Off Panel: A Comics Interview Podcast


A weekly comics interview podcast hosted by David Harper of SKTCHD that gets the story behind the stories and creators we love, as well as the broader comic book industry.Website: SKTCHD.comPatreon: & Instagram: @slicedfriedgold/@SKTCHDcomicEmail:

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Recent Reviews
    Comicbook GOLD!
    David Harper, 2024 Eisner nominated (the “Oscars of comics”) for his work on SKTCHD, is incredibly knowledgable about comics past & present, as well as the process of taking comics stories from inspiration to eyeball. His guests are some of the best & brightest comicsfolk in the universe. His interviews are fun, informative, and thought provoking. An indispensable resource for anyone who wants to work in conics, and also just marvelous for *anyone* who loves comics.
  • MouthDork
    Best Comics Pod Out Here
    I never miss an Off Panel. But I do sometimes let them stack up so I can take a day and binge through them in one go. David Harper always wrangles the best guests, offers incredible insight, and presents an incredibly warm & welcoming vibe for his audience. Give this show its Eisner Award already.
  • Cncl
    The best comics podcast!
    Love this podcast! David interviews the best creators/voices in comics. He does so with really thoughtful questions and research. He creates a really comfortable space for guests to be open and vulnerable. I really look forward to each episode, every week.
  • MikB078
    Good stuff
  • MKrmp16
    This show is special. David Harper has mastered the art of interviewing. I’ve truly never heard anyone conduct an interview like him. This show is a must listen for comic lovers.
  • sinisterjhk
    Neat comics interview podcast
    I love this show and have for a long time. David is a terrific interviewer and always has great discussion with his guests. He’s always well prepared and asks really good questions and gets me interested in all the guests, even when I don’t think I’ll be that interested.
  • bgdshd
    Treasure trove of comics interviews
    Off Panel has an amazing collection of hundreds of interviews, covering the spectrum from mainstream to indie comics. The host, David Harper, approaches each interview with genuine enthusiasm and a near-encyclopedic knowledge of comics and the comics industry. Off Panel is my favorite comics podcast.
  • Community Property
    The Best
    There are a lot of comic related podcasts out there, but none better than this. It’s well researched, always insightful, and David always gets the best guests. Can’t recommend more!
  • MillCitySports
    Perfect for the comics fan.
    The mix of artists, writers, and retailers is the perfect balance. David gives you the whole industry and I can’t get enough.
  • DreamcatDJ
    My absolute favorite podcast and the best one out there in a crowded niche. David is a great host and the show always moves Ali g well. Great insights and guests also.
  • Clark P 3
    Great all around comics podcast
    I enjoy this podcast because it has interviews with creators and also with other people in the industry that give perspectives about comics from multiple angles.
  • everydayj247
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    David Harper is awesome! Always asks great questions and is super conversational. He seems like he actually has a relationship with his guests and they genuinely like him which leads to a great show. He also discusses different parts of the comic medium that you might not always think about as just a comic reader. These podcasts get me thru every work day! Sometimes I go back and just listen from the beginning. Keep up the good work!
  • rudy337
    Found on Key Collector App, now Binging
    A friend showed me the Key Collector app. I discovered the podcast through a plug from the app creator. Couldn’t believe the quality of this podcast across the board! I understand not everyone will love every guest, but this was very informative from two incredibly immersed comic personalities. Now I’m binging and learning a ton! Thank you, and keep it up!
  • deHex18
    Laid Back and Stays on Track
    David Harper manages to bring on some really great guests from a variety of places in the comics realm. It’s not just mainstream or just indie creators, and there is a nice mix of artists, writers, and all other jobs in comics, so it feels like Harper appreciates and values all of it. On top of that, I really love the production value and the way the show stays focused while still feeling casual and friendly. These aren’t canned TV interviews, but they also aren’t just David’s 4-hour phone calls with the celebrities he’s met. Whenever I listen to Off Panel, I feel like I’ve not only learned about the craft, art, or business of comics, but also gained some insight into the thoughts and ideas that go into creating them. It’s really rewarding, and my only wish is that episodes came out more than just once a week—but then the quality and focus might suffer, so it’s okay!
  • RoryMiller
    Good show but terrible guests
    Show sounds fine and the host is well versed in comics. However his guests are terrible. Guests like John from Big Vang comics in Ireland (a loathsome individual that campaigns to censor comics because he disagrees politically with their creators). He also had the Key Collector app guy on. I guess it’s hard to get guests who aren’t trying to kill the industry or squeeze every last dime out of collectors.
  • AudioConsumer
    Absolutely great comic podcast
    Love the talks with creators the most, as well as the talks with comic shop owners. That’s why I come here and there is a lot of that good stuff so thats why I stay and listen. So LISTEN and be enriched!
  • hackerjm
    This is the best comics podcast out! Very insightful from a guy who knows comics, it’s creators , and the industry. Bravo!👍🏻👍🏻
  • Jimmy Gaspero
    Just what I was looking for
    An excellent interview podcast for all comic book fans whether a casual reader or creator. This is absolutely essential and really enhances my love of comics.
  • Raulro31
    Great podcast!
    The best for well thought topics about comics
  • Ryankinda
    Amazing Interviews
    One of the best interview podcasts I’ve listened to regarding the comics medium. David really does his due diligence before talking with his guests. I’ve already discovered several hidden gems I’m not sure I would have otherwise heard about. Keep up the great work!
  • KevinCuffe
    H exh d
  • robin1042
    Great interviews
    David is relaxed and comfortable with each guest and that brings to bear great, natural conversations. He doesn’t interrupt at all and is great at guiding the conversation in informative and entertaining ways. I also love that he does everything he can to help professionals in the industry. Highly recommend this podcast.
  • mt328101
    The best conic conversation out there
    David Harper hosts the best comic conversations on the Internet . A veritable comic salon looking at the creative and business side of comic industry. In both a casual but meaningful way. Not to be missed!!!
  • Smarrison
    Came for the Hickman, stayed for the goodness
    I will listen to Hickman talk about anything for any length of time. The host here has such a wonderful interviewing style and always nudges these conversations in interesting directions. I can’t wait to make my way through everything here. But also, bring back Hickman like once a month. Nothing kicks my brain’s biscuit in line like a Monday morning “how to work” talk from that guy.
  • Mjzman
    Off Panel rocks!
    Off Panel brings the goods each week. In-depth and thoughtful interviews with careful pacing that never sacrifices spontaneity. I look forward to each episode and have discovered lots of great creators and comics I wouldn’t have otherwise been inclined to check out because of this show. Highly recommend!
  • Pat Brickson
    David Harper is the most intelligent voices in comic book commentary. Always fascinating interviews.
  • Joe Dittmar
    A comic book lover’s dream podcast
    Off Panel is one of the highlights of my podcast listening week. David Harbour brings it every episode with his interesting guests and knowledgeable insight. I look forward to seeing what guest he’ll have on each week. This is an awesome podcast that will hook you right away thanks to the host’s engaging personality and clear love of the material he covers. Thanks David!!
  • shawtity
    Nothing but dope
    This is one of the greatest comic podcasts out there. Love David and the guest he brings on. Kinda scared to even start my own podcast after listening to this.
  • LaughingSombrero
    Love this show!
    Off Panel is one of my favorite comic book podcasts. Lots of great in depth interviews. Always look forward to the new episodes.
  • Phillip Sevy
    Best Comics Podcast
    Off Panel is the top comics podcast. Not only do you get comprehensive and interesting interviews with creators, you also get fantastic episodes with retailers on the state of their business, and the occsaional fan recap of current and past books. All around fantastic and informative.
  • Jávier Fíles
    An Excelent Show
    David is a fabulous interviewer and he has the connections to get great guest. Unique to him is the ability to pull in guests from the retail markets that can provide a well rounded view of what the health of the market actually is and challenges assumptions fans might have. A must listen!
  • the empyreal wordsmith
    After two years, it was about time I officially praised this podcast with a review.
    The fact that this podcast -- quite possibly the best comics podcast out there -- is David Harper's spare-time side hussle rather than his job never ceases to amaze me. The passion and care that go into each episode are clear: this is someone who loves the medium and wants you to understand and love it too. The breadth of coverage is also, as David would likely put it, "astonishing." Creators from all over the industry have made appearances, in addition to shop owners, journalists, and the occasional fellow fan. With most interview podcasts, I typically skip over episodes featuring people whose work I'm not already familiar with. But over the last couple years of listening, David has made it consistently worthwhile to tune in for every episode anyway, leading to my discovery and acquisition of many fantastic titles I'd likely never have even heard about otherwise. (I should note: there seems to be a negative review here that actually criticized the variety of guests, and I am honestly baffled by how anyone could actually think that. This is someone who is as hyped about the new Hulk and Doctor Strange as he is about Raina Telgemeier and Murder Falcon). Whether you're a seasoned veteran of comics reading, a creator, a retailer, or even just looking to learn a little bit more about the longstanding storytelling form, you will be hard-pressed to find a better show than Off-Panel.
  • mox-fulder
    Great Comic Book Podcast
    Hands down my favorite comics podcast. Love hearing insight from the writers, artists, retailers, and analysts. David is a great host. You should follow his newsletters as well. Go listen!
  • DemonPackBrett
    A Solid Look at Comic Creators and Retail
    As far as creators interviews, this show already has a deep catalog of interviews to explore. Discussions with comic shop owners are sprinkled in there and take a great deep dive to discuss what seems to be working for the industry and what does not from a store's perspective. The overall quality of the show's interview format is well done and I often hear a few good takeaways from each show. I also recommend the show's Patreon if the show is pressing the right buttons for you, I've been enjoying the supporting content since joining.
  • jhudd1
    The essential comics podcast
    David Harper is the Zach Lowe of comics, and not just because he apes the weekly “10 things” article theme. David is a guy who seeks the “big picture” in the industry while still catching the little details that make comics great, and it all comes across in spades in his wonderful interviews with people from all sides of comics.
  • HumbleSasquatch
    Incredible Comics Podcast!
    Always look forward to each new episode! David does a great job of getting some of the best talent in comics! It’s cool to hear from all side of the comics industry including writers, artists, editors, comic shop owners, analysts and more! Also fun when he peppers in episodes like his favorite X-men and casting fictional creative teams for comics. I can’t recommend this show enough! SO GOOD!
  • Mat Heagerty
    Simply the best, better than all the rest.
    Hands down the best comics industry podcast around! Insightful host, interesting guests, Off Panel is really, really rad. Go listen already!
  • ChadT.
    Had to quit listening
    The host is very particular to catering to one particular style of artists or art style. It has been some time since I have heard an interview with someone I was interested in. Not to say he’s a bad host or interviewer. I understand he’s catering to his interests and that’s cool. However I highly recommend the Bancroft Brothers podcast. Comics Coast to coast, surviving Creativity and Comic Lab. great entertaining listening and guests.
  • qayne
    One of the very best comic book interview shows
    Off Panel is one of my favorite comic book interview shows. David is well prepared and has a great conversational style. You can tell his guests are relaxed and engaged, which only makes for a better experience for us listeners. Very highly recommended.
  • brianmm33
    Great variety of interviews
    Smart, interesting, and covers a big range of people and topics within Comics. Definitely my favorite comics pod these days
  • PossumGrease
    Well Produced Podcast
    I've only recently discovered this podcast, but everything I've heard so far has been great. Very good production quality, topics and guests. Heck, even the intro music is top notch.
  • dgo_cosmic
    Great show!
    Excellent in-depth interviews, a fascinating show!
  • Whoisrico
    Great Comics Podcast
    Great host, great guests, great interviews!
  • taylor-fs3
    Great podcast, especially for new cool books!
    I love this podcast especially the focus on upcoming creator owned projects that might fly under the radar. In the past few months, I've grabbed Elsewhere, Realm and Half Past Danger 2 because of hearing about them on the podcast.
  • takingback33
    Awesome show about comics industry!
    Great insight and look into what it looks like working in comics! Wonderful interviews and great guests.
  • K. Inge
    Great Insight
    As an aspiring writer, wanting to eventually break into comics, I’ve found this podcast incredibly helpful in understanding the in’s and out’s of the industry. Great job! Keep it up!
  • Jason from The Savage Land
    In the weeds, but in a great way
    David's show has been a revelation. Off Panel and Word Balloon have served as my graduate school on creating comics. Without the amazing interviewing David has done, without the pure, undistilled knowledge that he has to ask the right questions and get far below the surface, I never would've felt confident enough to dive into creating comics. In addition, he is constantly raising the bar for me as a podcaster, making sure my interviews are better every week. Thanks David, keep up the good work.
    Deep Dives Into Comics and Its Creators
    This is the best comics interview podcast I've come across. It's very good and the host brings his A-game in every episode and there's an impressive catalog of comics creators he's interviewed on the show. The first interview episode I heard inspired me to buy a stack of trades from the creator interviewed on the show then became a full fledged fan of that creator. You'll discover new creators and works from this show.
  • J Note
    great comics podcast
    David Harper is an excellent interviewer and knowledge of the comics medium is top notch. The guests he brings on are always interesting, engaging and entertaining. Can't recommend this podcast enough.
  • Ray from Miami
    Pretty Good Overall
    The host isn't bad but his guests are usually great because they come from the industry. The host himself will never call out anyone but his guests often will.
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