
MASTERPIECE Studio is your backstage pass to the PBS series—from Sherlock to Poldark. After the show, turn off the TV and tune in to MASTERPIECE Studio for the scoop with host Jace Lacob. Listen for exclusive interviews with the cast and crew of your favorite shows. Get the history lowdown behind the people and places you see on screen, and hear revealing stories from the set. MASTERPIECE Studio is made possible by Viking Cruises and Raymond James. Sponsors for MASTERPIECE on PBS are Viking Cruises, Raymond James, and The MASTERPIECE Trust.

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  • classical_antiquity
    Alice and Jack
    Such a terrible, and not a loving, love story. In real life we’d call that an abusive, dysfunctional relationship. She’s cruel—and no one cares why—and selfish. Maybe she has a personality disorder. She’s completely unlikeable, a harsh personality, and even harsh in appearance. Hard, sharp, angular, brittle and cruel. He was innocent and sweet, like a puppy she seems to enjoy kicking. Did watch it—kept waiting for it to get better, but it didn’t—but it left me feeling terrible. The ending was awful, with the child and the two graves. Maybe the message was that death put them out of their misery. She made him suffer, and he made his wife and daughter suffer because of it. He suffered too, but it was avoidable. She didn’t deserve him, that’s certain. Awful story. Please don’t do anything like that again, Masterpiece!
  • ZippyPup
    Rich complement to the TV Shows!
    I look forward to Jace Lacob’s interviews with the cast, writers, producers, and other creators of some of my favorite shows ever, especially All Creatures Great and Small. He does his research and asks great questions that make watching the shows even more enjoyable. It is clear how much he loves the shows too.
  • daisynjoey123
    Please get a host with an appealing voice!
    These interviews could be wonderful, but the host has a voice that’s hard on the ears, and he is not engaging with the guests.
  • C,.westfall
    Anna Madeley
    I loved listening to this interview regarding this last episode which expounded so much on her past and her feelings. She spoke almost as if she was being interviewed during that era yet I believe it is her reality of life today. That makes me realize how superficial many of our stars/celebrities present themselves and their lives. Ms. Madeley shows such humility, transparency and virtue. We think we have progressed to such openness and permissive to all, that we have lost innocence and boundaries that are for our virtue. CW
  • Vali333
    Keep it up Jace!!
    One of top 5 and always excited for a new episode. I’m a PBS addict and British television fan so it checks a big box for me!!
  • Ginagina Smith
    Pleasantly surprised!
    2 podcasts ago you talked about how dark everything is/would be for the characters; well Will is married & Jordy is back with his wife (& Mrs C is ok)…looking forward to season 8.
  • JazzAgeBaby
    Enjoy guests and insights
    I enjoy the guests and the insights into the various masterpiece series, but the host sounds like he’s reading off a paper and he sounds less than thrilled, even bored and detached while he’s interviewing. It’s uncomfortable to listen to, because all the enthusiasm for the topic is coming from the guests. Needs a host with conversational manner. I would say get a new host…
  • honolululistenet
    Say what ?
    Sound quality is sooo bad . Sounds like talking in a nasal tin can .
  • Old Time Music Enthusiast
    Get a New Host Please!
    Love PBS. Wish the podcast had a better host.
  • Pistodog
    Excellent Interviewer
    This show is fantastic. Host Jace Lacob is excellent interviewing everyone involved in Masterpiece Studio shows. He creates an atmosphere that allows the guests to open up and he lets them speak in paragraphs without interruption. He is a true talent.
  • rdingo
    Excellent guests, terrible interviewer
    Thank goodness the guests are so interesting, the interviewer pitches such simplistic and juvenile questions in such an uninspired way, it’s hard to understand how he got this job!?
  • Belinda Zuniga
    David Tennant is great
    Love this show that came out around the world in 80 days and he plays a good part of it and can’t wait for the second the episode of this show and really cool
  • Adore England
    Unforgotten ...Lang interview....
    I ran Season 4 on passport, just couldn’t believe the story itself,#1 dealing w/ Cassie’s being denied her full 30yrs retirement. Her tackling the freezer headless/handless corpse. But typical she’d get her man, no matter how negative the Dept became...writing on the wall of her finishing up her requirements & husbands new job. But her demise in ending, having been hemorrhaging all those mos, finally an explanation of her radical personality Chg’s. Very, very clever Chris Lang, U Got Me! Heart wrenching ending & brilliantly played, funeral, amazing. ✔️
  • Frances Arleen
    So Impressive!
    Jace Lacob is so impressive as a reviewer! He really does his homework & it shows. There is rarely an episode I listen to that I do not learn something I didn’t know. This podcast adds so much to the Masterpiece broadcast. Kudos!
  • #MidnightFan
    Yay Masterpiece!!
    I absolutely love it. Thank you! so entertaining!!
  • Bird songs
    A Masterpiece!
    Of all the podcasts that I listen to this is my ultimate favorite! The host is a dream to listen to and he is extremely well prepared. Commercials are short and sweet. The episodes are the perfect length. Quality is crisp and clear. Best of all it is family friendly. No cursing. None of the sexual innuendos that are so unfortunately common in podcasting. Our host is a true fan and it comes through in his interviews. Keep up the great work!
  • ok, read it!
    The word Masterpiece encompasses so much ... it really is a wonderful expression of the multitalented people that crest this program. I followed it for many year and for a while I lost contact due personal circumstances, but Great Creatures ... brought me back to the riches of this program. Thank you! It is wonderful to see characters like James and Helen and the rest of the community live in such harmony in the mist of all their differences. For those of us who live alone due to the pandemic , each episode is a breath of fresh air.
  • toribedford
    Excellent and SO interesting!
    Such a great deep dive into a fascinating story!
  • lakeshopping
    Q & A, not an interview
    I enjoy the Masterpiece but this podcast doesn’t do justice to the quality of the shows. The interviewer sounds like he has a prewritten list of questions, and throws those questions one by one to his guest. There is no follow up questions nor spontaneity. I enjoy when the guest starts to talk about his/her different projects, interests, or experiences. I hope the interviewer will show more interest to the guest rather than the plots and storylines.
  • MaryAlice715
    Perfect companion to your fave Masterpiece shows
    As an All Creatures Great and Small superfan I have loved getting to know the cast via this podcast. Lovely conversations, perfect length! Bravo!
  • Mackypooh
    Long Song Not Given Masterpiece Full Rollout
    There’s a lot to unpack in Long Song and some feels like ambivalence on part of Masterpiece compared to All Creatures and even the Miss Scarlet both playing same time. Those are Masterpiece de rigeur and All Creatures beauty and acting is an easy A. But Long Song is tremendous! If a bit threatening to the Masterpiece stalwarts like Victoria whose policies we see in action...and the beginning in which the narrator takes a delicious and gentle hit at heroines in other dramas...”this is not that story...” The interview w Tamara Lawrence where Jace Lacob calls Miss July an unreliable narrator is an example. Miss July is sarcastic and plays w a touch of surrealism, not unlike trickster techniques in indigenous literature by Gerald Vizenor or even the idea of Jazz interpretations of musical traditions. But she doesn’t lie and not unreliable at all—-rather honestly reflecting intense trauma and remaining a storyteller not a therapy session. These innovations are ways to subvert form while showing a mastery of it, in the same way oppressed cultures are submerged by power but then come up w innovations and resistance and new forms of art with humor. Alive voices. I say all this because I think Masterpiece, hilarious name in this context, is so steeped in one form of classics and training. And needs to read outside the box a bit more. Literary without a doubt but unsure when engaging other equally superb forms. Keep playing Masterpiece, so many forms of literature are pieces of excellence and don’t be afraid to learn especially when you get references, allusions, tools and techniques from outside English and French aristocracy. Jane Austen would encourage this! And don’t just tell One Black story in February. Keep going. There are a lot of incredible excellent stories out there. See Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo and The Roundhouse by Louise Erdrich. Best!
  • Gritstree
    Politics? Really?
    So disappointed.
  • CFT 3
    Endeavor finale
    GREAT, great show. Always love it, but this was a step up. Charlie
  • Sapphiremfmf
    Interesting and engaging
    The interviewer asks the most In depth and interesting questions that it usually makes him shine more than his guests! Nevertheless I love this podcast because of that!
  • mobydickswife
    Please, no spoilers in titles...
    I have written this before and will ask again. I watched the 5th episode of Grantchester knowing that something *bad* was about to happen and figuring it out. Please give more thought that some of us see this podcast list before we see the episode.
  • MrsBritishInfusion
    Season 2 Please!
    Sanditon is such a gem of a show. Us fans deserve a true Jane Austen ending.
  • Jen's_Atari2600
    Highly chiseled Qs
    Well produced, good production quality, as expected. Funny thing is, Mr. Lacob’s questions are often more interesting than the answers. The actors are left without much to add. (At least, for Poldark. The exception so far is Ms. Blakiston: she makes every answer interesting!) Also, the titles & descriptions are a minefield for spoilers. Often, the best plot morsels are sitting in full view, in the title & text summary. Yikes! Nowadays, I don’t listen until after I’ve watched the whole season. Thanks, Masterpiece, for training my skills in self-restraint!
  • kdmcw1975
    Just subscribed so I can follow the Sanditon podcasts. Can’t wait to listen.
  • RosendaV
    Sanditon is spectacular!
    Masterpiece, you have done it again. Thank you for airing this on PBS first of all. Sanditon is my favorite show! I love period dramas, but this one is exceptional! Bringing Austen’s story to life couldn’t have been done any better. The characters (actors) costumes, sets are so inspiring as it takes me back to a time of beauty and elegance. I love how the story is similar to real life. Not just your average romance story. There’s substance and grit, yet gentle innocence. I’ve really enjoyed watching the series each week, savoring every moment as I anticipate the next episode. Before this, I had no interest in Jane Austen although I’d hear about her books and have seen a few movies. However, Sanditon has captured my attention and has me craving more of her literature. This podcast is a lovely addition each week to dive deeper into the show and characters. Thank you for creating shows and movies like this. I do hope there will be a season 2 continuation of Sanditon because America loves this show!
  • CharlotteC14
    Sanditon Season 2!!!!!!
    After bingeing every episode (in two days) I cannot get enough Sanditon! The cast, the costumes, the plot, I need more!!!! Rumor has it itv has not renewed for season 2 and I am begging you to help make this happen! US-based fans are LOVING the series and there are too many unanswered questions to end the story like this. I stumbled upon this podcast and it was really wonderful to hear the cast speak about their characters in Sanditon. I enjoyed the hosts interview style very much!
  • Ntrovert60
    Very Good Podcast, but Too Many Spoilers
    Jace Lacob is an EXCELLENT interviewer, and really seems to ask questions that are on point and encourage the actors to talk in something other than sound bites. The downside is that there are too many spoilers - not on every episode, but they can be disappointing.
  • dasmsc
    Too many spoilers
    I’ve learned to listen to these after I have finished watching a show’s season. Too many spoilers— especially the interview with Debbie Horsfield about Poldark’s “upcoming season.” I have not read the books so I needed to stop after 5 minutes before my enjoyment of suspense in Season 5 was completely ruined. The same thing happened with Les Miserables. Some of us read the books AFTER (re)discovering them on Masterpiece.
  • tonesh
    A podcast to anticipate each week
    I love Jace Lacob. He seems to know as much about the show as each actor.
  • Hulu Gal
    Just could not follow the plot. Choppy to distraction.
  • Sparky's BFF
    He knows what to ask
    I live the pacing of the questions and the knowledge base from which he queries. Even more than Fresh Air he seems to be willing to say how much he loves a scene, asking how actors get to the emotion place required, how writers view original material, how directors approach iconic stories. Along with Terry Gross and Davis Sedaris I would invite Jace to my dinner party of sparking wits and conversationalist bright lights. Keep up the good work.
  • Psychic M
    Great Companion to the Series
    I’m a fan of the Masterpiece podcast as I am of the Masterpiece series. I like hearing the actors’ reflections on their characters and all of their insights on the writers and their job as actors. However, the interview with Alex Jennings was a bit tiring as Jace Lacob was repetitive in his questions and in general I don’t think he interviewed Mr. Jennings well at all. In fact, I have to agree with another interviewer that I don’t particularly think Mr. Lacob is the right choice for Masterpiece podcast. He sounds like he belongs in journalism that is lighter with more fluff rather than an esteemed series like Masterpiece. Otherwise, I think it’s a wonderful podcast idea. Perhaps another host soon.
  • kkearns11542
    Really Poor Interviewer But Great Subjects
    I would normally give a podcast produced by Masterpiece Studio a five-star and then some review but Jace Lacob is an insecure and poor interviewer. He asks questions, laughs at the right places unconvincingly and grovels and simpers respectably. That's not what I call an interviewer. Why oh why doesn't Masterpiece Studio replace him, please. ASAP. However, the actors and producers fill in a lot of story, generally, for the listening audience; in particular the interviews for "Mrs. Wilson," which was such a fraught and difficult story to tell. I appreciated hearing the additional bits of information that fleshed out the tragedy of the heroine's life. Thanks, Masterpiece Studio, for this podcast but reconsider its host.
  • Medievalmave
    Love and yet dislike
    I love listening to actors and writers talk about their crafts, but the questions are ... not the best. A better interviewer, please. Or at least some better questions.
  • IzzyFollows
    Actors/Writers connect Historical Fiction to our lives
    My favorite segments include “fact or fiction” and learning about how the period dramas reflect actual experiences. Without these podcasts, I may have never known about intriguing novels that guide some of the shows.
  • Yohannan
    Wonderful insights
    I love these Masterpiece Studio podcasts for so many reasons, but most of all, just listening to the actors talk of their roles. I always hear them mention something I hadn’t thought about. I love the historical contexts that is given as well. Bravo and thanks for these little gifts!!
  • Cyn708
    Definitely a masterpiece
    I love all the interviews, behind the scenes news, and informative tidbits about my favorite Masterpiece shows. Great podcast
  • Quill Ward
    Same question over and over
    What was it like to shoot this scene? What was it like to shoot that scene? The interviewer cannot get the best out of his subjects. Adds nothing to the enjoyment of the show. 👎🏼
  • sunnydaysinca
    A must for pbs fans
    I discovered this podcast by chance. Some of my favorite actors are interviewed with wonderful insight into the characters. Great behind the scenes and extras to my favorite shows.
  • Blackkumadog
    I'm a fan lol
    Me and my grandma have been watching Masterpiece since I was 8 (just so you know I'm 13 as of now) I'm a fan of Masterpiece my favorite is King Charles The III. Even if you weren't trying to, I personally find the Masterpiece series edactional and fun to watch. I just hope schools use this show to edacate other children and teens. -Ai A
  • mobsherman
    Why no episodes on the last Endeavor series?
    Why no new episodes on the last Endeavor series...big miss
  • L reviewer2013
    Good interviews
    Insightful interviews to learn more about the shows, characters, and actors who play them.
  • ashliz
    Slightly obsessed
    I’m pretty much obsessed with this podcast. Keep up the great work!
  • Jacqueline M.
    What a great podcast!
    I love this podcast, the interviewer really knows about each show he's talking about! Highly recommended for any PBS and BBC fan.
  • IndyLibby
    Love these interviews!!
    Jay does a fabulous job interviewing everyone. He’s a true fanboy with great insights and I look forward to each podcast.
  • amyelizabeth7
    I love the fact that there are so many TRUE facts written in these episodes! The actors and actresses are fantastic! I love masterpiece its really has the best shows ever!
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