The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)


In The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way.Unlike any other Bible podcast, Ascension’s Bible in a Year podcast follows a reading plan inspired by The Great Adventure Bible Timeline, a ground-breaking approach to understanding salvation history developed by renowned Catholic Bible scholar Jeff Cavins. For each period in the timeline, Jeff will join Fr. Mike for a special episode that will help you understand the context of each reading.With this podcast, you won’t just read the Bible in a year … you’ll finally understand how all the pieces of the Bible fit together to tell an amazing story that continues in your life today!Listen and…Read the ENTIRE BibleFeel more confident about your understanding of ScriptureExperience the transformative power of God’s Word in your daily lifeStart seeing the world through the lens of ScriptureEach 20-25 minute episode includes:Two to three scripture readingsA reflection from Fr. Mike SchmitzA guided prayer to help you hear God’s voice in his WordThe Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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Recent Reviews
  • P kiddy n innocent
    When you talk about false gods are you saying ALA is a false god?
  • Pamela Adkins
    A Story To Share
    I had started this podcast for a New Years Resolution and continued it for almost a week before I got sidetracked with other things going on in my life. I made it a mission to continue on with the podcast for lent, so I’m playing catch up. I listen to these podcasts at night when everyone is sleeping. Last night, I laid my bible on my bed, and left the room momentarily before I came back to listen to a podcast. When I returned to my room, I noticed that there was a miraculous medal sitting on my bed. No one else was around to put it there. It just seemingly appeared out of nowhere. I added the medal to the St Jude necklace that I faithfully wear, and I take it as a sign from Our Lady that I’m on the right path. I enjoy all of your podcasts, and I find myself looking forward to my bible reading every night. Thank you for bringing joy and enthusiasm to me for reading the Bible. God Bless.
  • JXA4eva
    Best Podcast
    My son and I love listening! Fr. Mike Schmitz does an amazing job, he keep us coming back everyday to listen!
  • TAL-S
    I grew up Catholic. Went to Catholic schools from PK to 12th grade. Went to Mass multiple times in a week. Served in all the roles a lay person can. In all those years I’ve never truly had the Bible stories explained to me the way Father Mike has. Thank you. I’m praying for you everyday Fr. Mike, please keep praying for me and all of us that listen and learn from you each day. God bless you
  • A awesome experience
    A wonderful experience
    This show has really touched my heart as the priest explains all the Bible readings so clearly. Even though I am in middle school my dad suggested me to do this and I simply did it and I do not regret my choice.
  • MagnusQuintus
  • MarksOpinion
    Father Mike Schmitz the Bible in a year
    Father Mike is doing a great job! His explanations really help in understanding the Bible. I look forward to studying the Bible and expanding my knowledge of God.
  • demiaus
    Thank you Fr. Mike for bringing me and many others the word of God through The Bible in a Year. Today’s Episode 59 brings me much needed understanding and peace from Deuteronomy 8. My heart and mind has been heavy these past days and after today’s podcast, I feel lifted and hopeful. May God continue to bless us with you, and may God bless you.
  • B3@U2328
    Always new
    I love the podcast, I struggle with physical reading but I love to follow along in my Bible. I love the explanation of the more tricky wording. And every year it is a new readings rather then just leaving the old recording. The podcast is a great and easily accessible tool to spread gods word.
  • Spacebender
    Excellent Series
    Well-paced sequencing and combination of readings plus brief devotional explanations with warmly resonant pastoral voice.
  • Johnny Pictures
    Faith as a Lens
    Truly, starting each day with BIAY feels as if I’m consecrating my day, setting a mindset, and applying faith as a lens over my eyes to see my day. I’m so thankful for these readings and the lessons. It is wonderful to be a part of this community.
  • Anonymous. Like HP cares.
    Great Resource
    I am so grateful for this podcast. It truly helps with understanding the Bible. Thanks to Father Mike and those who work to make this podcast happen.
  • Gretchygentry
    Thank you
    Thank you Father Mike for starting off my day in HIS WORD. I love your enthusiasm and encouragement!!!! Year3 listener!
  • Hal_246
    respect from a Muslim listener
    as a Muslim I’ve appreciated listening to these readings and analyses of the Bible. I especially enjoy hearing the stories of the Prophets such as Joseph and David and Solomon (Yusuf, Dawud, and Suleiman as they are known in Islam, peace be upon them all). although the Islamic take on their stories is different I like comparing notes. I also like the Gospels so far. Again, Islamic views of Jesus (Prophet Isa, peace be upon him) are not the same but I think even despite the disagreements there are some valuable insights and lessons to take away. Fr. Schmitz seems like a levelheaded and compassionate guy and I respect his perspective. May God bless you <3
  • VaStarr27
    Don’t understand why Aaron wasn’t killed?
    Third year on BIAY and I have a question, it sounds to me like Aaron was just as guilty as the other people worshiping the golden calf since he’s the one that melted down the gold and crafted the calf, why did he get spared when the rest of the people worshiping the pagan god were destroyed by the Levites?
  • Wendy Headley
    Grateful I stumbled upon this!
    I am 58- Been Catholic all my life— loved, believed, worshipped, but until I stumbled across BIAY- I had no idea what I didn’t know! This is my 4th year participating and it has truly changed my life— listening and actively seeking God’s word clearly has a way of changing one’s life. I can’t tell you how grateful I am each day. So enlightening. Some books are hard- real hard- for different reasons… but so important and Father Mike doesn’t ignore the tough questions— he just jumps right in to attempt to explain as best he can. He is awesome- God works through him! Learning the history surrounding the text is incredible. Having a conscious contact with God is absolutely amazing and life changing
  • verinabo
    God has been working through Fr. Mike for this daily Bible reading and contemplation. I have learned so many beautiful things in the past 43 days that I’ve never thought about or heard. I was struggling to gain something everyday out of my Bible reading and this has been such a blessing in my life. I have recommended this to all my friends and family. Thank you for this wonderful service.
  • shellymeuss
    Great way to learn and study the Bible
    My husband started listening this year. I’ve listened in 2022 and finishing 2024. Such a great why to get to know the Bible and how the old and new testaments are connected. I love Fr Mike prayer and explanation every day. Jeff Cauvins teaching is always so enlightening and encouraging. I hope everyone will give this podcast a try.
  • nycgirl1985
    So Uplifting!
    Thank you, Fr. Mike for spreading the word of God. A beautiful message of hope and inspiration. I appreciate your reflections after the readings. I have tried often to read the Bible on my own, but this podcast is extremely helpful and keeps me on track. Very articulate speaking voice, and a clear and concise explanation of each passage. God bless.
  • A. C. Atmananda
    Best Way to Hear the Bible
    Excellent quality sound. Excellent commentary makes it possible to appreciate even the most difficult passages.
  • Marine03112/24
    This podcast has been such a blessing. I hope you all find the hope and love that I have found in this. May god bless you all.
  • Kelly Mc7
    Inspiring and helpful
    This podcast has been such a blessing. I am so thankful that Fr. Mike reads scripture aloud then delivers a meaningful synopsis. He does a wonderful job making connections in the Bible and making the message relatable. His passion for scripture and understanding is inspiring. I look forward to this every day.
  • Non770
    Changed my life
    I can’t tell you enough how blessed we all are to have this treasure.
  • Prayer for life
    So Amazing
    I used to read the Bible daily but struggled to get the most out of it. The podcast plus the companion book have helped me have a greater prayer life and understanding of God’s word. 🙏
  • Pam DK
    A Gift!
    I completed BIY in 2023, followed by Catechism in a Year in 2024 — what a gift to learn so much about Scripture and my faith. Now I am 34 days into Rosary in a Year. After that, I think I’ll start all over again! Thank you, Fr Schmitz, and thank you Ascension Press for the GIFT of these podcasts.
  • Bibhouse
    Great explanations of the Bible
    This is my first time to « read » the entire Bible…I’m not a Catholic , but no matter..the Bible is the Bible. I’ve learned so much…and I will repeat this next year, because I’m sure I didn’t get everything! An excellent investment in 25-30 minutes of my daily life! Highly recommend !
  • Cathyns
    On day 69 and just wanted to express what a blessing this podcast has been in my life. I look forward to each episode every day! God bless Father Mike for this amazing show! ♥️
  • Tau1225
    This is year two for me! Finished BIY and CIY in 2024 and started BIY and CIY, again! I am every one of the broken people who can be found in the 73 books of the Bible; and listening to the BIY and CIY with Fr Mike has helped me to transform my life! I was lost but now I am found. May everyone find the peace and love of God through His Son, Jesus Christ the Redeemer, our Lord and Savior! This world will never offer you that peace so please consider listening to this podcast and CIY. Thank you Fr Mike and everyone who supports and works so hard on this podcast!
  • ajordanoriginals
    No words to describe how uplifting this is.
    I enjoyed every day of Father Mike reading the Bible with such passion and earnestness. It has given me a great foundation of the Bible and I am thinking of going through it again. Highly highly recommended.
  • daily walk!
    Learning each day
    This is my third year with Father Mike and Bible in a Year. I learn every day about my Father, in a way I understand clearly and I am in gratitude for this. Thank you Father Mike.
    Life Changing
    This podcast has completely changed my view of and relationship with God. I grew up Catholic, and I’ve never heard anyone preach God’s word like Father Mike. His deep dives into the story reveal a different version of God than I was introduced to. Thank you for this podcast. I’m in Year 3 now.
  • floveall
    Thank you
    This Is year two listening to the Bible. I learn something different each time. It’s a party off my daily life and I love it
  • Kristi Hager
    Gifted scholar and teacher for our generation.
    Thank you for weaving the Bible stories together so beautifully.
  • jessnpickles
    Father Mike is the best!
    Father Mike's Bible in a year podcast is the reason I was able to complete my first full journey through the Bible (yes- even Leviticus &Numbers)! You can tell he has such a heart for this podcast. His explanations of the scripture being read are great at providing overall context, but they also encourage deeper thought and reflection with the Lord. This podcast is incredible, regardless of your Christian denomination, and is a great spot for beginners in the Word & those curious about Jesus. Thank you, Father Mike & Ascension team for this podcast and for being faithful to the Lord!
  • Jona6576
    The Bible in a year
    I am enjoying the scripture readings and I have passing to many in my church and even considering use this in our Bible study group. Thank you, Father Mike 🙏🏻
  • GodBlessAmerica 2023
    Great Bible devotions every day !
    Been following for 3 yrs now !! Not catholic But follow it and have a better understanding of the Bible !! Thank all of you for putting this together for us !!
  • Gram1of8
    This is the third year of Bible in a year for me.
    I love this podcast. It’s the best way to start my day. The house is so quiet early in the morning, listening to Father Mike reading the daily passages helps me to go into my day with God’s grace. It anchors me. Blessing to Father Mike.
  • GigiMile
    So good!!!
    This app has been life changing for me! Reading the Bible had been a goal for many years, however, I wouldn’t be able to complete it for one reason or another. This app changed that! Getting to hear Father Mike and joining this community has made a huge impact and I have gotten more out reading the Bible this past year than I could have ever imagined.
  • SaraR on
    Bible in a year with Father Mike
    I’ve been reading the Bible in a year for the last 6 years and I love that the books with their stories are imprinting in my mind through repetition, but this year I decided to do the Bible in a year podcast with you, Father Mike, and I’m so glad I am. You bring such a fresh insight and joy to the readings. Thank you Father Mike!
  • C. Gonzalez
    What a Great Gift!
    I’m here for a third time, and ordered an Ascension press published ‘Great Adventure Bible’ so that I can follow along with fr. Mike easier. Thank you, father Mike for this great gift.
  • MinistersCAT
    Thank you.
    Thank you Fr. Mike for being here daily for us, each time I’ve started this it’s been mid year, but 2025 is my goal for a full year. I have learned so much, goes to show we don’t know it all when we might think we do.
  • dasmaro
    I love love love this series
  • Myra’s jzhdysh
    Worth it!!!!
    Hand held walk through the Bible. Totally worth it!
  • Ananofran
    The best
    Lectio divino. Magnífico
  • JoséRuegaPorNosotros
    Man oh man!
    What a gift! Truly a gift to have walked through the entire Bible with spiritual powerhouses like Fr. Mike and Jeff Cavins. I had always hoped to read the Bible cover to cover one day. Now, by God’s grace, I’ve done it with the extraordinary guidance I’ve needed to more deeply understand and stay engaged with God’s most perfect plan for our salvation. Man oh man, what a gift!! Thank you Fr. Mike and the folks at Ascension! Truly, thank you for doing the Lord’s work. God bless and ¡viva Cristo Rey!
  • Elijah Atayde
    Bible in a year
    Love the podcast keep it up fr mike👍
  • Momster Tiff
    2nd Read
    I’m excited to go beyond listening to the Bible and move to reading and reflecting with the Bible in a Year Companion. My life has been immeasurably more peaceful by using this easy access podcast!
  • devil zilla
    Bye, bull
    Will the padre be reviewing any other pro slavery books?
  • member70
    Bible Readings
    Here I am for a second time. Just ordered the Great Adventure Bible so I can follow along better than with my “St Joseph Edition of The New American Bible”. that I used last year. Thanks Fr Mike & all involved that have made this gift possible. Did you ever think of reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church? Might be too much to cover in a year though! June, 2022 Fr Mike, I am now in a care facility recovering from a fall. I continue to listen to the podcast (2nd time) & it brings me back to the comfort of my home in spirit. It is the only constant in my life right now & brings peace. Have gotten a staff member interested in it too. He is Christian but not Catholic.
  • Lidia Garcia
    Third time around
    This will be my 3rd time doing this bible in a year, God has blessed us with wonderful content, His Word never changes, the one that changes is me by that word.
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