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YourTribeMemberThankYou!ThankYou!ThankYou!I sincerely appreciate you sharing your experience and knowledge with us, both the good times and the more difficult times. Listening to your podcasts and reading your posts and emails, inspires and motivates me. You are helping me see that Lupus doesn't have to define who I am. It's helpful to learn ways to improve my health instead of just treating the symptoms. You truly are helping people, thank you for all you do.
Humor Me WellA rare gem!Dr. Connie is a rare gem! When most doctors are trying to push pills on you, she’s helping you get to the root of the issue and solving that instead of masking your symptoms with band-aids (pills). I’ve been to my fair share of doctors and they just aren’t educated on how the mind affects the body. They can’t teach you what they just don’t know. But then there’s Dr. Connie! Unconventional and absolutely amazing! Not only is she knowledgeable, but she’s not going to let you be lazy and just take pills. She asks you to take responsibility for your health. Wow! Really? Yes! And you should be the one responsible. You got here somehow and with her wisdom and guidance she’ll help you get out of it. And this review wouldn’t be complete without giving a shout out to her very friendly and awesome team!
michie0610Relief!I have been recently diagnosed with lupus and was very scared about this disease I knew nothing about. Listening to this podcast has completely changed my point of view on how to handle this disease. I’m very happy to have found Dr. Jeon.
Andrew Jackson rocksTransformationI love her! She has helped me tremendously transform my mind and body. She explains things on my level of understanding. I haven’t made all the changes yet but I am listening and have went back to exercising and watching for triggers in diet and my mind set. My body and mind are going on a new adventure with her help.
@&*'ufgDsufguyfSdfysdggdsfkAmazingDr. Connie is incredible in what she does, from her functional medicine to tackling all the symptoms that no one could figure out. I believe all she is saying and she helped me great deal!
Lupus SpeaksGreat informationI truly believe in what she’s saying I finally found my path by being intentional with my life once i start to use a physical planner. I agree that you have to take responsibility for your own health in order for you to improve your lupus.
NikSpark1971So informativeDr. Connie breaks down complex topics that are easily digested and implemented. My husbands lives with Lupus and she is giving us hope.
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