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slime sliem sliemPizza Hut vs little CesarJosh the self proclaimed cheap eats guy doesn’t know Pizza Hut cuts all there pizzas in triangles. And a little advice everyone knows when testing pizza vs pizza you always order just cheese so it’s fair reviews thanks love the show
Ahab PopeNeeds a belch warning.I truly like the discussions on this podcast. I hate hearing Josh belch. You are a grown man, not a 10 year old. I would even change this to five stars if they edit them out moving forward, or put a belch warning in the episode description so I know not to listen to a particular episode.
LaMoRo25Cracking me up.Between the recent grocery store sushi and the recent one with I think Mike calling in regarding the cheesesteak, I was cracking up. As a Philadelphia native, hearing Josh name the greats off the top of his head like that made me smile, especially as I was on my way to watch the Super Bowl in Philly! Sprout sushi has great grocery store sushi, IMO too! Anyway, we love watching your content!
CbstrikesCello is the best string instrument 🎻In episode 64 you said no one cares about cello.Well I do!I play the cello and I love it!!!
Triple-uSpotify is better, but reviewed hereHey guys! I've been here since day 1 and I never use Apple Music/podcast to listen. I always listen to yall on Spotify and never review on here. But as I was transferring playlists I had from Spotify to Apple for friends, I saw the podcast and had to leave this review since I'm actually on it.
GhanaSoutheastAsiaLove and also I ship themThey have intense chemistry
Bastillealexacommuting gigglesHiii Josh and Nicole <3 I wrote a review around this time last year when I transferred to university and I am glad to say that I am still a loyal listener. This podcast is incredibly funny and lighthearted, but the opinions are typically valid and educational (sorta.) I’m in my final year of undergrad and I love bugging my lab partners with the wild food topics you discuss <3 pretty please keep making this podcast while I’m still in school, thanks!!
VictoriaaanicoleeeNicoleDisappointing to find out Nicole is a zi*nist. She follows the IDF on Instagram and even liked their spotify wrapped meme. When i asked her why, she blocked me. Unsubscribe.
EatjookFind a new cohostJosh brings plenty of knowledge, some useful and some useless, but at least he prepares on a weekly basis. Nicole brings nothing of value and has devolved into a cartoonish stereotype while bringing nothing to the conversation. Please find a new cohost.
Sameia1031Sexy foodI love this podcast. I look forward to it each week. My family and I have our own food debates and we come to the conclusion that meatloaf is sexy but not the one in your cookbook. My aunt says because there are peas in the picture. I say that gravy on meatloaf is sexy but the rest of my family say ketchup is the sexy part. I would love to hear how you agree that I’m right in this argument that ketchup is gross and doesn’t belong on a sexy meatloaf. Anyway great job on the podcast look forward to having more debates with my family.
AdamInNY!Best Food Pod!I love listening to Josh and Nicole every week. Not only are they entertaining, but they are so darn knowledgeable about food and its many origins! Seriously, you guys, it’s like a masterclass in food history from two buddies who clearly love what they do. If you’ve never watched a single Mythical video, let this be your entry point to one of the best entertainment brands on the internet! And one day, hopefully, they will read one of my opinions from the hotline! 🙃
Brayden. GGoodThis is the only reason I wake up in the morning. It’s just so darn good!😃
Sam_WiseXCThanks I love itListen while running.
dctctyrfyffuyfMy Fav 😍 [Please READ FOR REVIEW THE REVIEW]I love this podcast, the crazy antics and lack of staying on topic makes it so hilarious to listen to. One minute you guys will be talking about tortillas and the next about the Roman Empire, also food opinion: Hot Cheetos should be dipped in JIF creamy peanut butter. It’s really nice to just sit there and laugh at whatever you guys came up with. te quiero 😘 p.s. this is a ten year old writing this review. children do listen but my parents are fine with cursing though
uno0624Airplane foodThe best airplane food podcast made me belly laugh. First, Josh says all airports. Major corporations are a conglomerate and needs to be broken up. Then 10 minutes later lady is telling me that this episode is sponsored by United airlines. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to keep coming back and listening. Love the show guys keep on keeping on. From the best food steak in the country, Louisiana!
Dszz8Great podcast!I started listening to this podcast back in march, during one of my lowest points in my life, despite the family, and financial problems, I found solace in listening to Nicole and Josh, and their many debates always brings a smile to my face and even laughter. Their shining personalities have enhanced my fascination with trying different foods. Watched mythical kitchen since the beginning! Keep up the amazing work y’all do and nothing but blessings to you Josh and Nicole! From Me (R) and my wife (A) Thank you so much. Love ya Nicole and Josh! Ps. I have the Special edition Pepsi s’mores package that I am willing to donate to the show! Just let me know! Would rather you two or mythical kitchen utilize them instead of sitting on my shelf. -Ruben
MoOOoNKy42WhatsuuupIm 13 and i love your podcast. You guys have inspired me to cook more. I grilled my first steak with my dad and i loved it! Anyway, keep up the great work! -Miles
suzie_pie21Love this!Y’all make me so happy, I always love listening to your podcasts when they come out. I recently found out my friend if a fake tin fish girly 😂 though I’m not a tin fish girly I thought that was really funny. You guys make me smile and laugh and it brightens my whole day. Josh you are friggin’ hilarious, Nicole you are so amazing and kind. Thanks for making this podcast!! Highly recommended!
Lord AculousLovely Nicole and trash raccoon JoshLove the pod, watch all your mythical channels, and you two together are hilarious. HOWEVER, for the love of food can someone mute Josh's mic when he eats something?!! The amount of noises coming from him when he eats and TALKS WITH FOOD IN HIS MOUTH into the mic is brazy. Love the content overall though
JosiahJonesjust tried sardineshey, i just tried sardines. i didn’t like them at all. not one bit. in the process of throwing them out, i dropped them all over the floor. just thought i’d let you know. additionally, i wanted to inform you on my new breakfast creation. i really like sausage patties but i'm trying to cut down on fat. so i made patties out of ground turkey, i threw louisiana hot sauce and sugar free maple syrup over them and boom - breakfast has been served. would you do this? also thanks for entertaining me for who knows how long. cheers.
Ms. ShinsatoJosh is great!I love Josh’s stories, humor, and knowledge of food. He is the reason that I started and continue to listen to this podcast. I started watching People vs. Food on YouTube and would get Mythical Kitchen as a recommended channel, particularly after he appeared on one of their episodes. I didn’t watch Mythical Kitchen until I started listening to the podcast on a whim. I was looking for a new podcast to listen to, and this came up. Nicole is alright, but Josh is the highlight of this show.
Real_ButtsMcGeeVery unfortunate hostsIt’s too bad, the topics and conversations are incredible; the hosts, not so much. Most insufferable pair of annoying normies you could ever hope to (not) find a microphone. People like this is why I avoid LA like the plague. Not for me. But you’ll probably enjoy it.
Apples are midLove the showI love the show but I wish you guys did more of the topics you used to do like the blank vs blank those are my favorite, but you guys are great you make me love food and asking questions about food!!!!!!
H.T.SparrowA hot dog is an epiphanyLet me paint a picture for you: you’re 22, driving home from your last marine biology field lab, the final credits you need to finally graduate community college. It was to see elephant seals in San Simeon CA. You look down and see that you’re dangerously low on gas so you pull over into the small town on the route back home so you don’t get stranded. After pumping, you decide to get dinner at this a local Firestone Grill knockoff. Somehow you find yourself sitting alone in a corner table. Your 9 dollar grilled cheese? Disgusting. Cell service? Nonexistent. The only piece of media downloaded on your device is…Mythical Kitchen. You sit and eat your awful grilled cheese and listen to Mythical Kitchen as you look out on the Pacific Ocean. You leave that restaurant a new man. I’d been listening to mythical kitchen/other gmm podcasts for a while, but truly, listening to Josh and Nicole have strong opinions, argue with love and honesty share genuine culinary joy has inspired me not only to cook more, but care more about the food I make and eat. I cannot recommend this show enough, and I also cannot stress enough how bad that grilled cheese was. Why do places like that insist on making grilled cheeses with brown bread? Thanks so much for everything you do!
Tatspepnicole is an angeli was gonna rate this show 5 stars anyway but i was watching the mythical kitchen “chunnel” and josh said nicole loves gogol bordello which makes me love her even more. keep up the good work guys. you make food sound delicious even when i’m feeling nauseous so like keep doing that :D
mini gGreat, but wrong dynamicsI have been listening and watching since the very beginning of the Mythical Kitchen and Hotdog is a Sandwich. They have had great guests, interesting topics, and consistency overall. The reason it is not five stars is only because of Nicole. She is overbearing as her role of a “pick-me” girl, or one of those girls that acts dumb in order to get laughs or attention. This has happened even more after her wedding, with a toxic relationship forming between the content and her need to feel accepted. I love Josh with his informative but curious attitude, and his positive-for-all joke style. It doesn’t feel like his intent is to be popular or fend off personal issues like with Nicole. He shares about his life in order to stay positive, while she shares to get sympathy or to get attention. I’ll still continue to listen and watch videos for now, but beware of the personality traits that come with this podcast.
A literal Tree manA hot dog is a tacoA hot dog is basically a white guys taco Change my mind 🌮🟰🌭
CaliforniaExpertShe doesn’t know what a crockpot is?I enjoy foodie podcasts and downloaded this program today. I can’t take anyone seriously recommending kitchen gadgets if they don’t know what a crockpot is! Deleted.
NyexecrcHot takeLove the cast and hot take I like soggy cereal
LoldepapasYou should do more what it says about yousPlz
Strawman1825Excellent PodcastI love Josh and Nicole and Jamie. This podcast is both satisfying to listen to and super informative. I never miss an episode.
AkachandisGreat Podcast, Great HostsIn each episode, you’re guaranteed to laugh, be entertained, and learn something new about food science or history. One of my favorite podcasts!
VBinNVDespite …… a hot dog NOT being a sandwich, I fully recommend this show. A sandwich allows the chef (or sandwich artist or constructor) to customize the product by including precise amounts of the sandwich’s main ingredient and you CAN"T do that with a hot dog.
Moon-oMehPlease bring back more food history in context to these silly debates. I love Josh’s history rants! Would be nice to get more substance from Nicole too. I feel like her part as host is a little empty. Earlier podcasts were better but I’m hanging out still with hope.
mosesrivera100Yall are hilarious and entertainingThank you SO much for this podcast. Every episode puts a big dumb smile on my face 😁
Ford Horse GirlFunnyI love this podcast. I hope they do an episode on sourdough bread or something like that.
ChaoticKyleI love this show!This show is awesome and I look forward to listening to each new episode! The hosts are intelligent and knowledgeable about all of the topics they discuss. I love how funny they are as well! They are also two of the most caring people and they are so kind to their fans! Thank you for all of the great shows!
Tedy H.Love & QuestionLove the podcast! I listen to y’all a lot at work and at sometimes in the car. It can be hard sometimes not to laugh when I listen at work🤭 I do have a question that maybe could be an episode topic. Are vegetables real? I keep seeing info pop up lately that vegetables don’t really exist. That they can be classified as other things. What do y’all think about it?
High Annointed PaaulFor JoshTypically, tanner stage two onward.
#animallover2.oI love you guys butWe need more Meggy!!! the people lover her have her come on the show more often
Hammock Girl StudioI want them as my best friends!I have listened to the podcast from the very beginning. lol, I’ve discovered my favorite time to listen is when I’m just laying out and soaking up the sun rays (yeah yeah, skin cancer, sun, I was a lobster child every summer of my youth, that damage has already been done, let me absorb my vitamin D in peace! lol) . During the winter, I listen usually when my stupid ADHD brain wakes up at 4am w some song playing so loud in my head, I can’t go back to sleep. 😊 it’s funny, it’s informative, and you get weirdly invested in Josh and Nicole’s lives. Give it a shot, I ❤️ this podcast!
the_ice_withinMy favorite duo during lasik recoveryas I lay here recovering from lasik I go through dozens of hot dog is a sandwich episodes to cheer me up… while pretending the tears are from laughing too hard. it’s the only podcast that makes me feel calm and happy, while learning something and not feeling like i’m wasting my time
Smara522Great podcast but….It needs more Meggie. The people love Meggie. (Great podcast! Super interesting topics, awesome hosts, always a good vibe. You might not think you’ll learn anything new, but Nicole and Josh always have some cool fact or story that you’ve never heard. Listen to the podcast! Watch Mythical Kitchen! You won’t regret it!)
Aria pilupsWhyJust why would we ever need to know this
heavenlyy06let the record show that i am a nicole enayati fanu guys are so good at taking things i would never care about and making it interesting and fun <3 xoxo
GraceStroudEntertainingListening to this podcast is like going to the grocery store: you should NOT do it while hungry. That said, it is fantastic to listen to two intelligent, passionate, and hilarious coworkers share their thoughts about food. I love the things I learn by listening to this, even if it does make me exceedingly hungry.
I am a tiny Tim🤗Can we all just admire how much Josh knows like dude is a literal encyclopedia 😀
OsirisDaVirisThe difference between Jam or Jelly?You can’t jelly a wiener down your throat! Wakawakawaka Ur welcome
ajcameroWorlds CollideThe episode where you talk to Dan Pashman was serendipitously timed. I just got my copy of the Mythical Cookbook and planned to enter a macaroni and cheese contest with Cascatelli pasta next weekend! I was one of the people who preordered it back in the day, and love using it for dishes, and I took aspects of Nicole’s classic for my preferred mac & cheese recipe. Now the only question is “Do I make ‘Animal Style’ to really swing for the fences, or ‘Crustacean and Cheese’ to have fun with that shrimp-like noodle structure? Anyway, great topic and great guests abound with this podcast. And I need to rate it 5 stars because it’s worth it, not just to balance out all the St. Louis based hate that the show manages to accrue, lol.
DrDLaymanReview for reviewNot so much a review of the podcast, which I absolutely love and listen to every week, but more About Josh’s appearance with Rhett and Link on the Tonight Show. Josh, you seemed a bit nervous and going sockless was definitely a choice, but I couldn’t be more proud of you. To see the rise of mythical kitchen, you and your incredible staff, the production of a beautiful cookbook, and to top it off with such a fun nationally televised appearance is amazing. Congratulations to you and to all those who helped you get onto that couch. Good job guys!
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