A reviewer writes, “This podcast has been a game-changer for my marriage. Laura Doyle’s insights are unmatched, making this the best marriage podcast I've ever listened to."When you listen, you’re joining a community of women who believe having a great marriage is important. Because it is!Subscribe to The Empowered Wife Podcast and start living your best relationship today!

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Recent Reviews
  • Joyfully now
    The Intimacy Skills are life changing
    The skills are practical and teach women the how, how to show a man respect in his language, how to be vulnerable with a man in 5 words or less, how to inspire his desire to be my hero, as well as how to receive his efforts graciously. How my happiness is my responsibility and how happy people have happy marriages. What Laura teaches is simple and deep, and has made me a much better, more empowered version of myself. Now off to my nap!
  • Megandanae
    Dangerous advice to women who are already in a fragile state. Women, if you are in an abusive relationship you are NOT the problem and it is okay if you need to leave for your safety. I was recommended this book by my MIL when I was married to an abusive husband and in addition to the gaslighting by my husband, the book just intensified it. I tried for a year to put the advice given by Laura in place to fix my marriage, relinquish control, show respect, etc and the abuse only intensified to where my now ex-husband, threatened my life. I went to see a Christian marriage counselor and she actually gave me advice that potentially saved my life. All of that being said, sometimes you are not the problem and everything that you do cannot change someone else’s problems. You deserve someone who treats you and respects you equally!
  • Jessica_LovedCherished&Adored
    25 stars!!!
    Finding this podcast and Laura’s books has been such a turning point for me. I spent too many years on the battleground begging for intimacy but would snuff out any chance of closeness with disrespect, snide snippy commentary, and criticism. These concepts are so simple yet bring about MONUMENTAL changes. Shining the light on how I was making the dynamic such a battlezone through Laura’s teachings and 5 day challenge has changed the landscape of our family’s entire lives. We were headed toward a place of making decisions to separate everything but now our teenagers are disgusted that we can’t keep our hands off of each other;) He told me this morning when he left for work that he missed me already-swoon! Listen to everyone of these and really self reflect about how you are showing up with your husband, kids, parents-whoever! Life becomes so much easier when you practice these skills.
  • NatVNel
    One of my favorite podcasts ever!
    This is the podcast I needed. So encouraging and helps us to be hopeful that we can have the marriage we dreamed of.
  • ens5062
    Life Changing
    I have read The Empowered Wife at least 7 times and have been listening to the podcast for over a year. It is so encouraging to feel like you can DO something to help your relationship. Hearing these women’s stories reminds me every day to keep up with the skills and inspires me when I’m struggling.
  • roadtripgirl
    Better than misery
    Keeps me from being miserable but it is a lot of work for me to bite my tongue.
  • Drsarahdc1
    A Game Changer for my Marriage!
    I cannot say enough good things about the Empowered Wife Podcast! This show has been an absolute game changer for my marriage. From the very first episode I listened to, I was hooked. The advice and insights shared by Laura Doyle are not only practical but incredibly inspiring. The podcast covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to every marriage. Whether you're facing communication issues, struggling with intimacy, or just looking for ways to strengthen your bond, there's something in every episode that will resonate with you. What I love most is how Laura blends her wisdom with real-life examples, making it easy to relate to and implement the strategies in my own marriage. One of the most impactful changes I've noticed since tuning in regularly is the shift in my mindset. Laura's emphasis on respect, self-care, and positive reinforcement has transformed the way I interact with my spouse. We've become more understanding, patient, and loving towards each other. It's amazing how small changes can make such a big difference! I also appreciate the supportive community that the podcast fosters. Knowing that there are other women out there experiencing similar challenges and victories makes the journey feel less isolating and more empowering. If you're looking for a podcast that not only provides actionable advice but also uplifts and inspires you to become the best wife you can be, look no further than the Empowered Wife Podcast. It truly has been a blessing for my marriage, and I believe it can be for yours too.
  • ReceyCup!
    Needed the skills
    This podcast has changed the way I see my husband and myself. It is helping me change the way I look at him and how I see myself. I don’t need him to make me happy AND I can be happy even if he’s complaining. Both of us are changing because I’m changing.
  • ghgdjfvhjdfhkvdgkhhfh
    How do you respect your husband
    I’ve listened to many of your podcasts read both of your books. I tried the skills for 3 weeks but nothing was reciprocated or appreciated, I must be doing something wrong. Please help. I absolutely love every aspect of your writing.
  • Magmom3
    I love the stories in this podcast. Women helping women is a beautiful thing!
  • Blanca Araceli
    Very hopeful!
    I love the this podcast. I’m so glad there’s a resource like this. I felt so hopeful to find this resource after looking for answers other than divorce. None of the three pastor’s wifes I asked advice from could help me. There answers were “I’m sorry I’ve never gone through something like that. I won’t know how to help you”. Thanks so much Laura for this!
  • Devy2024
    Thank You
    I though the teacher who incoureged me to read the Empower Wife book got confused, so I decided to first listen to her youtube videos. After leasing all those wounderful testimonies I totally change my mind. I bought the 2 books and the audio as well. I think its one the must marvellous teching for our lost generation.
  • Aaz31
    So helpful!
    I’ve been really enjoying all of the content and transformational stories! It really helps to understand and reinforce the content of Laura’s book.
  • CarWalt
    I love this podcast!
    I found this podcast and the Empowered Wife book in January 2024. I love to listen to an episode every day to stay encouraged and inspired to show up daily as the wife and woman I want to be. Each woman’s story is so incredibly hopeful! And I love to listen to Laura encourage and affirm each guest. So thankful I found this podcast!
  • jamix4
    After trying to do things my way for so many years and failing, trying to control my husband/marriage and “fix” I have finally found a whole new humbling outlook on my own behavior. I first listened to the book on Spotify then searched out Laura’s podcast. I now have ordered the hard copy and workbook on Amazon. I feel for the first time my marriage as well as other relationships in my life can heal. I listen daily to multiple podcasts and relate with so many. I’m hoping to join the ridiculously happy wives soon and be in a community as well as get coaching to keep working on myself and marriage.
  • CardiologyNP
    My friend who is now a coach introduced me to this podcast and book. It’s really fun to listen to and relatable in many ways. I wish I had it pre-marriage but it’s never too late. Easy to understand and practical skills that definitely help and work quickly.
  • sunnynslo
    So much good info!
    I love this podcast and advice given, it’s such a different take than the complain hamster wheel I’ve been on. It really is an inside job. Thank you Laura for sharing and being on the mission to end divorce!!
  • LaraSunshine
    Helpful right away
    I’d recommend listening to this if you were directed here or if other things haven’t worked out for you.
  • GMC❤️
    Reasons Your Desires Aren’t Inspiring
    Listening to Laura Doyle speak is just that inspiring!!! Each podcast episode is eye opening and truly easy to implement. In this episode the transformation of a woman who went from depressed and controlling, to vulnerable and loving is so touching and relatable. I’m already a Laura Doyle podcast fan, after only a few months. I will continue to listen over and over. My desire is to master the skills and apply them to all my relationships with my husband and kids.
  • ElleABelI
    Helpful very helpful
    She is amazing just listen you’ll be happy you did
  • Flappy monter
    Laura is so insightful in this podcast and these stories are inspirational. I've been listening for a while and started implementing what I've learn just from the podcast and I've already been seeing huge improvements in my marriage. I just ordered the book and can't wait to read it.
  • linzdel
    Putting these techniques to practice, starting NOW.
  • sunflowerpreston
    Truly magical
    Laura work and insights have flipped my script.. I’m a emotionally educated person and never have I once stepped back to see the perspective she offers up. It has shifted the way I see EVERYONE! I have so much ease my life now, no more monkey mind about every decision or choice. Every day I feel I'm getting closer and closer to seeing and feeling who I really am with out all the weight and burden of all the life choices I was trying to control. I just get to sit back and ENJOY the people in my life. Truly magical.
  • Mrsjorgenson
    Life saving
    Can’t say enough how much this podcast and Laura Doyle’s resources have changed my life and my marriage. She has taught me things I never learned from my upbringing and her principles compliment my Christian faith. Laura Doyle’s resources are a godsend - I thank the Lord for her and her resources!! Laura, thank you so much!! And thanks to all of the women who have contributed their stories to the podcast!!
  • NicoleM1234.y
    Best Podcast for wives, PERIOD.
    This podcast has changed my life as well as my friends lives. I love the testimonies we get to hear as Laura shares insights to intimacy skills along with women’s real journey with them. They are detailed on what they tried and what worked for them! If you want transformation in your marriage and yourself- The old advice is out- the intimacy skills are IN
  • leeshaughn
    Life changing
    Profound wisdom found here. Wish I had this amazing insight at age 18…. Would have saved me a ton of grief. Thank you Laura Doyle for helping save marriages and heal families.
  • Annievital
    Trying it out
    My cousin recommend I listen. I thought it was worth a try. I’m still not seeing how it all works, but it’s better than doing nothing. Hopefully changes will happen. Well at least on my part.
  • Julisa R.
    Thank you!
    I’m so grateful to have come across this podcast. Whenever I hit play, it feels like Laura speaks to the space in my who wants to be a better woman and wife for the betterment of my marriage. Thank you for continuing this great work!
  • Angie C123
    My favorite podcast!
    This podcast is so helpful for my marriage because I get to hear real stories from real women on how they improved their marriage through Laura Doyle’s methods.
  • Dawn Yerger
    Such great, practical, and life-changing advice!
    I’ve been binge listening to this podcast for the past 2-3 weeks and have already noticed some amazing changes in my marriage. I am still working on the skills but the title of this show definitely lives up to its name because I definitely feel empowered!
  • paintentive
    Put on your own oxygen mask first, with dignity
    ETA: I do still believe in the skills and find that they work really well in marriage and all relationships, but the podcast has become a big ad for joining her programs and paying big chunks of money. It comes across as so cult like. Also, she had a guest (Irene) repeat two years apart with different life details (one child vs three children; 13 years of marriage vs 18 years of marriage); it’s possible that she was still telling her own story, but the details were different enough that the second podcast sounded fake, and there was no acknowledgment that she was a repeat guest (I listened to them next to each other by pure chance, and it is absolutely the same woman with the same name and the same voice), so it comes across as if she’s an actress telling a new story to seem like someone new. But I still do love the skills so much and I don’t believe all the testimonials are made up. Original review: With a few caveats, I have found this podcast to be incredible. I do absolutely recommend reading or listening to Laura Doyle’s book “The Empowered Wife” before listening, for a few reasons, but mostly because the interviews make more sense with that book for background. I understand the knee-jerk reactions many women have to Laura Doyle’s ideas, but on close examination, they boil down to respecting yourself enough to take care of yourself (put your own oxygen mask on first), and treating your spouse with the care and dignity you expect from him. Maybe it’s not always fair that women have to “go first,” but if you want to save your crumbling marriage, and everything you’ve tried hasn’t worked, you might find these skills useful and eye-opening. They really boil down to treating our spouses - and OURSELVES - with respect and dignity. The skills also allow the wife to let of the “emotional load” that so many of us women thought we had to carry. Having someone give me permission to “relinquish control” has done wonders in so many parts of my life, not just my marriage, and in a pretty short time at that. This is not in any way giving up the right to be a well-educated, powerful, opinionated woman or even handing over the reins of our lives - it’s just learning to stand on our own two feet instead of demanding that our spouse hold us up and it’s NOT taking on responsibilities that aren’t really ours in the first place. I may disagree with Doyle about financial management, but I agree on the need to combine finances, and I think there’s plenty of room to take what you can use and leave the rest, and even on that topic, I think it’s more about being fluid than about being rigid. There have been times when the language used, especially by her relationship coaches or by women who’ve been coached and are using the terms used by her coaches, veers into what I think of as over-the-top West-Coast-church-revival sappiness, and I would guess that Doyle has a religious background, BUT the podcast itself is not religious, even though some of the women interviewed do talk about religion often. If you’re a solid critical thinker and able to sift through information without throwing it all away because of one thing you don’t agree with, you’ll find so much helpful, useful information and a generally overall sound approach to marriage (and other relationships).
  • Britt4948
    Absolutely incredible and eye-opening
    I’ve been listening to this podcast on and off for awhile now and finally decided to start really getting into it recently. Combined with the skills from the book, my marriage is becoming happier and I’m becoming more peaceful by remaining on my own paper. 10/10 recommend.
  • PedDocMama
    Answer to prayer
    My marriage was rocky, and I was convinced that me pointing that out and insisting on counseling was the way to healing. Meanwhile I was constantly correcting, nagging, and being unintentionally demeaning to my husband. I’m so grateful for this podcast showing me how to bring intimacy back and makes us both feel valued!
  • Maria Soledad P
    Life Changing Podcast
    Laura’s podcast is so informative and inspiring. She shows you how to take control of your own life and happiness. Her guests have used the skills she teaches and have transformed their lives. Highly recommend!
  • Schweinsberg
    Thank you for the fantastic new approach!
    We’ve been to 8 different therapist and I believe many of the things we learned actually hurt our relationship. For the first time in a long time, I feel we have the chance to make it.
  • Alyssa903
    The answer I’ve been looking for
    I love this podcast! Laura’s whole empowewd wife platform is what I didn’t realize I was looking for and I am so grateful to have found it. Now, some people in my life try to give me marrital advice and I can pinpoint whether or not it aligns with the six intimacy skills. Cannot recommend this podcast enough!!
  • ShannonChristineB
    Extremely Helpful Stories of Marital Transformation
    I love this podcast! I listen to it every week. Each woman has a unique story of how she used the Six Intimacy Skills to transform her marriage from a crisis state to a thriving, happy marriage. Regardless of whether the week’s guest has a similar marital situation to my own, I always find lessons I can apply to my own marriage. Listening to the conversations between Laura Doyle and her guests (who are real, everyday women from all different backgrounds) is engaging and uplifting.
  • ellareaches
    Grateful for this
    This is a great guide for folks wanting to enrich their relationships.
  • westteacher
    Always a take away I can apply to my life
    I have been an avid listener. So many episodes have really helped me to not be afraid to try the skills and have helped me become a better wife and person. I like hearing how other women are actually using and finding success with the skills and share it.
  • Bahareh kho B
    Love this podcast
    Thank you so much for all the advice and help you provide to all the ladies and wives. I listen and enjoy each one of your podcasts and the stories
  • smamyy
    Total game changer
    My husband and I just had a wonderful weekend with not one argument or frustrated look or deep sigh of disappointment. We have been in a rough spot and the skills are changing things one piece of duct tape at a time! haha
  • Frustrated female app user
    Peace for painful situations
    I am so glad I stumbled on Laura’s book, The Empowered Wife, and decided to give this podcast a try. The first episode I listened to was “Why Do Men Look at Other Women”. Seeing men I’ve been in partnership with (and now my husband) looking at other women has always felt deeply painful to me; but I didn’t like how anxious and confused I felt keeping my pain to myself. I almost didn’t want to rip the bandaid off and listen to that episode, but I’m glad I did. Laura talked about how many beautiful women are in the world and how it’s hard to ignore beautiful scenery around us. And how we as women really just want to feel loved and significant…and we truly can’t read our husbands’ minds. All of that is so true! Hearing the truth delivered so gently was peace and life-giving to me. In the year 2024, I truly believe most women are like me in that they’ve been taught to be as independent as possible and to control situations because we “are the smarter sex” and “know better”. I truly didn’t know how masculine and controlling I was acting in my marriage, because all of us women who haven’t heard about the Six Intimacy Skills seem to think the same way! All I can say is that I’m excited to delve deeper into this podcast and to reclaim my femininity. Femininity is a lost art and the Empowered Wife Podcast is an exciting tool for bringing it back.
  • Joany Hippo
    Opened my eyes
    For being accountable for my actions and how important self-love is.
  • SLFincher
    So Grateful for this Podcast!
    My marriage has been struggling for a while, now…well, for too long. I’ve researched how to help my marriage get better, and found Laura Doyle and The Empowered Wife Podcast and Book. I’ve been listening to and reading both, and am finding the content SO helpful. I have listened to other marriage podcasts, who have also provided very helpful information, but I find myself always migrating back to The Empowered Wife because of the simple and practical intimacy skills, as well as all of the women who come on the show to share their stories. Thank you, to Laura and all of these ladies. Such a great podcast! I receive so much hope and encouragement from it.
  • Love my Italian Gardener
    Soaking it all in!!
    Found Laura and her skills 6 months ago and have soaking it all in, applying the skills, and transforming my 48 year marriage!! Being accountable for my role is giving me hope, and a new start!! Thank you Laura for all you do!!
  • Bec004
    I finally have hope. Thank you!
  • Precious Beloved
    Miracle Skills to improve all your relationships,and yourself!
    I’ve read her books, listened to over 100 of her pudcasts and can say after 27 years of a rough marriage, my husband adores me again! Learning to use the intimacy skills has changed many lives, Thank you Laura! The skills are based on eternal biblical truths that we all should know and practice, but unfortunately, no one taught us …. Until Laura. Thank you for pursuing your passion to end world divorce! Victoria Miglin
  • Jkmasters
    Inspires Hope
    Listening to these marriages turn around when seemingly doomed has been encouraging. It inspired me to turn to God to relinquish control. It helps me with patience and fortitude for this journey is not for the faint. When the battle seems lost, inspiring stories can really help you get through the drought, the low times, and make it through.
  • MaryStasia
    I love the skills!
    Being accountable for your actions and emotions has changed my marriage for the better! Thank you Laura for sharing all your excellent skills. Listening to the podcast weekly inspires me to stay the course; what a gift to us married women.
  • ccghhjjvccxx
    Empowered at last!
    This podcast has taught me so much and I cannot thank you enough, Laura and team!
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