VICE News Reports


We bring you to the news, week by week. VICE News Reports takes you to the story as it unfolds, giving you the unfiltered sounds of the world today.

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Recent Reviews
  • 1Peter,5:7
    Trans Kids
    If we are saying a child below a certain age isnt allowed to vote, drink, or have sex at a certain age why would it be okay to allow a child to transition before the age of 21. Allow them mental health assistance. God did not make a mistake when he gave us our genders. When did waking up and thinking your a gender other than what you are born in, became something other than body dysmorphia? And from all the forms of demonology that’s swinging around in music right now why is it so far fetched to NOT seek guidance from God. You acknowledge demons but not God. God is love and wants you to love yourself and others. I under church hurt and believe me so did Jesus! He doesn’t benefit from anyone destroying themselves. You know who does the devil! I pray for all those living with the discomfort of there gender. What a horrible daily mental experience to wake up and feel like you don’t belong. But you do! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Amen!
  • Tybur95
    Stop the bias
    This show is at its best when IT IS NOT biased in ANY DIRECTION. But it slipped farther and farther to the woke left. Now their gone 😂
  • Bizlat
    You’ll do some many more things in your life glad you all got this chapter.
  • Nullity
    Ty for everything!
    You guys rule. I rarely agree with your slants but it opens my eyes to different ways of thinking. No other show does that. Please come back. I’ll even pay to listen!
  • johnhudsondesign
    Y’all will be missed
    Thank you all so much for all the hard work and time that you’ve put into all of your reporting. Well listening to this last update I definitely also had some emotions. It is very sad to see y’all go. I hope that we get to hear your wonderful reporting in the future. Thank you so much.
  • shawnnicolai
    Love love love
    Not only do I love the show, but I love Vice News in general. I’m very very sad to hear of everything that’s been happening and I wish you all the absolute best of luck going forward.
  • Choochoodrew
    I’m sad to hear the show is ending,it’ll be missed. I wish you all the best.
  • Johnice G.
    Will be missed
    Great informative content! Thank you to everyone that was involved! Cheers to the next chapter! 🥹
  • Djweswes
    It was great :)
    Me and my wife loved to listen this podcast on our long drives. It was great. Thanks for all the great reporting and hardwork behind the scenes.
  • b berto
    a great show, sad to see you go
    i wish y’all the best, you all had a different vibe. a special vibe and i wish you all the best
  • The_Real_HiFiInsider
    AppleTV needs a news show and should
    AppleTV doesn’t have a news should. Apple should create one with the VICE News staff and reporters because they are some of the BEST in the biz. Please Apple… please do it.
  • DarthBenji
    Thank you!
    Thanks for all the hard work! Will miss this podcast!
  • Susanunder
    Sad News
    I am so sad to hear Vice is going away. Your reporting was sharp, incisive and consistently fair. I’ll look for your future podcast to subscribe. Just this week, I recommended you to a friend based on your Motherboard episode. This decision has no hearing on the quality of your reporting.
  • walter8706
    Don’t go
    Love the show. Sad to see this podcast be on the file episode. They had very interesting topics from local to abroad.
  • wpsullivan10
    Thanks for all your work
    Grateful for all the reporting you’ve done! Sad to see the show end, but I hope you know your work’s appreciated!
  • Theo31415
    I can’t believe this show is ending!
    I never leave reviews but I’ve listened to every single episode of this show. It’s been one of my favorite shows for years. To all of the team, thank you for this amazing podcast you put out. Arielle, it broke my heart to hear how sad you were in the goodbye episode. Sending you all lots of love. PS:. I’ve always stayed for the credits - I’m looking forward to seeing/hearing all of your names in your next big projects.
  • juan.bengochea
    Sorry to see the show come to an end
    This was a fantastic podcast with interesting and worthwhile topics. I thoroughly enjoyed listening and this was specifically true during the pandemic. Podcasts like this one helped retain my sanity. Thank you and Godspeed.
  • Jesse vandersluis
    You will be missed
    I hope you all get to come back. Great job 👏 ✌🏻
  • Its Miss McGee
    Thank You
    It was a pleasure getting real news stories that aren’t always published from real people who are passionate about the truth. You all should be very proud. We are grateful.
  • Kcracer49
    Going to miss, hope everyone can come back
    It has been apart of my little block of news podcast. I hope that it can come back as it is.
  • csewallh
    Sad to see you go
    I’ve loved this podcast and I’m so sorry for everyone involved that it’s not continuing
  • Msumacc
    My hope for you all is that you all land on your feet. My hope for myself is that I’m able to find the next thing that you all produce. I’ve loved this show, I cried at the announcement this morning, and I greatly appreciate your sharing this news this way.
  • Nenapecas76
    One of my FAVORITES
    Thank you for your amazing work!!! I will miss this podcast SO MUCH!!! I wish you all the best - take care 💟
  • Wu-Banga #1 J.J.
    Still what we need right now!
    Thank you for everything, and ya’ll mean a lot to us as well. One of the very few honest, shoot from the hip, no filler kind of news orgs I love. Your hard work and integrity shined in your work. You guys will all definitely be missed. Keep being great!!!!
  • Waka101
    Incredible lessons taught that won’t be forgotten
    The work you all did to bring detailed in Seth stories to us makes you all invaluable to democracy. Thank you for showing us real journalism and how hard it is to do but y’all gave it to us so reliably and I won’t forget it, can’t wait to see what you guys reemerge with.
  • E2Moore
    Sad to see you go…
    I always enjoyed this show. I loved hearing about topics I would not have normally been exposed to and found myself digging deeper into those stories after listening. I’m sure you will all go on to do great work.
  • Jujubumblebee
    You will definitely be missed - how can we support?
    I loved this show and I will definitely miss seeing it in my feed. Your voice and the investigative journalism always had me intrigued and wanting more. I learned so much. I wish in your last episode you would have directed people on where we can still support you all. You will be missed, I know I’ll hear from you again soon because your passion is evident. Until I hear from you again take care, love you ❤️.
  • Eric_in-MI
    I’m really going to miss this show.
    This is one of the shows that I always look forward to and listen to as soon as it shows up in my feed. The team has provided great material that I wouldn’t hear anywhere else. I’m truly going to miss it. Thank you for all you’ve done and good luck to all of you.
  • Jenn biscuit
    Bring it back!
    I cannot believe this is over. I really really hope Vice stays around. I trust this journalism and I trust you all to cover news that matters. Good luck to you all and so much love.
  • hearing with my ears closed
    Unfortunately Biased
    While the composition of the show is very well done, the reporting pushes such a blatant narrative that it is almost impossible to listen to. There are some episodes that truly shine though. There is one where a vice employee takes the week off and sees if his work actually notices, or the one where a guy tries to make friends as an adult. They genuinely show some thought and creativity. Those episodes are original and make me remember the old vice.
  • C.Schillings
    Keep on rockin’ in the free world!
    Great, often gritty journalism here, their fact checked investigative reporting not only explores the relevant issues of our day, even the ones that don’t always get the attention of other media outlets, they do it at the street level bringing the listener about as close as we can get to the topic being covered without opinion and the polarization of our times. As a matter of fact theyve given us some brave new journalism covering that as well. Free press is alive & well, and rock n roll will never die. Thanks for your programming! ✌🏻
    Good research
    I like every thing except the background music. The topics are powerful enough without the drums and drama. I want to be able hear what is being said.
  • @tankdude6
    Free speech at it’s finest.
    Hey I’m just another indigent Iraq war vet with an axe to grind. Best wishes to you and yours.
  • jgh58
    100 Episodes
    Thanks for the 100 very fine episodes. Hoping for many more. Congratulations.
  • Gracielamg
    Real stories very well narrated, keep up the good work!
  • redlionhart27
    I use to hate watching and listening to the news. It was always either death or scandal. However, when I stumbled onto VICE via Bill Maher, I was hooked. I love that it’s REAL news. It’s international news, fun stories, stories about animals, and even personal stories! I love everything about VICE. I have learned more about our world and everyone in it, because of this News Podcast. I look forward to listening every week. Keep doing what you are doing VICE! We appreciate you!
  • twyrs
    Excellence in journalism
    Grounded, deep dives into both global and domestic stories. I deeply appreciate Vice’s dedication to revisiting stories with contextual updates. Specifically, their coverage of the modern American conspiracy movement is phenomenal. As a 20 something, Vice keeps me coming back everyday to stay connected. Thank you Vice for all you do!
  • Employed by Useful Idiots
    More please
    I can’t get enough
  • angryatthispieceofjunk
    Truly one-sided reporting on unions. Disappointing.
  • Shakstart
    Big Kudos to the whole team! I love hearing the new voices and topics each week. When Thursdays come around I get to learn something new and important going on in the world. 🗣🗣🗣You are all savants 🗣🗣🗣
  • Got Happiness
    Thank you for your & everyone who puts tge podcast together. I love listening to regular people and Ariel💞💞💞💞💞
  • Brent Scaife
    Vice News Reports
    So I have been a big fan of Vice for a number of years. I really enjoy this podcast because it gives me a broad spectrum of what is going around the world. I feel like the stories and coverage is more in depth. All of the reporters bring life to the stories that they cover. It makes you think about what’s really going on in the world. I listen to this podcast when I am on the go, shopping, or just strolling the city. I just give a huge shout out to Shane Smith and Suroosh Alvi for creating such a dope company and to the others that run vice as well. Keep it up!!! Continue to make changes in the media and make us have a different perspectives on how we view the media!!!
  • Tommy2toez
    Wack podcast
    Slow moving abd boring.
  • James Veverka
    One podcast I’m excited to see update
    I have been listening for a few months. I enjoy vice content on YouTube. So I started listening and I have not been disappointed.
    Not objective
    Not sure if it’s intentional, probably some type of tribute to gonzo reporting, but show is very emotional, subjective and narcissistic, depending on reporter.
  • Debs_123456
    Best news podcast ever!!
    Carries out reliable, and creditable news to ppl
  • gishxhxikekkabsuh
    Vice on audio
    Love Vice, love it in audio too
  • Yoily F
    Absolute Garbage
    Lying liars who lie. Whoever listens to this crap without knowing what trash this is has the intelligence of a wet fart. Take trash from the street, ferment for 5 days, microwave on HIGH for 8 minutes, stir, microwave for an additional 4 minutes and what you have is a much finer news source.
  • iambundles
    Modern Content and an Engaging Listen
    This podcast is a really good casual and relatable listen. It’s news and feature stories but not necessarily going to be the noise you expect from a news podcast. I really appreciate the diverse subject matter, that the episode are really conversational, and most importantly that they are focused and to the point (aka full of enough info and short). It’s not your typical news, and that’s a good thing. It expands beyond it.
  • CTmorning
    Interesting stories
    This podcast is thought providing, I listen to it every week.
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