11 Personnel


It’s all about the X’s and O’s, Jimmys and Joes when Nick Roush and Adam Luckett bring out the microscope to talk Kentucky football and break down the Cats’ upcoming opponents.

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Recent Reviews
  • Stewwwwps
    11 Personnel
    Great listen! Although Roush is a dingus (Rolllllll Cawww!) Luckett breaks down Kentucky football in a way that helps the casual football fan understand the X’s and O’s a little more.
  • just a guy 2021
    Great, great podcast. They actually know football and provide excellent analysis. Really good info about players too. Must listen. 2nd review: God I love this podcast. So informative and substantive. Gets me so pumped for football.
  • bud69420
    Can’t miss an episode
    Two thumbs up!
  • JHinton ManCityAndLouCityFan
    Nick and Adam do an excellent job talking ball! Love listening to the show, keep up the great work! Would love a podcast mailbag down the line
  • @busterscratch
    Real Football Talk
    Latest episode probably the best yet. Thanks for having Van Hiles on. He was awesome, love hearing real football talk for an entire podcast. Great job guys
  • gob1961
    Don’t bother
    Pin it deep will put this show out of its misery soon enough.
  • ......,,,,,......,,,,,,.......
    Tremendous podcast
    Nick and Adam are really doing great work. Their different styles play off each other well, but both are united in their love for the Cats. Really good depth of knowledge here, not just about Kentucky but about their opponents and other SEC teams. If you like Kentucky football, this is the place. Underrated betting tips!
  • kentuckykroge
    5 star guys
    Adam Luckett and Nick Roush are your go to when it comes to Kentucky Football. I’m a late bloomer (last year) when it comes to listening but I can’t wait for each episode. After all, Luckett had to explain to Nick Saban what 11 personnel means!!
  • Mbolin9
    Elysian Space Dust
    Elysian Space Dust, the beer you want, the beer you need. Personnel 11, the podcast you want, the podcast you need.
  • UKPez
    UK Football
    If you like UK football and what it takes for UK football to take its next step, this is the best podcast for you. Great podcast!
  • BBN all the way
    Great content
    Great content for the most part. Nick tends to get distracted and go down unrelated rabbit holes and they seem to have technical difficulties more often than any other podcast I listen to like nick not talking into the mike or crazy static. But the information they put out makes it worth it.
  • Ncarr0010
    One thing
    Less Nick Roush talking and more Adam Luckett. The only reason I can’t listen to a full episode is simply because Nick Roush. He makes this show awful and the depth chart podcast. Freddie and Adam need to be talking not Roush. I’d pay money to have Nick Roush off of this podcast and the Depth Chart Podcast. Roush by himself ruins two good podcasts. Make a podcast of Adam Luckett and Freddie Maggard talking.
  • Kyle12344
  • Marlettaball
    On on U of K
    My favorite podcast of the entire KSR network and I listen to most of them. Great insight into the real world of football for a football nerd mixed with ELITE level chemistry. Also the intro sound is one of the greats. S’go cats and go 11 personnel. Luckett needs to get into audio book reading, next Morgan Freeman, look out for him as the next voice of “Siri” as well.
  • smokedawgBBN
    The best
    I love the way Nick and Adams vibe keep up the good work
  • UKJohnny
    Enjoyed this all year!
    Fellas I’ve enjoyed listening to this during the season. Adam’s insights have came to fruition in several of the games. Especially the last half of the season. Keep up the great work.
  • steveBoner
    It’s ok
  • Gyzzdark in the Bluegrass
    Nice work, fellas. As a “football first” UK fan it’s awesome to have such an in depth view of the team. Keep on making great content!
  • MattPKY
    Love it
    Finally some good In depth football talk on Kentucky football. #FootballState
  • xGRODYx
    5 stars!!
    Great knowledge week to week. Gets me ready every week. Good job guys
  • Big_Poppa_11
    GAS. ME. UP.
    Folks, Living in Knoxville I need something to get my juices going during the week...and this podcast is it. This podcast gets me going for gamedays. It's enertaining, funny and ELECTRIC. Scratch em cayuts.
  • Trayjh50
    Insightful and informative! It’s a new edition to my podcast collection! I hope the noise with the mic is lined out for next week? Great job!
  • LibMark
    Episode 8
    Whatever you are tapping or knocking against the microphone For THE LOVE OF GOD STOP IT Otherwise a great podcast
  • BwWatson
    Like 5 times
    This podcast is going all the way to the Top
  • TonyMonatana
    Wonderful breakdown each week
    I keep coming back for the sweet sultry tones of Luckett’s voice
  • CATS FAN!!!!
    Adam’s world we just live in it
    Adam Luckett taught Chuck Norris karate. Really wish the other guy didn’t talk as much. Love listening to Adam break down football. He really knows his stuff. Couple times the other guy will say something and immediately Adam will discredit his opinion with actual knowledge lol. It’s like that guy says a lot of words but it doesn’t make sense. Adam is the reason I give it 5 stars
  • TAM2114
    Reminds me of Kentucky Roll Call!
    Except Adam is smarter than that DJ Locker guy. Great podcast!
  • B.Taylor.Cox
    Football Nerd Heaven
    If you missed The Depth Chart Podcast, this is a worthy replacement. No one can match Freddie Maggard, but Nick and Adam give you the lowdown a football geek lives for.
  • Not TJs Burner
    Can’t believe it
    Great UK football talk until Rousch wouldn’t shut up about Lamar Jackson. Keep his name off ur lips!
  • Ctc6125
    California Cat
    Great listen for anyone who loves Kentucky football. Luckett is as knowledgeable as their is breaking down Kentucky Football, great addition by KSR. Rousch ain’t bad either
  • theguyfromcbi
    Only gave five cause that’s the most I could give
    Best pod KSR has produced! If you wanna hear about the X’s and O’s and the Jimmys and Joes this is the pod for you. Excellent work guys!
  • colejones30
    Love the show but...
    Great content and podcast. However, I’m considered about Nick’s knowledge when he says that Valdosta is the 2nd largest city in Georgia. It is in fact the 15th largest city in Georgia. #StickToSports
  • TimSiev
    Tim Sievert
    Nice insight from two knowledgeable football guys. Really get a good inside look at the game from a true football perspective. Very enjoyable.
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