Don't Touch Your Face


On the last day of 2019, China reported an unusual outbreak in Wuhan, a port city with a population of 11 million. Within two months, the disease would spread to almost every continent on the globe and kill thousands of people.From Foreign Policy, a podcast about the extent of the COVID-19 contagion, the threat it poses, and what countries are doing to contain it. Join FP’s James Palmer and Amy Mackinnon as they track the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and explore what it means for people’s everyday lives.

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Recent Reviews
  • Winzheng6439
    Anecdotal observations
    It’s interesting to listen to but it is just about as far from science as one could get. The guests and hosts of the show offer mainly anecdotal evidence explaining, country infection rates. If you’re looking for some almost comic relief in your Coronavirus reporting this is not a bad choice. It’s quite entertaining but hard to take seriously.
  • Eylyis
    More I nfo in notes
    Nice podcast ! Please add a bit more info to episode notes. Was frustrated not to catch the location names of Eurasian region covered in “Breakaway States and Pandemic” episode.
  • FP Podcast Fan
    A fresh deep-dive on overlooked topics
    Amy Mackinnon and James Palmer are captivating podcast hosts with a treasure trove of knowledge. I’ve learned something new and revealing with every episode, and it's among my top go-to morning podcasts. Well done!
  • awiwmom
    Liberal and biased
    I was hoping for a non-partisan interpretation of the medical information. They just hate trump
  • Stock-Lens #1 fan
    Thank You!
    This podcast is just we need at this time, thank you - you will help keep me sane (I hope).
  • Bfleezee
    Good global perspective
    Great podcast to listen to about coronavirus that covers more than just what’s happening in the US (while also having good stories about what is happening in the US) and the hosts are great!
  • Gardener-At-Law
    Had hoped for bipartisanship
    I was excited to hear some new voices disseminating accurate and objective insights into the coronavirus situation. But I was caught up short by the stabs of vitriol directed at Trump. We need some neutrality at this critical time as we are all just trying to keep our heads up in this swirling mass of infectious uncertainty. Where are the bipartisan podcasts?
  • ammmyyyyyyyyyyy
    Great podcast
    Listen if you want accurate and timely info on the coronavirus & great banter from the hosts!
  • JM92846
    Joe Malone
    Love it!
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