Marketplace All-in-One

Business #99

Marketplace® is the leading business news program in the nation. We bring you clear explorations of how economic news affects you, through stories, conversations, newsworthy numbers and more. The Marketplace All-in-One podcast provides each episode of the public radio broadcast programs Marketplace, Marketplace Morning Report®and Marketplace Tech® along with our podcasts Make Me Smart, Corner Office and The Uncertain Hour. Visit for more. From American Public Media. Twitter: @Marketplace

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Recent Reviews
  • ncDino
    Keep focus on Economics, Markets, People, Policy…
    Leave out your own personal biases, political opinions, editorializing out of the reporting! ( 👀 @Kimberly!)
  • osmanypf
    Looking for something better
    This is more the host’s opinion rather than an explanation based on facts or what lies behind something.
  • CorviaBallefuocco
    NOT Liberal Junk BUT POV’s all from the wealthy side
    Interesting but useless if you’re not wealthy enough to pay for subscriptions to NY Times, Washington Post, etc. to get the full story … Still appreciate it greatly. Now wondering why it’s the only podcast that won’t play.
  • Frodrigm
    The Fed’s independence
    Thanks Kye and all the team at Marketplace for yesterday’s episode; every american citizen should listen this episode to really understand that a strong economy is only possible with strong and independent monetary policy!
  • Weiniss
    Heavily left-leaning news coverage
    I’ve tried to listen to this podcast because the programming is generally good, however I had to stop because they keep shoving leftist philosophies in my face. I get it. You guys are liberals. That’s fine. You don’t need to shove it in people’s faces.
  • moving on-missu
    What have you done? Where is the news?
    Just sad shell of what the program was 4 years ago. I miss the formerly solid, useful information. No focus on inflation and the stock market so much opinion and much of it is not useful. I check back every few months but I just give up.
  • Godambats
    High price of cheap clothes
    Is the employer also being prosecuted for hiring illegal employees? Are the workers being prosecuted for using false papers and living here illegally? This is the chicken and the egg of broken laws.
  • Marbear1234567
    Leaning left
    I used to love NPR because I felt that they were more bipartisan than most news outlets. Lately it seems that NPR leans heavily left. I’ll be looking for another outlet that does a better job of reporting the news, not newscaster’s opinions.
  • 40th & Macarthur
    “Stolen River” steals the show
    A brilliant story on water issues that artfully combines down-to-earth personal experience, science, history, and economics both local and national. A tour de force. Waiting for more.
  • jjjs78392
    Changes in Ads pushing me away
    I’ve listened to Marketplace for some time, sporadically on the radio, then a few podcasts, and then this All-In-One feed. I’ve made donations, including automatic monthly ones. But the intensification of the ads lately, culminating with the no-transition mid roll ads on Tech featuring one of Marketplace’s reporters reading copy that repeats “that is a fact” has made me less inclined to listen.
  • !--cogs--!
    Trying to “can” but failing
    I dunno. I like the attempt at easy breezy. But the words and delivery I’m hearing are maybe what middle schoolers can do.
  • Allred travels
    Historically great, recently commentated with bias or agenda
    I have been listening daily for years, love how informative it can be. In the past 18 months a noticeable and noted agenda has crept in in either people or topics the hosts personally disagree with that is counter to the mission of unpacking information, making it accessible to all and allowing the listener to interpret the impact. Recent examples are like Space-X, where Kimberly could not separate the news and information from her personal opinion about Elon Musk (even though it is not Elon running the company, and there are thousands of engineers, scientists and workers that put their efforts into it) and even commentated saying she had unfavorable thoughts celebrating the rocket explosion and saying effectively “that is what you get”. This does nothing to inform listeners, only acts to dog whistle to like minded, or alienate those that are not. Whether they agree or not with a single individual or Their tweets, should be separated from the company and it’s actions/effects. Like it or not, space x is doing more to revolutionize aerospace exploration than has happened in decades. Tesla is responsible for putting more EV’s on the road than all other companies and forcing sticker and the industry to evolve. This is a huge benefit for climate future. Yet there is a noticeable bent Austin’s the company through comments and coverage to discredit the achievements do to the dislike of the individual owning the company. He may be unliked because of his words or tweets, but there are large company CEO’s that get DUI’s, assault charges, embezzling or fraud that get less bad coverage from the show. Cover the companies, not the personalities please!!! Separately, we don’t do enough to cover economic impacts of policy change. Example - The Secure 2.0 act is something that should be being covered often as retirement plans are the largest source of retirement for most Americans (other than their home ownership) and the changes have a huge impact to these plans. It was not applied equally and non profits/government workers are those getting left behind the most because the legislation does not fully apply to them
  • Woodman3737
    Liberal junk
    At least try to tone down the bleeding heart liberalism
  • just.this.guy
    It used to be good
    Not sure how its happened. Perhaps I was more tolerant before. Molly Wood was an actual tech reporter. Her replacement was not. Maybe the the new one will learn to be. Ryssdall is so amazingly boring though he seems to think he’s funny. He’s just not. I give up. I’m moving on. Bye bye.
  • haleyelizharrell
    Ridiculous commentary. To suggest people have left others behind because we do not wear masks every time we step outside or in public is absolutely rich. Were you wearing a mask growing up? Now all of the sudden you are the moral police? Don’t be so stupid. Do not downplay the humanity of others because it doesn’t look how you want it to. I will be good to people, not because you tell me how to, because we are all human like the next. Embarrassing and childlike to be so negative and create such a divide just over masks when people care, but unlike you. Never listening again. Stick to business news not policing others on following your opinions, because you have no real morals or integrity. We will never leave behind our friends, but you want to see what you want to see. Grow up. For example, come to paris, where old lady’s walk with a cane and blow cigarette smoke in your face. You think she is evil? Or maybe she is like many, who live their life without unnecessary qualms, unlike you infants. If you think not wearing a mask is bad, you have many people to be angry at, and to speak behind a screen without actually saying something while in public is disgusting. But what’s funny is you would never get anywhere if you tried. You’re a unwise baby. You lean on your mic like a cane but you are not going anywhere like the women who minds her business. She is wise, you are not. That is the difference. It’s not effective and you don’t know what you really believe in because you have no real thoughts of your own, what you do is complain, and it shows your character. Not masking is not the worst problem in the world, it’s not to hurt others, as you say like an infant who has never had a problem in your life. I lost all my respect for you all. Do better and maybe one day I will listen again. Frankly, I am so appalled, and I do not belong in your space. Good luck.
  • Asteroid Avalanche
    Economics at its finest
    Everyday I would listen to your segment on NPR at 6:30 Pm EST until I had to travel and I now I have this extremely informative podcast available to listen to whenever! Great unbiased and information oriented podcast!
  • Robbiepolitico
    Abortion Rights
    I specifically tried to load up your podcast today because I did not want to have to hear about this. I can hear both sides on just about any other podcast in the world but I came here for business news.
  • tioleo8
    Like Brady and Bellichick’s breakup
    You thought it was all Bellichick then realize Brady was the gravy all along. Since Molly left it is so hard to listen to; Kai babysitting whoever the replacement is just don’t have any chemistry
  • Mnboatboy
    Daily economic news made understandable
    Kai and company make daily economic news understandable and easy to digest. They do some in-depth reporting on how changes in economy impact people affected by it. Love the show keep doing a great job
  • RuthlessRuthie
    Never miss it!
    My favorite podcast; I listen every day. Make Me Smart was just the right mix of info and entertainment to get me through the pandemic. Kai and Molly had good on air chemistry and she will be missed. The family knows not to bother me while I’m making dinner if they hear Kai on the radio.
  • Dreaming Warrior
    Love it all
    This is where i get my news. Great reporting. I love all the hosts and their different personalities! I’m going to miss Molly Wood!!! She was my fave!!!! I’m glad they amplify the voices of people outside the straight/white/male/able-bodied identity. Also, they speak up about big tech! EXCLAMATION MARK
  • alpen glow
    Episode : Necessary Evil
    I’ve just listened to a 30 minute ad for ‘Lithium America’. Shame on marketplace for such trash.
  • Iceman90DegreesSouth
    Stupid comments
    I just had to stop subscribing to this podcast because Molley Woods stupid comments and whiny voice just get on my nerves. This is unfortunate because I otherwise enjoyed the programming.
  • Mooj58
    My favorite - so well done!
    If I could only have one podcast stream it would be this consolidated Marketplace stream. I listen to every episode daily. I enjoy the topics, the hosts, the sources and even the music.
  • Not A. Secure
    Make me smart??
    Great topics but too giggly and not always very accurate. They don’t hesitate to make things up as filler while talking simultaneously...”wheee-e-e!”
  • 678912345647382
    Need better titles
    Who is the host? What show am I going to get? Can’t listen to it all, can’t figure out which show is which. Help please!!
  • dacsd1
    App loading issues.
    Your app never seems to load the episodes and is constantly buffering. I do not have this problem with any other podcast, only Marketplace. Please fix this problem. It has been happening for quite some time.
  • Vera Swift, from Brazil
    Best music
    There is the excellent writing, interesting approaches, cool delivery of the news and… the best music.
  • BurpMore
    Keep Molly, loose Kia!!!
    Kia is what’s wrong with news. Uncomfortable tackling difficult uncomfortable subjects. Molly loves to take them head on … and with humor too
  • Potter Matt
    I refer to the people that view the world as if from space as ‘space aliens’ in that their concerns are devorced from the real world (eg dogecoin, et al). I love to hear what the elite think, so insight is worthwhile.
  • KarSwiss
    One show has too much opening banter about nonsense , such as alcoholic beverages.
    I rely on marketplace all in one for a good chunk of my podcast listening. One awful thing about the all-in-one is that it includes one podcast between two people , K aaaa K, who ordinarily, by themselves, are serious, intelligent, powerful reporters. But put them together and they begin their podcast with several minutes of junk, a waste of the listeners’ time, as they talk about what they are drinking and other idiotic“Stuff” someone at PBS needs to tell them to cut that out
  • luvsfreepics
    Good content about the economy until the politics get thrown in. Kai and molly are clearly left leaning Californians who don’t know that good journalists should report the facts and let the listeners form their own opinions. More facts, less opinions please.
  • daomalic
    The soundtrack
    This show has the best soundtrack of any shows on my lists
  • MsGoodall
    Great show, gorgeous logo!
    Love all the marketplace shows.
  • sciencepyar
    Great podcast!
    Love the podcast content and hosts, thank you. A couple of hosts have annoying voices ugh only reason had to cut one star
  • Hopeless NPR addict
    Thank you!
    You guys make my day EVERY DAY. Thank you and keep it comin!
  • Crich2010
    I enjoy every podcast y’all put together, keep up the good work. To Molly/Kimberly on the make me smart Friday edition, try a Negroni Spagliato for your afternoon cocktail! A light, easy version of the Negroni. Bubbles make everything better. Stirred, not shaken. Otherwise, I particularly enjoy any focus on real estate related news. Thanks!
  • Strongbow73
    More news and less social justice
    Tune in for your daily dose of white shaming and how “systemic racism” is responsible for everything you have and have accomplished if you’re white. A good show that has become little more than BLM apologist outlet at best.
  • texex46
    Episode 257
    While self admittedly possibly drunk on tequila, host’s implies to audience that mail in voting and absentee voting are equivalent, (they are not), and completely ignores fraudulent voting issues since it may disfavor her political opposition. Either too ignorant to be a host or just blatantly dishonest.
  • Dork Queen
    Every thing in one place
    I love all the marketplaces, and now I have them all in one feed. I love it! Thank you for every wonderful, thoughtful, insightful pieces on all your marketplace shows ☺️
  • davidjoffe
    Great show without Molly Wood
    This show would be great without the flippancy of Molly Wood.
  • Bubba Farley
    Not enough social commentary? Try ‘Marketplace’
    To quote some often abused cliches from the various iterations of Marketplace: “stay in your lane”, social progress is “not in your wheelhouse”. It doesn’t help to “Make Me Smart” if the hosts are constantly trying to inject morsels of righteousness and indignation into my head space. How ‘bout sticking to your stated business model instead of diverting into off-topic detours that don’t give your listeners what they came for? You could always start another podcast to cover the other stuff that you can’t seem to stop blurting out
  • kitchensinkviews
    Happy to Find this podcast
    Just happened upon this as I was browsing for something new to listen to on my Covid Walks and I was not disappointed. I listened to the one on pay in big tech and the related discussion on action needed to bring readily available minority tech professionals into these companies. Yes! Talent is ready - go and find them where they are; expand your resources; cast a much larger net! And don’t forget women on breaks for raising children - they too are ready! Thanks for this informative discussion!
  • YodaOfCanton
    Factual and timely
    The stories and banter are factual with and appropriate injection of humor.
  • SixteenXray
    The one I was looking for
    Finally, after years of sitting in the car after my commute has technically ended to finish up the daily, a podcast to keep me as informed as the local APM broadcast.
  • SPM01
    Everything you need-All in 1 place
    There are lots of great business podcasts, but if you only have time to listen to one, the original end-of-day Marketplace is the best. If you have more time, Tech, Morning, BBC/Int’l as well as Make Me Smart go deeper on certain topics
  • Garyolaf
    Scary world
    You’re spending all your time looking for the scariest stories. How bout something upbeat? How bout finding the scientists who know this was already here in January. I didn’t get tested but I know I had it. It’s nonsense.
  • nickname--too hard
    I hit first star by mistake sorry
    Excellent. Listen daily.
  • kspany
    Love the show
    I’ve been listening for years, first time writing a review. Keep up the good work guys.
  • Ab2110
    One of the definitive news podcasts
    A more forthright news show centered on the economy. Very informative about the day’s business and economic news without being preachy one way or another. Also includes so many explainers to lay-people about complex ideas.
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